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Improve Developer Productivity with Ephemeral Environments Adarsh Shah Engineering Leader, Coach, Public Speaker Founder at CloudKnit @shahadarsh @shahadarsh

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@shahadarsh Agenda • Challenges affecting Developer Productivity • Real examples • Use cases for Ephemeral Environments • How to implement Ephemeral Environments • Environment as Code • Demo (if we have time)

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@shahadarsh Show of Hands

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@shahadarsh Caution!

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@shahadarsh Challenges affecting Developer Productivity Troubleshooting mysterious bugs Replicating Environments is a pain Con fi guration Drift Rising Cloud Costs

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@shahadarsh Real examples • Devs waiting weeks for a new environment to be ready • Tearing down environments is not easy • Dev teams have monthly cloud budget

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@shahadarsh What is an Ephemeral Environment? Ephemeral environment (dynamic or short-lived environment) is the idea of provisioning an environment on-demand when needed and then destroying it afterward. It is a useful technique to test your IaC and applications running on it without a need to keep it running all the time.

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@shahadarsh Use Cases for Ephemeral Environments

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@shahadarsh Developer Environments • Shared Environments • Ability to create new Development environment • Tear them down when not needed

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@shahadarsh Test Environments Test Product Features Performance/Load testing Troubleshoot Production Issues

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@shahadarsh Preview Environments Test Major Upgrades Experimentation Other use cases Demo Environments Sandbox Environments Blue Green Deployments Blue Green

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@shahadarsh Environment as Code

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@shahadarsh Environment as Code networking eks website postgres networking website eks postgres Declarative Environment as Code +

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@shahadarsh Environment as Code

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@shahadarsh IaC vs EaC Infrastructure as Code Automates various Lego Pieces 
 (i.e. Infrastructure Resources) Environment as Code Automates how those Lego Pieces 
 are connected to make up a Lego Toy 
 (i.e. Entire Environment)

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@shahadarsh Environment as Code Environment as Code (EaC) is an abstraction over Cloud native tools that provides a declarative way of de fi ning an entire Environment. It has a Control Plane that manages the state of the environment, including relationships between various resources, Detects Drift as well enables Reconciliation.

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@shahadarsh Imperative to Declarative HOW Pipelines EaC WHAT

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@shahadarsh Provision Environment Environment as Code Environment State (Manages dependencies, status etc. ) State networking eks State website postgres State networking website eks postgres Provision Reconcile Declarative Detect Drift Control Plane +

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@shahadarsh networking website eks postgres Teardown Environment Environment as Code Environment State (Manages dependencies, status etc. ) State networking State website eks postgres State Teardown Reconcile Declarative Detect Drift Control Plane +

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@shahadarsh Attributes of Environment as Code

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@shahadarsh Ability to de fi ne Entire Environment

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@shahadarsh Create Pull Request, EaC Validate Validate Approve & 
 Merge PR Control Plane Reconcile GitOps for Environment EaC Trunk networking platform-k8s k8s-addons postgres Observe Branch networking eks website postgres

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@shahadarsh How Ephemeral environments help improve developer productivity? Make Replicating Environments Easy No Con fi guration Drift Reduces Cloud Costs Con fi dence

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@shahadarsh Provision v1 v1 v1 User Mutable Infrastructure { } IaC Apply changes v2 v2 v2 Change { } IaC v1 v1 v1 Provision User Provision v2 v2 v2 User Immutable Infrastructure { } IaC Change { } IaC Deploys v2 to same Infrastructure Provisions new Infrastructure with v2

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@shahadarsh Shift Left & Shift Right Ephemeral Envs/CI etc. Shift Left Shift Right Test in Production vs and

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Thank You @shahadarsh Adarsh Shah Engineering Leader, Coach, Public Speaker Founder at CloudKnit @shahadarsh