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When in doubt, trust the browser

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I'm Pieter Beulque Front-end Developer

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Show what's possible without the trusted npm install Goal of today

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Let's build a tweet embed

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Let's start!

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Custom Elements Defining a re-usable component

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Custom Elements Create your own Progressive enhancement dream Initializes whenever a node is added to the DOM Anything is possible!

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Custom Elements There's a very good introduction on Google Developers' Web Fundamentals

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Shadow DOM King of the castle

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Shadow DOM Isolate component's DOM Scope component styles

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Shadow DOM Isolate component's DOM Scope component styles

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Also Also

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Shadow DOM :host & ::slotted()

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Shadow DOM :host

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Shadow DOM

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Shadow DOM

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Shadow DOM There's another very good introduction on Google Developers' Web Fundamentals

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Browser support Both can be polyfilled: All evergreen browsers Edge starting January 2020 No Internet Explorer

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Use it in production?

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Custom Elements Yes, but… Have been using it for 3 years Has its limitations Wouldn't use it for applications

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Shadow DOM You could, but… Falls short compared to frameworks Feels clunky

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My thoughts Great to sprinkle Javascript on top of content websites More accessible out of the box than a everything-in-JS approach Probably run into limits when using for applications

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North star Custom Elements as a compile target ✨ Stencil & Svelte already support this.

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Let's move on

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Internationalization API Intl.RelativeTimeFormat

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Internationalization API Format dates, numbers and plurals The browser already has all languages Your browser knows your user's preferences

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Internationalization API new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat( 'en', ).format( value, unit )

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Internationalization API new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat( 'en', // Any valid locale ).format( value, // A number, positive = future, negative = past unit // 'months', 'days', 'years', … )

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Internationalization API new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat('en').format(1, 'day') in 1 day new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat('nl').format(-1, 'year') 1 jaar geleden new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat('fr').format(0, 'month') dans 0 mois

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That's not very human new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat('en').format(1, 'day') in 1 day new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat('fr').format(0, 'month') dans 0 mois

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That's not very human new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat( 'en', { numeric: 'auto' } ).format(1, 'day') tomorrow ce mois-ci new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat( 'fr', { numeric: 'auto' } ).format(0, 'month')

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Browser support There's a polyfill from Chrome, Firefox and Opera No Safari No Edge or Internet Explorer

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Use it in production?

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Internalization API Definitely! Save bandwidth on translation files All edge cases handled automatically Locale 'default' uses your user's preferences

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1 + 1 = 2 Let's recap

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Let's build a reusable, standalone component that turns a time into a human-readable, relative time

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Define attributes to watch for changes Run the formatter on every change

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Define attributes to watch for changes Run the formatter on every change

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Zero dependencies. Self-contained. Re-usable. 20 LOC.

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OK, I cheated a little. The code that calculates the date difference adds another 30 lines.

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All in a single file?

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ES Modules Do you really need a bundler?

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The browser knows what to do.

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Browser support Everywhere but IE & UC Browser Serve bundle as a fallback, thanks to nomodule

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Progressive Enhancement is beautiful And browsers are amazingly good at it.

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Use it in production?

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ES Modules Yes, with caution Definitely needs HTTP/2 No problem for small amount of modules Watch out for huge dependency trees

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North star ES Modules as a bundling target ✨ Rollup & Parcel already support this.

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One more thing

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Built-in lazy loading Unofficial, Chrome-only

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So remember…

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When in doubt, trust the browser

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Thank you! Questions? @pieterbeulque