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Matthew Lyon @mattly Let’s Make Music a quick tour Thursday, May 16, 13

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get out of the box and play with others Thursday, May 16, 13

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M I D I first demo in 1983 (that’s 30 years ago) Dave Smith + Robert Moog + many others usical nstrument igital nterface Thursday, May 16, 13

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MIDI is a serial protocol npm: midi (linux, mac, windows) channel messages note event control event program change panic system messages Thursday, May 16, 13

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note events 144, 60, 100 channel & type, pitch, velocity Thursday, May 16, 13

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github:mattly/nodepdx_music Thursday, May 16, 13

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control events 176, 74, 83 channel & type, control, value Thursday, May 16, 13

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O S C developed at UC Berkeley open-ended messages UDP for transport not enough time to go into it pen ound ontrol Thursday, May 16, 13

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inStream .pipe(filter) .pipe(effect) .pipe(generator) .pipe(outStream) you really want EventEmitters though Thursday, May 16, 13

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.pipe(filter) .pipe(effect) inStream .pipe(outStream) generator .pipe(filter) .pipe(effect) Thursday, May 16, 13

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function composition as a series of pipes Thursday, May 16, 13

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Quartz Composer Pure Data Max/Msp Reaktor Thursday, May 16, 13