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Modern Ways To Architect Your Android App -MVP and MVVM-

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Jorge Coca Senior Mobile Engineer @ SPR Consulting

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We're hiring!

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Let's get started

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What architectural pattern does Android adopt?

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Do we really need to adopt any patterns?

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No, but...

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it is important that we, as developers, "speak" the same language

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What is an architectural pattern?

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Wikipedia says... An architectural pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software architecture within a given context. Architectural patterns are similar to software design pattern but have a broader scope.

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Tonight we'll talk about... 1.MVC 2.MVP 3.MVVM

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What's the best architectural pattern?

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There is no such thing

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Which one should I choose?

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Understand your problem

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Understand the requirements

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Make an informed decision

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Follow the convention

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Show me the patterns!

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Model View Controller

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MVC is the foundation of many different patterns

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Model Model objects encapsulate the data specific to an application and define the logic and computation that manipulate and process that data. » Domain object (POJO) » Holds data, but not behaviors

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View A view object is an object in an application that users can see. A view object knows how to draw itself and can respond to user actions. A major purpose of view objects is to display data from the application’s model objects and to enable the editing of that data. » Decoupled from Model objects » Activities, Fragments, custom views...

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Controller A controller object acts as an intermediary between one or more of an application’s view objects and one or more of its model objects. » Communication between models and views » "Activities, Fragments, custom views..." :(

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Benefits » Separation of concerns » Modulable » Extensible » "Easy to test"

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MVP & MVVM Model-View-Presenter Model-View-ViewModel

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Why do I need to learn both?

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During the last years, the community seemed to be inclined to incorporate *MVP patterns in their Android apps* ... but then, during the last Google IO

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Data Binding

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What's the goal of these patterns? 1.Independent of frameworks 2.Testable 3.Independent of UI 4.Independent of storage mechanisms 5.Independent of external dependencies

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Model View Presenter » Derivation of MVC » Mostly used for UI interfaces » Main problem that solves is testing

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View » Displays data » Routes commands to presenter » It's going to be abstracted using an interface implemented by Android components » It's passive

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Presenter » Acts upon the model and the view » Receives commands from the view and responds accordingly » Responsible for formatting data » Responsibe for presentation logic » Doesn't have Android dependencies: Unit tests :) » Attached to View lifecycle

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Benefits » Modular approach » Extensible » Test all UI code without framework code Not so good: attached to the View lifecycle

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Model View ViewModel » Commonly used by Microsoft » Binding engine will avoid boilerplate code

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ViewModel (1/2) » ViewModel implementations will contain state logic of the view » Activities and Fragments lifecycle tied to VM (and that's why DataBinding is so cool, we don't have to worry about this)

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ViewModel (2/2) » ViewModel won't contain a view instance -> will use event mechanisms » Decouple our views from the model by introducing the ViewModel layer » Don't tie directly to Domain models -> create a POJO for the binding

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View Views will keep an instance of the ViewModel and will register different listeners to know when the ViewModel has changed

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Data Binding (from Wikipedia...) Data Binding is the process that establishes a connection between the application UI and the Business logic. If the settings and notifications are correctly set, the data reflects changes when made. It can also mean then when the UI is changed, the underlying data will reflect that change.

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Data Binding (from Wikipedia...) Data Binding is the process that establishes a connection between the application UI and the Business logic. If the settings and notifications are correctly set, the data reflects changes when made. It can also mean then when the UI is changed, the underlying data will reflect that change.

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public class ContactViewModel extends BaseObservable { private String mContactName; // Constructors and other things omitted for clarity. @Bindable public String getName() { return mContactName; } public void setName(String name) { mContactName = name; notifyPropertyChanged(; } }

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BaseObservable » Provides the infrastructure fot setting up the data binding process » BR class is generated: Each POJO field adorned with @Bindable will have a constant declared in BR corresponding to the name.

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Establish the binding

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public class AddNewContactActivity extends Activity{ private ContactViewModel mViewModel; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); mViewModel = createViewModel(); initializeViewModel(); } private void ContactViewModel createViewModel() { ... } private void initializeViewModel() { ActivityAddNewContactBinding binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.activity_add_new_contact); binding.setContact(mViewModel); } // Rest of the code omitted. }

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Data Binding looks awesome

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What's its current status?

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» Lots of bugs » Not even all the examples work » It can cause errors even in snippets where you don't use data binding » guide.html

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Don't use Data binding in production

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Rock hall of fame MVP RecyclerView with a list of rock bands implemented following MVP

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Band Details - MVVM Mix of MVP with data binding Example of how data binding works and its current status

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Links » Github repo: RockHallOfFameMVP » Slides: » Great example:

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We're hiring!

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Thank you