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ngular Integrated Development Platform
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What is Angular
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Mobile • Web apps • Ionic • NativeScript
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Desktop • Web apps • Electron
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core (zones, di, abstractions, etc.)
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core (zones, di, abstractions, etc.) animations
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compiler core (zones, di, abstractions, etc.) animations
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http compiler core (zones, di, abstractions, etc.) animations
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forms http compiler core (zones, di, abstractions, etc.) animations
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forms http compiler core (zones, di, abstractions, etc.) router animations
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forms http compiler core (zones, di, abstractions, etc.) router i18n animations
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forms http compiler core (zones, di, abstractions, etc.) router ngUpgrade i18n animations
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PWA forms http compiler core (zones, di, abstractions, etc.) router ngUpgrade i18n animations
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Universal PWA forms http compiler core (zones, di, abstractions, etc.) router ngUpgrade i18n animations
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components Universal PWA forms http compiler core (zones, di, abstractions, etc.) router ngUpgrade i18n animations
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CLI components Universal PWA forms http compiler core (zones, di, abstractions, etc.) router ngUpgrade i18n animations
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language services CLI components Universal PWA forms http compiler core (zones, di, abstractions, etc.) router ngUpgrade i18n animations
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angularfire2 language services CLI components Universal PWA forms http compiler core (zones, di, abstractions, etc.) router i18n ngUpgrade animations
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angularfire2 language services CLI components Universal PWA forms http compiler core (zones, di, abstractions, etc.) router i18n ngUpgrade animations
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$ npm i -g @angular/cli $ ng new hello-world
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$ cd hello-world $ ng serve
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Angular Core
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Core • Components • Ultrafast Change Detection • More abstractions as you need them
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@Component({ selector: 'hello-world', template: '
Hello, {{}}!
' }) class HelloWorldComponent { getData() { fetch('') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => this.user = data); } } Hello world in Angular
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“Compiles your templates to JavaScript instructions”
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template.html Howdy! Here’s a list:
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compiled.js elementStart(0, "section"); text(1, " Howdy! Here's a list: "); elementStart(2, "ul"); elementStart(3, "li"); text(4, "First"); elementEnd(); elementStart(5, "li"); text(6, "Second"); elementEnd(); elementEnd(); elementEnd();
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compiled.js e(0, "section"); t(1, " Howdy! Here's a list: "); e(2, "ul"); e(3, "li"); t(4, "First"); n(); e(5, "li"); t(6, "Second"); n(); n(); n();
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compiled.js e(0,"section"),t(1,"Howdy! Here's a list: "),e(2,"ul"),e(3,"li"),t(4,"First"),n(),e(5,"l i"),t(6,"Second"),n(),n(),n();
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Development experience
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Typical JavaScript experience
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Angular is… • Built with TypeScript • Compile-time type checking • Great IDE/text editors support • Analyzable templates
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Type-checking and IntelliSense in templates
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“codelyzer is a project which aims to enforce common style and verify correctness of your program”
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Client Server
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Client Server
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Client Server GET / GET * loop
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Client Server GET / GET * loop Running JavaScript
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Client Server GET / GET * loop GET * loop
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Client Server GET / GET * loop GET * loop
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server-side rendering
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Client Server
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Client Server
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Client Server GET /
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Client Server GET / Running JavaScript
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Client Server GET / GET * loop
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Client Server GET / GET * loop Running JavaScript
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Client Server GET / GET * loop
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❤ Angular Community ❤
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ngAtlanta " ngIndia # Angular NL $ ng-conf " ngVikings % Angular Day & Angular in Depth ' ngDenver " NG-MY ( ng-japan ) NG-DE * ng-SriLanka + Angular Connect , ngSpain - NGRome & NG Honduras . ngTaiwan / ngTalks ' NG-BE 0 ngBolivia 1 AngularMix " ngPoland 2 AngularUP 3 ngChina 4
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Thank you!