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DevOps for Data Science Experiences from building a cloud-based data science pla6orm ... Anand Chi)pothu rorodata

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Who is Speaking? Anand Chi)pothu @anandology Co-founder and pla.orm architect of @rorodata Worked at Internet Archive & Strand Life Sciences Advanced programming courses at @pipalacademy

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DevOps for Data Science

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Managing Data Science in Produc1on is Hard! • The tools and prac0ces are not very mature • Everyone ends up building their own solu0ons • Building own solu0ons require careful system architecture and complex devops

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The Goal: The Effec-ve Data Science Team • The data science team is self-sufficient to build end-to-end ML applica8ons • Not steep learning curve

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How? ???

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Inspira(on from Origami

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Flapping Bird - Crease Pa1erns

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Take Aways • Focus on the experience • Right-level of abstrac8on

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Example: Heroku To deploy a web applica.on: $ git push heroku master

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Case Studies • Lauching notebooks • Deploy ML models as an APIs

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Case Study 1: Launching Notebooks

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Launching Notebooks - Challenges • Switching between different compute needs • Installing required so9ware dependencies • Data storage • GPU support

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Abstrac(ons • Project • Run-me • Instance Size

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Project Manages all the notebooks, data and the specified so4ware dependencies.

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Run$me Base so'ware setup for the project. • python3-tensorflow • python3-keras • python3-pytorch

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Instance Size Different instance sizes to pick from: • S1 - 1 CPU core, 1 GB RAM • S2 - 1 CPU core, 3.5 GB RAM • M1 - 2 CPU core, 15 GB RAM • X1 - 64 CPU core, 1024 GB RAM • G1 - 4 CPU cores, 60GB RAM, 1 K100 GPU

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How to specify addi/onal dependencies? • runtime.txt: specifies the • environment.yml: conda environment file with python dependencies • requirements.txt: python dependencies to be installed from pip • apt.txt: system packages that need to be installed • postBuild: script for custom needs Wri$ng a Dockerfile is too low-level.

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Behind the Scenes • Two docker images are built for each project - One for CPU and another for GPU • Run@mes are also built using the same approach • Manages compute instances • Pools the compute resources to op@mize resource consump@on • Uses a network file system to persist data and notebooks • Automa@c endpoint and HTTPS management

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Sample Usage (1/4)

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Sample Usage (2/4)

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Sample Usage (3/4)

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Sample Usage (4/4)

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Case Study 2: Deploying Machine Learning Models

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Challenges • Designing and documen/ng APIs • Running the service and configuring URL endpoints • Scale to meet the usage • Client library to use the API • Authen/ca/on • Tracking the usage and performance

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Tradi&onal Approach

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Observa(ons Running a Python func/on as an API is hard! It doesn't have to be!!

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Right-level of Abstrac3on! Step 1: Write your func1on # def square(n): """compute square of a number. """ return n*n

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Step 2: Run it as an API $ firefly sq.square ... Firefly is the open-source library that we built to solve that problem.

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Step 3: Use it >>> import firefly >>> api = firefly.Client("") >>> api.square(n=4) 16 Out-of the box client library to access the API.

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What about ML models? Write your predict func-on and run it as API. # import joblib model = joblib.load("model.pkl") def predict(image): ...

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Integra(on Write a config file in the project specifying what services to run. services: - name: api function: face_detection.predict size: S2

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Need Javascript support? services: - name: api function: face_detection.predict size: S2 cors_allow_origins: *

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Need to scale up? services: - name: api function: face_detection.predict size: S2 cors_allow_origins: * scale: 4

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The Push Bu)on The deploy command submits the code to pla3orm and it starts the requires services in that project. $ roro deploy ...

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Behind the Scenes • It builts the docker images • Starts the specified services • Provides URL endpoints with HTTPS

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Good Design is Invisible!

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Summary • Making the data science team self-sufficient is key to their produc9vity • Op9mize for developer experience • Right-level of abstrac9on is the key!

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Thank You! Anand Chitipothu @anandology