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Yoel Sumitro Building a User Research Culture in a User Agnostic Company –

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Ops Marketing UX Data Design Experiments Collect Qual & Quant Data Analyze Data Develop Frameworks Share Insights Innovate on Changes

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Innovation UX OPS DS MKTG

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Maturity Stages of Organizational UX Design (by Jared Spool) 01 Dark Ages:
 No UX Design 02 Spot UX Design 03 UX Design as a Service 04 Embedded UX Design 05 Infused UX Design

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UX Maturity Model Based on Design Research Practices?

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UX Maturity Model Based on Design Research Practices 01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design 03 Inform Product Design 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy Maturing UR Practices

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UX Maturity Model Based on Design Research Practices 01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design 03 Inform Product Design 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy Maturing UCD

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UX Maturity Model Based on Design Research Practices 01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design 03 Inform Product Design 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy Maturing UCD

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Terms I will use

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01 Tactical Short period Answer specific question at a specific point of time Frequently and within the design sprint 02 Foundational Long period insights remain relevant for longer time less frequently and outside of Design Sprint

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Foundational Mapping Exercise Observation Shadowing Contextual Inquiry Desk Research Mental Models Competence Mapping Inventories Audits Gap Analysis Mapping Exercise Extreme Users Cultural Immersion Expert Interviews Customer Journey Maps Surveys Market Segmentation Task Analysis KANO Analysis Eye Tracking Usability Testing Ad Hoc Interviews Diaries In-depth Interviews Market Sizing Analytics Focus Groups Cognitive Walkthroughs Heuristic Evaluation A/B Testing Clickstream Analysis Exploratory Evaluative HMW Post Cards from Future Scenario Storyboarding Time Machine Ads Design Fiction Card Sorting Participatory Design Desirability Study Conjoint Analysis Generative Rapid Prototyping Paper Prototyping Role Play Brainstorming

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UX Maturity Model Based on Design Research Practices 01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design

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01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design A. Start doing tactical & evaluative study: Usability Study, Heuristic Evaluation, Survey 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design

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01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design B. Invite your users to the office (fireside chat with users) 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design

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01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design C. Build Competitive Analysis team 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design

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01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design Pro Tips How many participants???? -> Use research gimmicks e.g. Heatmap, Eyetracking, Videos, Funnel 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design

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01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design Pro Tips Start increasing the visibility of your research 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design

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UX Maturity Model Based on Design Research Practices 01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy Maturing UCD 03 Inform Product Design

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UX Maturity Model Based on Design Research Practices 01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design Maturing UCD

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01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design A. Start doing foundational & generative study 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design

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Q2 Q3 Mix Tactical & Foundational Study Solve low hanging fruits

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01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design B. Start working groups with Data team 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design

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01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design C. Make research more scalable 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design

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01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design D. Yoel’s Formula: 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design INTERVIEW SURVEY INTERVIEW SURVEY DIVERGE CONVERGE DIVERGE CONVERGE

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01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design Pro Tip There is no representative users in divergent research

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01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design Pro Tip Only need 400 participants for convergent research

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01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design E. Build empathy lab / activities 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design Social Media Merchant Festival / Year of Driver

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01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design F. Build Research Ops 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design

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UX Maturity Model Based on Design Research Practices 01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design

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UX Maturity Model Based on Design Research Practices 01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design

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01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design A. Deliver immersive exposure & more foundational studies! 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design

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01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design B. Innovation/Trend Forecaster/ Pathfinding Team: Pull out researchers from product teams 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design

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01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design C. Analogous Research! 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design

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01 User Agnostic 02 Evaluate Product Design D. Be clear with your research roadmaps 04 Generate Product Innovation or Strategy 03 Inform Product Design

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Research Sprints Diary Studies Interviews Field Visits Quant Analysis Quarterly Deep Dive Top N Problem lists In App Sentiment Secret Buyers Personas Evaluation Surveys Interviews Field Visits Quant Analysis UX Audits In App Feature Surveys Quant Analysis Bi-weekly Studies One Time On Going Strategy Roadmap Product or Feature

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Trust is a product of vulnerability that grows over time and requires work, attention, and full engagement. Trust isn’t the grand gesture that we think it is - it’s a growing collection of small choices that we make every day BRENE BROWN

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