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TB-22 IFORS 2017 - Quebec City
⌅ TB-22
Tuesday, 10:30-12:00 - 2104B
Simulation, stochastic programming and
Stream: Simulation, stochastic programming and model-
ing (contributed)
Contributed session
Chair: Benjamin Legros
Chair: Dinesh Sharma
1 - Mathematical analysis of machine repair problems with
common cause failure, hot spares and multiple repair-
Dinesh Sharma
We study the machine repairable system comprising M operating ma-
chines, H spares and more than one repairman where "the partial server
vacation" is applied on some of the repairmen. In this system, the first
repairman never takes vacation and always available for servicing of
failed machines while other repairmen goes to random length vacation
whenever the number of failed machines are less than N, N +1 respec-
tively. Machines may breakdown individually or due to common cause
according to Poisson process. Vacation time and service time of repair-
men follows the exponential distribution. Recursive approach is used
to obtain the steady state probabilities. A cost model is developed to
determine the optimum value of failed machine maintaining the sys-
tem availability and other performance measures. Sensitivity analysis
is investigated for optimal conditions and also analyzes the reliability
characteristics of the system.
2 - Unintended consequences of optimizing a queue disci-
pline for a service level defined by a percentile of the
waiting time
Benjamin Legros
4 - Single-period newsvendor problem under random end-
of-season demand
Subrata Mitra
Newsvendor problems, which have attracted the attention of re-
searchers since 1950’s, have wide applications in various indus-
tries. There have been many extensions to the standard single-period
newsvendor problem. In this paper, we consider the single-period,
single-item and single-stage newsvendor problem under random end-
of-season demand, and develop a model to determine the optimal order
quantity and expected profit. We prove that the optimal order quantity
and expected profit thus obtained are lower than their respective values
obtained from the standard newsvendor formulation. We also provide
numerical examples and perform sensitivity analyses to compute the
extent of deviations of the ’true’ optimal solutions from the newsven-
dor solutions. We observe that the deviations are most sensitive to the
ratio of the means of the demand distributions. The deviations are also
found sensitive to the contribution margin, salvage price, coe cients
of variation of the demand distributions and correlation between sea-
sonal and end-of-season demands. We provide broad guidelines for
managers as to when the model developed in this paper should be used
and when the standard newsvendor formulation would su ce to deter-
mine the order quantity. Finally, we present the concluding remarks
and directions for future research.
⌅ TB-23
Tuesday, 10:30-12:00 - 2105
MADM principles 2
Stream: Multiple criteria decision analysis
Invited session
Chair: Jung-Ho Lu
1 - A hybrid multiple attributes decision-making model for
of the waiting time. This may create an incentive for managers to mod-
ify the traditional first-come-first-served discipline of service. For this
purpose, we consider the analysis of the M/M/s queue under the queue-
ing discipline which minimizes a given percentile of the waiting time.
We prove that a strict non-preemptive priority should be given to the
oldest customer who has waited less than the acceptable waiting time.
We derive closed-form expressions of the performance measures un-
der this discipline, and evaluate the unintended consequences that this
discipline may have on service levels and on sta ng decisions. In par-
ticular, we show that although this discipline may reduce sta ng costs,
it leads to excessive wait for non-prioritized customers.
3 - Morphing M/M/m: A new view of an old queue
Neil Gunther
2017 is the centenary of A.K. Erlang’s paper on waiting times in an
M/D/m queue. M/M/m queues are used to model call centers, multi-
cores & the Internet. Unfortunately, those who should be using M/M/m
models often don’t know applied probability theory. Our remedy de-
fines a morphing approximation to M/M/m that’s accurate within 10%
for typical applications+. The morphing residence-time formula is
both simpler and more intuitive than the exact solution involving the
Erlang-C function. We have also developed an animation of this mor-
phing process. An outstanding challenge, however, has been to eluci-
date the nature of the corrections that transform the approximate mor-
phing solution to the exact Erlang solution. In this presentation, we
show: 1) the morphing solutions correspond to the m-roots of unity
in the complex z-plane; 2) the exact solutions can be expressed as
a rational function with poles; 3) these poles lie inside the unit disk
and converge around the Szego curve with increasing m-servers; 4)
the correction factor for the morphing model is defined by the deflated
polynomial; 5) the pattern of poles in the z-plane provides a conve-
nient visualization of how the morphing solutions di↵er from the exact
c 2018 Performance Dynamics Morphing M/M/m July 3, 2018 2 / 24