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Backing up 

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About me Freek Van der Herten Partner & developer at SPATIE @freekmurze

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Since 2003 Websites, applications and webshops Team 4 developers, 1 manager Specialisation Laravel development

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Open source software

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Open source software We use a lot of it Nginx, Laravel, Ubuntu, Elasticsearch, Memcached, Redis, Beanstalkd, MySQL, Composer, Glide, Homestead, Flysystem, Fractal, Carbon, PHPUnit, NPM, React, jQuery, Java, SSH, Sequel Pro, BackupPC … Basically everything listed in composer.json and package.json

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± 80 packages on Packagist + 600 000 downloads A lot of benefits: learning, forced to write documentation and tests, showing the quality of our work, easy updating of client projects We create a lot of it Open source software

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Laravel Permission Laravel Analytics 
 Laravel Responsecache Laravel Medialibrary Open source software

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Associate users with roles and permissions Laravel Permission $role = Role::create(['name' => 'writer']); $role->givePermissionTo('edit articles'); $user->assignRole('writer'); $user->can('edit articles'); //returns true

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Retrieve Google Analytics data Laravel Analytics Analytics::getMostVisitedPages();

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Speed up your application 
 by caching the entire response Laravel Responsecache RESPONSE CACHE REQUESTS APP 1 2

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Associate files with Eloquent Models Laravel Medialibrary $newsItem->addMedia($file)
 ->toCollection(‘images’); $newsItem->getMedia('images')->first()->getUrl(); $newsItem->getMedia('images')->first()->getUrl('thumb'); $newsItem->addMedia($bigFile)
 ->toCollectionOnDisk('downloads', 's3');

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Log the activities of your users Convert addresses to coordinates A middleware to check authorization Get notified when a queued job fails Generate pretty url's for paginated pages Check if all links in your app work Integrate Glide with Laravel Subscribe users to MailChimp newsletters A Fractal service provider for Laravel 5 and Lumen Associate users with roles and permissions Store and retrieve objects from Algolia or Elasticsearch Convert PHP 7 code to PHP 5 Fetch the entire trust chain for an SSL certificate Create and validate signed URLs with a limited lifetime Plug-and-play node.js events integration to emit change events A Pjax Middleware for Laravel Make your Eloquent models translatable

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There is no 
 one size fits all solution for backups

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Small sites Shared hosting Backups by hosting provider Did not do anything regarding backups ourselves Hosting Up until a few year ago

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Bigger applications Learned server management through resources like, Forge Digital Ocean Hosting How we are currently doing it

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Horror stories

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Horror Story #1 Earlier today, our Cloud Operations team was alerted to some performance issues affecting the physical server that hosts your droplet. … The damage was serious enough that this droplet was lost and not able to be restored. One fine morning I got this mail from Digital Ocean Full story:

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Horror Story #2 This message is a follow-up to our previous emails. Despite the very best efforts of our engineering and datacenter operations teams, unfortunately the host machine that your cloud server resides on was not able to be recovered. At this point, there is complete data loss on the server. Horror can occur everywhere. A mail from Rackspace: Source:

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Ok, I’ll just use
 the backup service 
 from my cloud provider

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Horror Story #3

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Horror Story #3

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Relying on DO backups 
 is not enough! Only weekly snapshots Potentially a lot of data could get lost All the backups in the same datacenter If Digital Ocean is down backups can’t be accessed

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Slide 25 text BackupPC Bacula Solutions Do not put your eggs in one basket

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Backups as a service Not free Install Ottomatik Server Agent on every server Easy to use interface Bring your own storage

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Open source software Installed onto a control server SSH’s into servers to be backed up Uses hard links to save disk space Some system administration knowledge is required to setup up BackupPC SERVERS BackupPC SSH

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Laravel Backup

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Backup files and databases to one or more filesystems Cleanup old backups Sending notifications Easily installed into any Laravel application Laravel Backup

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No content

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Backups use a lot of storage Artisan task to clean up old backups Will never delete the youngest backup Fully configurable Grandfather-father-son rotation scheme Cleanup old backups

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Grandfather-father-son rotation scheme FEW TIMES A DAY DAILY (16) WEEKLY (8) MONTHLY (4) YEARLY(2)

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Detects when no backups were made in a certain amount of days Detects if there is too much storage used Fully configurable Monitor backups

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On (un)successful events (backup failed, youngest backup is too old, backup uses too much storage …) Mail, Slack, Pushover Fully configurable Easy to extend Sending notifications

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Your Laravel app may break Server may be down Install the package in a Laravel app on a separate server Monitor the backups of all your apps from there Monitoring best practices

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Monitoring best practices APPS BACKUPS MONITOR

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Install a Laravel app on the same server Point the configuration the the database/directories you which to backup Profit! Backing up a non Laravel app

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Backup to multiple filesystems Get notified when something goes wrong Monitor the health of your backups Easy installation Free Benefits

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Backup to multiple filesystems Get notified when something goes wrong Monitor the health of your backups Easy installation Free Benefits

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Drawbacks Can consume quite a bit a of disk space while backing up Application has credentials to access the backups No restore options

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Thank you!