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 Cambridge, Wednesday 18 March 2015 MODERN HUMAN

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MODERN HUMAN MODERN HUMAN Imagine what’s next… We’re a boutique design practice and innovation consultancy that specialises in imagining disruptive new products, services and experiences then making them a reality. @modhuman #uxlibs

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What is design thinking? MODERN HUMAN @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN IMMERSE IMAGINE INVENT INSPIRE design research service development divergent thinking analysis & storytelling concepting divergent thinking convergent thinking convergent thinking @modhuman #uxlibs

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Architects vs. scientists: How designers think MODERN HUMAN @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN “Service design is all about making the service you deliver useful, usable, efficient, effective and desirable.” – The Design Council @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN INDIFFERENCE USABLE (Hygiene Factors) DESIRABLE (Differentiators) Understandable Efficient Useful Compelling Indispensable ADVOCACY @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN “It’s not intangible or about the feeling you give customers or users. It's about actual things, which service designers might call touchpoints.” – The Design Council @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN Touchpoint A point of interaction between a person and any agent or artefact of an organisation. These interactions take place at a certain point in time, in a certain context, and with the intention of meeting a specific customer need. @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN Channel A medium of interaction with customers or users. Print, the web, mobile, voice calls, and bricks & mortar locations are all common channels for reaching out to and interacting with customers. A channel defines the opportunities or constraints of a touchpoint. @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN There’s no such thing as the eureka moment. Good ideas are hard work. @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN EARLY ADOPTER EARLY MAJORITY LATE MAJORITY LAGGARDS Adapted from: Diffusion of Innovations, Everett M Rogers. (1962). Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey Moore. (1991). @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN WORKAROUNDS Quick, seemingly efficient solutions that address the symptoms of a problem not the root cause. VALUES People’s values play an important role in their motivations. What do they value? What’s important to them? What’s not? INERTIA Situations in which customers act out of habit. How can you leverage or break that inertia? SHOULD VS WANT People struggle with the tension between things they crave in the moment and things they know are good for them in the long term. How can you help people move from where they are to where they want to be? What are we looking for? @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN Post fieldwork Tell stories, identify themes MODERN HUMAN @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN _ Close your laptop and tell stories. It makes the most of our human capacity for spotting patterns in narratives. _ As you talk have someone else write each observation on a sticky note. Print out all the photos you took. _ Build an insight board of all of the post-its and photos. _ Affinity Sort: organise it into themes. Code your observations. This all lays the groundwork for recognising insights. _ Observations are raw data. Insights are the interpretation of patterns in your observations. What did you find out? @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN _ Don’t try and think about everything at once. Find a good place to start. _ Don’t focus on the obvious. There’s a risk that you just confirm your own preconceptions and prejudices. _ Start with unexpected observations. _ Why is this a pattern? Why is it unexpected? Why is it meaningful? Look for the unexpected and ask why? @modhuman #uxlibs

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USE AN IMAGE THAT SUPPORTS THE POINT YOU WANT TO MAKE AND WRITE A STATEMENT UP TO 3 LINES LONG. “The reason there are still sharks around is that sharks are better at being sharks than anything else is.” – Douglas Adams, author of hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. MODERN HUMAN @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN _ Intuitive _ Not obvious _ Generative _ Sticky A good insight is… @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN Applying frameworks Turning insights into models MODERN HUMAN @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman #uxlibs department college supermarket solo or collaborative medium of discourse transparency necessity of external funding source of funding pace

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MODERN HUMAN Moving to design Turning insights into new products and services MODERN HUMAN @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN Brainstorming is no way to solve really difficult problems or invent new products, services or experiences. @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN Quantity of ideas people come up with in a brainstorm Quantity of ideas people come up when working alone x2 Source: Does Group Participation When Using Brainstorming Facilitate or Inhibit Creative Thinking? Administrative Science Quarterly. Taylor, Berry & Block, 1958. @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN Using traditional brainstorming When encouraged to discuss and critique each others ideas +20% Source: The "Rules" of Brainstorming: An Impediment to Creativity? IRLE Working Paper No. 167-08. Feinberg, Nemeth, 2008. @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” – Plato: Greek philosopher, mathematician & student of Socrates @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN Source: The future of prototyping is now live. David Aycan and Paolo Lorenzoni, Harvard Business Review. What are the different ways we could solve this problem? Does our solution resonate in the marketplace? PURPOSE Can the problem be solved this way? Early to explore options and midway to explore way to deliver specific features Once an opportunity area has been identified to explore market appeal WHEN After functionality has been identified but before means is determined. Low Just enough to appear real in the marketplace FIDELITY High enough to prove feasibility RAPID PROTOTYPING LIVE PROTOTYPING TECHNICAL PROTOTYPING Are the economics attractive enough to justify scaling? Late Very high PILOT @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN _ Use prototypes to learn about user behaviour with your concept _ Validates emergent service against business objectives and goals _ Validates Concepts with Users Experimenting with prototypes @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN _ Day-in-the-life videos _ Scenario testing and concept probes _ Wizard of Oz and paper prototyping _ Service walkthroughs, role play and bodystorming _ Mock environments and pop-up shops Prototyping methods @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN Paul-Jervis Heath +44 79 7456 7823 @pauljervisheath