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Mind your product language Mind the Product, Hamburg 2022 ©2020 Andrew Polaine Andy Polaine, PhD @apolaine

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©2020 Andrew Polaine 01. Semantics

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©2020 Andrew Polaine “Well, if you want to talk semantics…”

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“Words create worlds” – Abraham Joshua Heschel ©2020 Andrew Polaine Prisoner of War Asylum Seeker Activist Invasion Enemy Combatant Illegal Immigrant Terrorist Special Operation Semantics matter

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©2020 Andrew Polaine 02. Industrial thinking

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Ford assembly line at rest during a strike, September 1945 Source: Life magazine archive ©2020 Andrew Polaine Industrial mindset: Fixed products, departmental silos, top-down, command & control management.

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©2020 Andrew Polaine These are not products

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©2020 Andrew Polaine "Services created in silos are experienced in bits” – Løvlie, Polaine, Reason, Service Design

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©2020 Andrew Polaine “Many companies are confused by the word product. You say product and people think of an app, a feature, or an interface. Products are vehicles for value.” — Melissa Perri, The Build Trap

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©2020 Andrew Polaine Image: Ethan Weil on Unsplash Shift the focus from designing for users and things to designing for people’s activities in a broader context

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©2020 Andrew Polaine 03. Ecosystem thinking

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©2020 Andrew Polaine Product service ecosystems are exponentially nested layers of complexity Single touchpoint “product” Source: Polaine (2016), Design to the Power of Ten

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©2020 Andrew Polaine Product service ecosystems are exponentially nested layers of complexity Multi-touchpoint & channel service Single touchpoint “product” Source: Polaine (2016), Design to the Power of Ten

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©2020 Andrew Polaine Product service ecosystems are exponentially nested layers of complexity Business ecosystems Multi-touchpoint & channel service Single touchpoint “product” Source: Polaine (2016), Design to the Power of Ten

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©2020 Andrew Polaine Product service ecosystems are exponentially nested layers of complexity Political, economic, social, technological, environmental, legal ecosystems Business ecosystems Multi-touchpoint & channel service Single touchpoint “product” Source: Polaine (2016), Design to the Power of Ten

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©2020 Andrew Polaine Photo by hello-i-m-nik on Unsplash

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©2020 Andrew Polaine Image source & ©:

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©2020 Andrew Polaine These are not the flowers you think they are Image source & ©:

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©2020 Andrew Polaine These are discarded bikeshare bikes – the physical consequences of “digital” disruption Image source & ©:

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©2020 Andrew Polaine VC funded Product lens Scale No feedback loop Photo by Lucian Alexe on Unsplash

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©2020 Andrew Polaine 05. A different metaphor

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©2020 Andrew Polaine “My sense is that Slack’s teams think of themselves as adding ‘features’ to a ‘product,’ instead of as stewards of a place where people work.” – Jorge Arango, Not Just a New Feature; a New Compact

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©2020 Andrew Polaine Image: Durkc - Wikimedia

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Gardens require long-term thinking. ©2020 Andrew Polaine Image: Durkc - Wikimedia

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Gardens require long-term thinking. Nobody says “we shipped the garden.” ©2020 Andrew Polaine Image: Durkc - Wikimedia

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When you work on features, make sure you connect to the rest of the garden. ©2020 Andrew Polaine Image: Anna Shvets on Pexels

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Danke! ©2020 Andrew Polaine Andy Polaine – Service Design & Innovation Training and Coaching Twitter: @apolaine Newsletter: Podcast: Slides: