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Concurrent Ruby Modern Tools Explained Anil Wadghule @anildigital

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What this talk is about? Overview of Concurrency models & comparison Theory of Concurrency Models What is concurrent-ruby? General purpose concurrency abstractions Thread-safe value objects, structures and collections Thread-safe variables Threadpools Thread Sychronization classes and algorithms Edge features of concurrent-ruby library

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Concurrency models

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Concurrency models Threads / Mutexes Software Transactional Memory Actors Evented Coroutines CSP Processes / IPC

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Model Execution Scheduling Communication Concurrent/ Parallel Implementation Mutexes Threads Preemptive Shared memory (locks) C/P Mutex Software Transactional Memory Threads Preemptive Shared memory (commit/abort) C/P Clojure STM Processes & IPC Processes Preemptive Shared memory
 (message passing) C/P Resque/Forking CSP Threads/Processes Preemptive Message passing (channels) C/P Golang / concurrent- ruby Actors Threads/Processes Preemptive Message passing (mailboxes) Erlang / Elixir / Akka / concurrent-ruby Futures & Promises Threads Cooperative Message passing (itself) C/P concurrent-ruby / Celluloid Co-routines 1 process / thread Cooperative Message passing C Fibers Evented 1 process / thread Cooperative Shared memory C EventMachine Concurrency models compared

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Threads Shared mutability is the root of all evil Deadlocks & Race conditions Solutions? With synchronisation / mutexes / locks?

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Threads Pros No scheduling needed by program (preemptive) Operating system does it for you Most commonly used Cons Context switching & scheduling overheard Deadlocks & Race conditions Sychronization & Locking issues

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Amdahl’s Law To predict the theoretical maximum speedup for program processing using multiple processors. The speedup limited by the time needed for the sequential fraction of the program If N is the number of processors, s is the time spent by a processor on serial part of a program, and p is the time spent by a processor on a parallel part of a program, then the maximum possible speedup is given by: 1 / (s+p/N) Synchronization & communication overhead

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STM (Software Transactional Memory) Software_transactional_memory “…completing an entire transaction verifies that other threads have not concurrently made changes to memory that it accessed in the past. This final operation, in which the changes of a transaction are validated and, if validation is successful, made permanent, is called a commit…”

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STM (Software Transactional Memory) “Don’t wait on lock, just check when we’re ready to commit” # Thread 1
 atomic { 
 - read a variable
 - increment a variable
 - write a variable
 } # Thread 2 
 atomic {
 - read variable
 - increment variable
 # going to write but Thread1 has written a variable…
 # notices Thread1 changed data, so ROLLS BACK
 - write variable

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Actor Model Carl Hewitt, Peter Bishop Richard Steiger A Universal Modular ACTOR Formalism for Artificial Intelligence, 1973

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CSP - Communicating Sequential Processes CSP, 1978 - Paper by Tony Hoare,

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CSP - Communicating Sequential Processes Practically applied to in industry as a tool for specifying and verifying the concurrent aspects of variety of different systems Processes - No threads. No shared memory. Fixed number of processes. Channels - Communication is synchronous (Unlike Actor model) Influences on design Go, Limbo

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CSP - Communicating Sequential Processes Adaptation among languages Message passing style of programming Addressable processes Unknown Processes with Channels OCaml, Go, Clojure Erlang

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CSP - Communicating Sequential Processes Pros Uses message passing and channels heavily, alternative to locks Cons Handling very big messages, or a lot of messages, unbounded buffers Messaging is essentially a copy of shared

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Actor Model vs. CSP CSP Actor model Send & Receive may block (synchronous) Only receive blocks Messages are delivered when they are sent No guarantee of delivery of messages Synchronous Send message and forget Works on one machine Work on multiple machines (Distributed by default) Lacks fault tolerance Fault tolerance

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Ruby Threads

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Ruby concurrency Deadlocks and Race conditions Mutex # For thread safety

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Ruby - GVL Global VM Lock (aka GIL - Global Interpreter Lock) What happens with GVL? With GVL, only one thread executes a time Thread must request a lock If lock is available, it is acquired If not, the thread blocks and waits for the lock to become available Ruby’s runtime guarantees thread safety. But it makes no guarantees about your code.

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Ruby - GVL Blocking or long-running operations happens outside of GVL You can still write performant concurrent (as good as Java, Node.js) in a Ruby app if it does only heavy IO Multithreaded CPU-bound requests GVL is still issue. Ruby is fast enough for IO (network) heavy applications (In most cases)

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Ruby - Why GVL? Makes developer’s life easier (It’s harder to corrupt data) Avoids race conditions C extensions It makes C extensions development easier Most C libraries are not thread safe Parts of Ruby’s implementation aren’t thread safe (Hash for instance)

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Ruby lacks Better concurrency abstractions Java has java.util.concurrent Ruby didn't not have actor model Ruby didn’t have STM Ruby didn’t have better concurrency abstractions. Ruby has concurrent-ruby gem now concurrent-ruby gem provides concurrency aware abstractions (Inspired from other languages)

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What is concurrent-ruby?

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concurrent-ruby - what is it? Modern concurrency tools for Ruby. Inspired by Erlang, Clojure, Scala, Haskell, F#, C#, Java, and classic concurrency patterns.

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concurrent-ruby Be an 'unopinionated' toolbox that provides useful utilities without debating which is better or why Design Goals

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concurrent-ruby Stay true to the spirit of the languages providing inspiration Design Goals

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concurrent-ruby Keep the semantics as idiomatic Ruby as possible Design Goals

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concurrent-ruby Support features that make sense in Ruby Design Goals

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concurrent-ruby Exclude features that don't make sense in Ruby Design Goals

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concurrent-ruby Be small, lean, and loosely coupled Design Goals

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concurrent-ruby MRI 1.9.3, 2.0 and above, JRuby 1.7x in 1.9 mode, JRuby 9000 Rubinius 2.x are supported Supported Runtimes

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concurrent-ruby Strongest thread safety guarantees. Published memory model Provices onsistent behavior and guarantees MRI/CRuby, JRuby, and Rubinius. Thread Safety

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concurrent-ruby Every abstraction in this library is thread safe. Similarly, all are deadlock free and many are fully lock free Specific thread safety guarantees are documented with each abstraction. Thread Safety

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concurrent-ruby Ruby is a language of mutable references. No concurrency library for Ruby can ever prevent the user from making thread safety mistakes. All the library can do is provide safe abstractions which encourage safe practices. Thread Safety

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concurrent-ruby Concurrent Ruby provides more safe concurrency abstractions than any other Ruby library Many of these abstractions support the mantra of "Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by communicating". Thread Safety

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concurrent-ruby Only Ruby library which provides a full suite of thread safe immutable variable types data structures Thread Safety

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General Purpose Concurrency Abstractions Concurrent::Async Concurrent::Future* Concurrent::Promise* Concurrent::ScheduledTask* Concurrent::TimerTask*

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Concurrent::Async class Echo include Concurrent::Async def echo(msg) print "#{msg}\n" end end horn = horn.echo('zero') # synchronous, not thread-safe # returns the actual return value of the method horn.async.echo('one') # asynchronous, non-blocking, thread-safe # returns an IVar in the :pending state horn.await.echo('two') # synchronous, blocking, thread-safe # returns an IVar in the :complete state

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Concurrent::Future* class Ticker def get_year_end_closing(symbol, year) uri = "{symbol}&a=11&b=01&c=#{year} &d=11&e=31&f=#{year}&g=m"
 data = open(uri) {|f| f.collect{|line| line.strip } } data[1].split(',')[4].to_f end end General Purpose Concurrency Abstraction

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Concurrent::Future* # Future price = Concurrent::Future.execute{'TWTR', 2013) } price.state #=> :pending price.pending? #=> true price.value(0) #=> nil (does not block) sleep(1) # do other stuff price.value #=> 63.65 (after blocking if necessary) price.state #=> :fulfilled price.fulfilled? #=> true price.value #=> 63.65 General Purpose Concurrency Abstraction

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Concurrent::Future* count = Concurrent::Future.execute{ sleep(10); raise"Boom!") }
 count.state #=> :pending count.pending? #=> true count.value #=> nil (after blocking) count.rejected? #=> true count.reason #=> # General Purpose Concurrency Abstraction

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Concurrent::Future* General Purpose Concurrency Abstraction actioncable/test/client_test.rb

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Concurrent::Promise*{10} .then{|x| x * 2} .then{|result| result - 10 } .execute General Purpose Concurrency Abstraction

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Concurrent::Promise* p = Concurrent::Promise.execute{ "Hello, world!" } sleep(0.1) p.state #=> :fulfilled p.fulfilled? #=> true p.value #=> "Hello, world!" General Purpose Concurrency Abstraction

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Concurrent::Promise* General Purpose Concurrency Abstraction actioncable/test/client_test.rb

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Concurrent::ScheduledTask* # ScheduledTask task = Concurrent::ScheduledTask.execute(2) {'INTC', 2016) 
 } task.state #=> :pending sleep(3) # do other stuff task.unscheduled? #=> false task.pending? #=> false task.fulfilled? #=> true task.rejected? #=> false task.value #=> 26.96 General Purpose Concurrency Abstraction

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Concurrent::ScheduledTask* # ScheduledTask with error task = Concurrent::ScheduledTask.execute(2){ raise'Call me maybe?') } task.pending? #=> true # wait for it... sleep(3) task.unscheduled? #=> false task.pending? #=> false task.fulfilled? #=> false task.rejected? #=> true task.value #=> nil task.reason #=> # General Purpose Concurrency Abstraction

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Concurrent::ScheduledTask* General Purpose Concurrency Abstraction activejob/lib/active_job/queue_adapters/async_adapter.rb

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Concurrent::TimerTask* task ={ puts 'Boom!' } task.execute task.execution_interval #=> 60 (default) task.timeout_interval #=> 30 (default) # wait 60 seconds... #=> 'Boom!' task.shutdown #=> true General Purpose Concurrency Abstraction

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Concurrent::TimerTask* class TaskObserver def update(time, result, ex) if result print "(#{time}) Execution successfully returned #{result}\n" elsif ex.is_a?(Concurrent::TimeoutError) print "(#{time}) Execution timed out\n" else print "(#{time}) Execution failed with error #{ex}\n" end end end General Purpose Concurrency Abstraction

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Concurrent::TimerTask* task = 1, timeout_interval: 1) { 42 } task.add_observer( task.execute #=> (2016-10-13 19:08:58 -0400) Execution successfully returned 42 #=> (2016-10-13 19:08:59 -0400) Execution successfully returned 42 #=> (2016-10-13 19:09:00 -0400) Execution successfully returned 42 task.shutdown General Purpose Concurrency Abstraction

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Concurrent::TimerTask* General Purpose Concurrency Abstraction

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Thread-safe Value Objects, Structures and Collections Concurrent::Array Concurrent::Hash Concurrent::Map Concurrent::Tuple

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Concurrent::Hash activesupport/lib/active_support/execution_wrapper.rb

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Concurrent::Map activesupport/lib/active_support/values/time_zone.rb

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Value objects inspired by other languages Concurrent::Maybe Concurrent::Delay

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Structure classes derived from Ruby’s Struct Concurrent::ImmutableStruct Concurrent::MutableStruct Concurrent::SettableStruct

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Thread-safe variables Concurrent::Agent Concurrent::Atom Concurrent::AtomicBoolean Concurrent::AtomicFixnum Concurrent::AtomicReference

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Thread-safe variables Concurrent::Exchanger Concurrent::MVar Concurrent::ThreadLocalVar Concurrent::TVar

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Concurrent::Agent Agent is inspired by Clojure's agent function. An agent is a shared, mutable variable providing independent, uncoordinated, asynchronous change of individual values. Best used when the value will undergo frequent, complex updates. Suitable when the result of an update does not need to be known immediately Thread-safe variable

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Concurrent::Agent def next_fibonacci(set = nil) return [0, 1] if set.nil? set + [set[-2..-1].reduce{|sum,x| sum + x }] end # create an agent with an initial value agent = # send a few update requests 5.times do agent.send{|set| next_fibonacci(set) } end # wait for them to complete agent.await # get the current value agent.value #=> [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8] Thread-safe variable

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Concurrent::Atom Atoms provide a way to manage shared, synchronous, independent state. At any time the value of the atom can be synchronously and safely changed Suitable when the result of an update must be known immediately. Thread-safe variable

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Concurrent::Atom def next_fibonacci(set = nil) return [0, 1] if set.nil? set + [set[-2..-1].reduce{|sum,x| sum + x }] end # create an atom with an initial value atom = # send a few update requests 5.times do atom.swap{|set| next_fibonacci(set) } end # get the current value atom.value #=> [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8] Thread-safe variable

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Atomic Thread-safe variables Concurrent::AtomicBoolean Concurrent::AtomicFixnum Concurrent::AtomicReference

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Concurrent::AtomicFixnum actioncable/lib/action_cable/channel/base.rb

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Concurrent::AtomicBoolean activesupport/lib/active_support/evented_file_update_checker.rb

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Concurrent::Exchanger A synchronization point at which threads can pair and swap elements/objects within pairs. Based on Java's Exchanger. Thread-safe variable

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Concurrent::Exchanger Thread-safe variable Object 1 Thread 1 Thread 1 Object 2 Exchanger

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Concurrent::Exchanger exchanger = threads = [ { puts "first: " <<'foo', 1) }, #=> "first: bar” { puts "second: " <<'bar', 1) } #=> "second: foo" ] threads.each {|t| t.join(2) } Thread-safe variable

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Other Thread-safe Vars Concurrent::MVar Concurrent::ThreadLocalVar Concurrent::TVar

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ThreadPools Concurrent::FixedThreadPool Concurrent::CachedThreadPool Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor Concurrent::ImmediateExecutor Concurrent::SerializedExecution Concurrent::SingleThreadExecutor

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Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor actioncable/lib/action_cable/server/worker.rb

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Concurrent::ImmediateExecutor activejob/lib/active_job/queue_adapters/async_adapter.rb

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Thread Synchronization Classes and Algorithms Concurrent::CountDownLatch Concurrent::CyclicBarrier Concurrent::Event Concurrent::IVar Concurrent::ReadWriteLock Concurrent::ReentrantReadWriteLock Concurrent::Semaphore Thread Synchronization Classes & Algorithms

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Concurrent::CountDownLatch latch = waiter = do latch.wait() puts ("Waiter released") end Thread Synchronization Classes & Algorithms

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Concurrent::CountDownLatch decrementer = do sleep(1) latch.count_down puts latch.count sleep(1) latch.count_down puts latch.count sleep(1) latch.count_down puts latch.count end [waiter, decrementer].each(&:join) Thread Synchronization Classes & Algorithms

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Concurrent::CountDownLatch Thread Synchronization Classes & Algorithms activerecord/test/cases/base_test.rb

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Concurrent::CyclicBarrier Thread Synchronization Classes & Algorithms Thread 1 Cyclic Barrier 1 Thread 2 wait Cyclic Barrier 2 wait wait wait

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Thread Synchronization Classes & Algorithms Concurrent::CyclicBarrier barrier = random_thread_sleep_times_a = [1, 5, 10] thread_thread_sleep_times_b = [5, 2, 7]

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Thread Synchronization Classes & Algorithms Concurrent::CyclicBarrier threads = [] barrier.parties.times do |i| threads << { sleep random_thread_sleep_times_a[i] barrier.wait puts "Done A #{}" barrier.wait sleep thread_thread_sleep_times_b[i] barrier.wait puts "Done B #{}" } end threads.each(&:join)

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Concurrent::CyclicBarrier Done A 2017-01-26 18:01:08 +0530 Done A 2017-01-26 18:01:08 +0530 Done A 2017-01-26 18:01:08 +0530 Done B 2017-01-26 18:01:15 +0530 Done B 2017-01-26 18:01:15 +0530 Done B 2017-01-26 18:01:15 +0530 Thread Synchronization Classes & Algorithms

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Concurrent::CyclicBarrier Thread Synchronization Classes & Algorithms activerecord/test/cases/adapters/mysql2/transaction_test.rb

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Concurrent::Event event = t1 = do puts "t1 is waiting" event.wait(10) puts "event ocurred" end t2 = do puts "t2 calling set" event.set end [t1, t2].each(&:join) Thread Synchronization Classes & Algorithms

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Concurrent::Event Thread Synchronization Classes & Algorithms activerecord/test/cases/query_cache_test.rb

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Concurrent::IVar ivar = ivar.set 14 ivar.value #=> 14 ivar.set 2 # would now be an error Thread Synchronization Classes & Algorithms

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Concurrent::ReadWriteLock lock = lock.with_read_lock { data.retrieve } lock.with_write_lock { data.modify! } Thread Synchronization Classes & Algorithms

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lock = lock.acquire_write_lock lock.acquire_read_lock lock.release_write_lock # At this point, the current thread is holding only a read lock, not a write # lock. So other threads can take read locks, but not a write lock. lock.release_read_lock # Now the current thread is not holding either a read or write lock, so # another thread could potentially acquire a write lock. Concurrent::ReentrantReadWriteLock Thread Synchronization Classes & Algorithms

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Thread Synchronization Classes & Algorithms Concurrent::Semaphore semaphore = t1 = do semaphore.acquire puts "Thread 1 acquired semaphore" end t2 = do semaphore.acquire puts "Thread 2 acquired semaphore" end

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Thread Synchronization Classes & Algorithms Concurrent::Semaphore t3 = do semaphore.acquire puts "Thread 3 acquired semaphore" end t4 = do sleep(2) puts "Thread 4 releasing semaphore" semaphore.release end [t1, t2, t3, t4].each(&:join)

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Thread Synchronization Classes & Algorithms Concurrent::Semaphore actioncable/test/client_test.rb

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Edge features New Promises Framework Actor: Implements the Actor Model, where concurrent actors exchange messages. Channel: Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP). Functionally equivalent to Go channels with additional inspiration from Clojure core.async. LazyRegister AtomicMarkableReference LockFreeLinkedSet LockFreeStack

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New Promises Framework Unifies Concurrent::Future, Concurrent::Promise, Concurrent::IVar Concurrent::Event Concurrent.dataflow Delay TimerTask

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Concurrent::Promises Asynchronous task future = Promises.future(0.1) do |duration| sleep duration :result end # => <#Concurrent::Promises::Future:0x7fe92ea0ad10 pending> future.resolved? # => false future.value # => :result future.resolved? # => true Edge features

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Concurrent::Promises Asynchronous task future = Promises.future { raise 'Boom' } # => <#Concurrent::Promises::Future:0x7fe92e9fab68 pending> future.value # => nil future.reason # => # Edge features

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Concurrent::Promises Chaining Promises. future(2) { |v| v.succ }. then(&:succ). value! # => 4 Edge features

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Concurrent::Promises Branching head = Promises.fulfilled_future -1 branch1 = head.then(&:abs) branch2 = head.then(&:succ).then(&:succ) branch1.value! # => 1 branch2.value! # => 1 Edge features

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Edge features Concurrent::Promises Branching, and zipping! # => [1, 1]
 (branch1 & branch2). then { |a, b| a + b }. value! # => 2
 (branch1 & branch2). then(&:+). value! # => 2
 Promises. zip(branch1, branch2, branch1). then { |*values| values.reduce(&:+) }. value! # => 3

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Concurrent::Promises Error handling Promises. fulfilled_future( then(&:succ). then(&:succ). result # => [false, # nil, # #>] Edge features

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Concurrent::Promises Error handling with rescue Promises. fulfilled_future( then(&:succ). then(&:succ). rescue { |err| 0 }. result # => [true, 0, nil] Edge features

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Concurrent::Promises Error handling - rescue is not called Promises. fulfilled_future(1). then(&:succ). then(&:succ). rescue { |e| 0 }. result # => [true, 3, nil] Edge features

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Concurrent::Promises Using chain Promises. fulfilled_future(1). chain { |fulfilled, value, reason| fulfilled ? value : reason }. value! # => 1 Promises. rejected_future('Ups')). chain { |fulfilled, value, reason| fulfilled ? value : reason }. value! # => # Edge features

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Concurrent::Promises Error handling rejected_zip = Promises.fulfilled_future(1), Promises.rejected_future('Ups'))) # => <#Concurrent::Promises::Future:0x7fe92c7af450 rejected> rejected_zip.result # => [false, [1, nil], [nil, #]] rejected_zip. rescue { |reason1, reason2| (reason1 || reason2).message }. value # => "Ups" Edge features

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Concurrent::Promises Delayed futures future = Promises.delay { sleep 0.1; 'lazy' } # => <#Concurrent::Promises::Future:0x7fe92c7970d0 pending> sleep 0.1 future.resolved? # => false future.touch # => <#Concurrent::Promises::Future:0x7fe92c7970d0 pending> sleep 0.2 future.resolved? # => true Edge features

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Concurrent::Promises Sometimes it is needed to wait for a inner future. Promises.future { Promises.future { 1+1 }.value }.value Edge features Value calls should be avoided to avoid blocking threads

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Concurrent::Promises Flatting Promises.future { Promises.future { 1+1 } }.flat.value! # => 2 Promises. future { Promises.future { Promises.future { 1 + 1 } } }. flat(1). then { |future| future.then(&:succ) }. flat(1). value! # => 3 Edge features

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Concurrent::Promises Scheduling scheduled = Promises.schedule(0.1) { 1 } # => <#Concurrent::Promises::Future:0x7fe92c706850 pending> scheduled.resolved? # => false # Value will become available after 0.1 seconds. scheduled.value # => 1 Edge features

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Concurrent::Promises Scheduling future = Promises. future { sleep 0.1; :result }. schedule(0.1). then(&:to_s). value! # => "result" Edge features

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Concurrent::Promises Scheduling Promises.schedule( + 10) { :val } # => <#Concurrent::Promises::Future:0x7fe92c6cfee0 pending> Edge features Time can also be used

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Concurrent::Actor class Counter < Concurrent::Actor::Context def initialize(initial_value) @count = initial_value end # override on_message to define actor's behaviour def on_message(message) if Integer === message @count += message end end end Edge features

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Concurrent::Actor # Create new actor naming the instance 'first'. # Return value is a reference to the actor, the actual actor # is never returned. counter = Counter.spawn(:first, 5) # Tell a message and forget returning self. counter.tell(1) counter << 1 # (First counter now contains 7.) # Send a messages asking for a result. counter.ask(0).value Edge features

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Concurrent::Channel puts "Main thread: #{Thread.current}" Concurrent::Channel.go do puts "Goroutine thread: #{Thread.current}" end # Main thread: # # Goroutine thread: # Edge features Goroutine

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Concurrent::Channel Edge features def sum(a, b, chan) chan << a + b end c = Channel.go { sum(10, 5, c) } Channel.go { sum(99, 42, c) } result1, result2 = ~c, c.take Channel

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Concurrent::Channel Edge features ch = 2) ch << 1 ch << 2 puts ~ch puts ~ch Buffered Channel

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Concurrent::Channel Edge features tick = Channel.tick(0.1) boom = Channel.after(0.5) loop do do |s| s.take(tick) { |t| puts "tick\n" } s.take(boom) { |t| puts "boom\n" exit } s.default do puts ".\n" sleep 0.05 end end end Default selection

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Concurrent::Channel Edge features . . tick . . tick . . tick . . tick . . tick boom
 Default selection

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Concurrent::LazyRegister Edge features register = #=> #> register[:key] #=> nil register.add(:key) { Concurrent::Actor.spawn!(Actor::AdHoc, :ping) { -> message { message } } } #=> #> register[:key] #=> #

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concurrent-ruby is used by Sidekiq Sucker Punch Rails Many other libraries are using it

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concurrent-ruby maintainers

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Use concurrent-ruby Use higher level abstractions to write concurrent code Choose from different options such as Actor, Channel or Promises and combine them. Build better maintainable software

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Thank you!