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ServDes2023 | 11th-14th, July, 2023. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
SD focusing on “social” & “digital” aspects
● Design for social transformation
○ Transition Design (Irwin 18): design approach to achieve social transformation toward a desirable future.
Stakeholders are involved in future visioning and the long-term interventions
○ Transformative SD (Sangiorgi 11), SD for social innovation (Yang&Sung 16): a participatory action
research to implement the transformative interventions for achieving social change
● Service System + Digital tech
○ New system concepts: Smart service system (Lim&Maglio 18), Smart PSS (Valencia+ 15), Digital
service system (Watanabe+ 20)
○ Design methods: Developed mainly in Sys. Eng. and PSS research arena (e.g., Halstenberg+ 19; Li&Lu
21; Tsunetomo+ 22)
Research gap:
These two approaches, design for social transformation and DSS design, have been dealt
with separately and rarely intersected, although they are key to social innovation
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