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Getting ready for Drupal 11 João Ventura Drupal Developer @ “when I have free time”

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© Al Case CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 © Jeff Hitchcock (CC BY 2.0) 11 10 12

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When is the Drupal 11 release party? A: in ~82 days

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What’s new in Drupal 11 ● Nothing! It will be the same as Drupal 10.3* ● New dependencies ○ Symfony 7 ○ jQuery 4 ○ PHPUnit 10 (testing) ● Upgraded requirements ○ PHP 8.3 🚀 ○ Composer 2.7 ○ MariaDB 10.6 or MySQL 8 or PostgreSQL 16 * deprecated modules removed

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Upgrade to Drupal 11 ASAP? ● Maybe no ○ Sites can wait until LTS ends, and upgrade to next LTS ○ Major advantage: contrib will be ready for the upgrade. ● Maybe yes ○ New features (and new bugs) ○ What if everyone waits 2 years before upgrading contrib?

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Drupal 11 will be released ~ July 29th 2024 Drupal core release cycle Each major will have 2 years of active support + 2 years of LTS

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Coming soon ONLY to Drupal 11 ● Automatic updates ● Project browser ● Experience Builder ● and anything else needed for Starshot

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Upgrade strategies ● One-off sites ● Agency Distribution / starter project ● Module maintainer Common solution: get Drupal 11 running now, and test Drupal 11.0.0-alpha1 released 1 week ago.

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Contrib packages

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Slide 13 text ● Almost 15% already have D11 support ● 54% only need to add “|| ^11” to .info.yml ● Update bot patches for ~6% ● ~25% will need more work ● Contrib maintainers need to maintain! ● Project Update Working Group (🚑) ● 25% of D9 projects never got upgraded to D10 before D9 EOL !! Current state of contrib packages

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Upgrade tools

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Lenient composer plugin ● Drupal 8 to Drupal 9 upgrades used the lenient composer endpoint that removed the drupal/core requirement "repositories": { "lenient": {"type": "composer", "url": "" } "8": {"type": "composer", "url": "" } }, ● Now replaced with the composer-drupal-lenient plugin "require": { "cweagans/composer-patches”: "^1.7”, "mglaman/composer-drupal-lenient": "^1.0" }, Same principle, but drupal/core bypass is now local. i

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Lenient composer plugin ● allow-list for those modules/themes/profiles that composer would refuse to install due to incompatible reqs: "extra": { "drupal-lenient": { "allowed-list": [ "drupal/admin_toolbar", "drupal/token", ]}}, ● Easy way to search for those contrib packages: grep -R core_version_requirement web/*/contrib/*/*.info.yml ii

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Upgrade bot ● Upgrade bot is a a set of static analysis tools that analyse the code of all not-yet compatible projects and generates a patch and merge request to remove most code deprecations ○ Not all deprecations ○ Now also supports changing the info.yml ● Issues can be identified by title “Automated Drupal 11 compatibility fixes for foobar” ○ Test, review and merge if maintainer ⇢ pass Go

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Composer patches plugin ● Either created manually or from update bot "extra": { "patches": { "drupal/foobar": { "D11": “–-4-drupal_11_compatibility.patch” } }}, ● Never use a merge request plain text diff to patch!! ⚠⚠ ○ Major security risk 🚨 ○ Use commit patch or upload the current state of MR

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Drupal rector ● Install in require-dev "require-dev": { "palantirnet/drupal-rector”: "^0.20” }, ● Copy rector.php to project root cp vendor/palantirnet/drupal-rector/rector.php . ● Analyse for deprecations vendor/bin/rector process web/modules/custom/[YOUR_MODULE] --dry-run ● Apply changes vendor/bin/rector process web/modules/custom/[YOUR_MODULE]

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Upgrade status module ● Drupal 10 module to check current status of used packages ● Install also in dev "require-dev": { "drupal/upgrade_status”: "^4.3” }, ● See for detailed installation instructions ● FTW!

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DDEV ● Can’t use PHP 8.3 yet because of… ● DDEV provides docker-based local development environments ● Installation instructions: ● Go back in time, and watch Mauricio’s session 2h ago

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Makers 👍 Takers 👎👎

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Developers ● Any error in a contrib package should be reported in the d.o issue queue ○ First, check if fix already exists ■ If merged, and works (!), mark RTBC; done ○ Create MR, patch commit diff and mark “Needs Review” ● Local patch ○ 0% chance of being merged ○ Hard to maintain ○ Effort needed

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Maintainers ● Regularly check for RTBC issues ○ Test and merge (or ⇢ Needs work) ● Check for Upgrade Bot issue ○ Test, merge and create new D11 release ● Provide contribution credits ● Create roadmap ● Not a maintainer? Maintainer is MIA? ○ Apply to be a maintainer!

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Agencies ● Promote open-source culture!! ● Provide paid time for contrib work ○ Developer reputation 🤩 ○ d.o/marketplace credit 🤑 ● Co-maintain or sponsor “go-to” packages ● Maintain your modules (even if no longer used…) ○ Don’t reinvent the wheel

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Questions? Also see

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