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@bartekslota How to make your architecture scream with functional domain modeling

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Consultant/Trainer/Mentor @ Software Engineer Speaker Blogger Bartłomiej Słota @bartekslota

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Electric bike lending

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The common way - anemic model

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The common way - fat service

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The common way - the big ball of … (you name it)

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The common way - the big ball of … (you name it) Primitive obsession

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The common way - the big ball of … (you name it) Business rules’ leakage

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The common way - the big ball of … (you name it) Cannonical model

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The common way - the big ball of … (you name it) Communicating failures with exceptions

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The common way - the big ball of … (you name it)

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The common way - the big ball of … (you name it)

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The common way - the big ball of … (you name it)

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The common way - the big ball of … (you name it)

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Questions •How much information do we get from looking at the code?
 •What is the di ff erence between stationId and customerId? Should they be equal when they have the same values?
 •Is Lending always a lending? Or maybe it can be just a reservation that is never used? Do I get this information from the Lending class?
 •Does Lending class tell me what can I do with the reservation?
 •Does Lending class tell me what does it mean that the lending was fi nished?
 •Is extending reservation for more than 5 minutes really an exceptional situation?

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Functional programming

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Which part is pure?

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Where is the domain logic?

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Moving the logic away

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What’s the function? String, String, Integer, Customer -> Lending ???

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What’s the function? String, String, Integer, Customer -> Lending VehicleId, StationId, ReservationDuration, Customer -> Lending

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What’s the function? VehicleId, StationId, ReservationDuration, Customer -> Lending MakeReservationCommand -> Lending

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Explicit dependencies MakeReservationCommand, IdSupplier, ClockSupplier -> Lending

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Explicit dependencies MakeReservationCommand, IdSupplier, ClockSupplier -> Lending Currying IdSupplier -> ClockSupplier -> MakeReservationCommand -> Lending

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Function Currying

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Function Currying

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Partial application

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Handling results

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Handling results MakeReservationCommand -> Result

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Handling results - representing failures MakeReservationCommand -> Result

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Handling results - client code

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Chaingin results MakeReservationCommand -> Lending Lending -> Session MakeReservationCommand -> Result VS Lending -> Session

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Chaining results

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Chaining results

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Chaining results

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A type that wraps another type That has a function wrapping the original value And has a function that unfolds the original value, applies some other function, and creates the new wrapped value of the same type

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it the twister?

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it the twister? NO! It’s a monad!

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Domain and codomain

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Domain and codomain Lending, FinishLendingCommand -> Result

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Domain and codomain Lending —> Lending Finished Pending Finished Pending

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Domain and codomain Lending —> Lending Finished Pending Finished Pending

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Domain and codomain PendingLending —> FinishedLending Pending Finished

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Domain and codomain - the state pattern

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Domain and codomain - the state pattern

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Domain and codomain - the state pattern

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Domain API vs use case API FinishLendingCommand -> Result FinishLendingCommand -> FinishedLending Vs

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Workflows - onion architecture IO Domain IO Source: Scott Wlaschin, Domain Modeling Made Functional

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Meta model of the logic Stable logic Logic closure The choice of the closure - Stable process - Small susceptibility to change - Many variants - Many details - Dynamically de fi ned Impl1 Impl2 Impl3

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Higher-order functions

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Joining policies

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Policies redefined

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Policies redefined

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Policies redefined

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Policies redefined

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Policies redefined

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How to make your architecture scream? •Model your code thinking of functions and work fl ows instead of state •Have referential transparency in mind •Model your class hierarchies so that they correspond to the true domain and codomain of your business function •Avoid side e ff ects like exceptions and mutability •Keep your domain pure - move IO to the outside layer of your onion •Use monadic types to improve readability and robustness

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Read more

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Thank you! @bartekslota