Design Sprint in 2 Days
Kosala (Nuwan) Perera
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Biggest mistake of all time is jump straight to engineering
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UX for Lean Startups
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Solving 80% of the original problem for 20% of the effort is a major win!
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Shortcut for Innovation
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5 Days Design Sprint
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What really happens in a Design Sprint? Ideate Days 1-3
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A lot of sketching
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Sign up Choose Pay Go Choosing the journeys
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Crazy 8s
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Steal ideas from others
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Steal ideas from others
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Steal ideas from others
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A lot of voting
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What happens in a Design Sprint? Ideate Days 1-3 Prototype Day 4
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No content
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Rapid Prototyping
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Rapid Prototyping
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No content
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What happens in a Design Sprint? Ideate Days 1-3 Prototype Day 4 Day 5 Test
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Testing Prototypes
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No content
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But ... does it always has to be 5 days?
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And ... does it always has to be a startup idea?
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And ... what if there are many journeys?
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Design Sprint in Action
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Testing Your Designs