Alex Casalboni
Technical Evangelist, AWS
Getting started with AWS
for Developers
is how
@ 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved
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About me
• Software Engineer & Web Developer
• Worked in a startup for 4.5 years
• ServerlessDays Organizer
• AWS Customer since 2013
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What’s different about AWS & the cloud?
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Don’t have to
reinvent the wheel
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Technology Platform
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A broad & feature rich platform
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A broad & feature rich platform
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Getting started with AWS
(Hands-on edition)
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The AWS Blog
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11:00 INFOSEC Controls and Real-World Threats
12:00 Making Sense of Machine Learning for Your Organization
13:00 A Gentle Introduction to Deep Learning
14:00 Porting your web app to serverless in 30 minutes
15:00 Using Containers, Part 1: How to containerize anything!
16:00 Running .Net Core and Microsoft Workloads on AWS
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11:00 Getting Started with Streaming Data for Event
Driven Applications and Analytics
12:00 It's the Jetsons Age: Robots & AWS RoboMaker
13:00 Building a Website on AWS
14:00 4 Ways to Use Machine Learning for Mobile
15:00 Using Containers, Part 2: Deploying and
Autoscaling our Containers.
16:00 Choosing The Right Database
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11:00 Introduction to Service Meshes
12:00 Leveling Up Your Existing Machine Learning Applications
13:00 Introduction to GraphQL
14:00 Supercharge Your Product Development with
Continuous Delivery & Serverless Computing
15:00 4 Ways to Use Machine Learning for Mobile
16:00 Introduction to Computer Vision and Building
Applications That Can See
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Alex Casalboni
Technical Evangelist, AWS
@ 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved
Thank you!
is how