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Building scalable logging solution with Elastic Stack Presenter: Nguyễn Đăng Anh Thi

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Log Logs Log Log Log Log Log Log Log Log

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Problems  Different, un-ununified log format

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Problems  Different timestamp formats for every service

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Scenario  Boss ask: Could you find me logs of all service from 1/9 - 10/9 ? SED, GREP, AWK

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Problems  Different system paths to log file  /var/log/nginx  /var/log/mysql  Difficult to monitor logs of a cluster system  We have to SSH into each server to check logs.

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Solution – We need a log centralized system

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Elastic stack

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Full-text search engine Built-in distributed feature Built upon Apache Lucene and written in Java Use HTTP resful API to communicate with the database using JSON format

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Usecase Uber Netflix

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Terminologies Document A document is a JSON document which is stored in Elasticsearch. It is like a row in a table in a relational database. Index Is a collection of documents and each document is a collection of fields, which are the key-value pairs that contain your data.

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Comparision to SQL relational databases SQL Table Row Elasticsearch Index Document

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Storage mechanism - Inverted Index  An inverted index is an index data structure storing a mapping from content, such as words or numbers, to its locations in a document or a set of documents D1 : "This is a dog" D2 : "This is a cat" D3 : "Dog eats cat" "this" => {D1, D2} "is" => {D1, D2} "a" => {D1, D2} "dog" => {D1, D3} "cat" => {D2, D3} "eats" => {D3} Supposing we need to find: this dog this {D1, D2} ⋂ dog {D1, D3} = {D1} Documents Inverted Index Tokenize

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Distributed storage mechanism Shard 1 Shard 2 Shard 3 Index 60GB 20GB 20GB 20GB

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Distributed storage mechanism Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Shard 1 Shard 2 Shard 3 Index

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Distributed storage mechanism Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Shard 1 Shard 2 Shard 3 Index Primary shard 1 Replica shard 1 Replica shard 1 Primary shard 2 Replica shard 2 Replica shard 2 Primary shard 3 Replica shard 3 Replica shard 3

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Cluster architecture

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❑Manage Index, shard ❑Add, delete node to and from the cluster

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❑Participating in master selection ❑Can self-promote to master node if the master node failed

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❑Data storage ❑Return query results

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❑Routing, load balancing

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Is a web application used for analytics and visualization of data from elasticsearch Show performance, metric, logs of application and system services

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Sale dashboard

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Metric dashboard

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Machine learning

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App performance management(APM)

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Logstash is a log aggregator that collects data from various input sources, executes different transformations and enhancements and then ships the data to various supported output destinations like ElasticSearch, Kafka,…

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Processing data need a pipeline of 3 stages:  3 stages: Input, Filter, Output  In every stages, we can use different plugins

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Input Plugins: beats, http, redis, kafka, rabbitmq, amazon cloudwatch

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Filter Allowing parsing and transforming data from and to diffferent formats Data enrichment

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Filter plugins Grok – Use Regex to parse data GeoIP – GeoIP location Date – Parse time stamp Mutate – Add, remove field

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Example: Grok plugin client: method: GET request: /index.html

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Output - Stash

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Config sample

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 Beats are a collection of lightweight (resource efficient, no dependencies, small) and open source log shippers that act as agents installed on the different servers in your infrastructure for collecting logs or metrics.

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Filebeat  Filebeat is an agent that specializes in monitoring log files and sending log entries to logstash or elasticsearch using supported modules.

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Filebeat supported modules that help parse log into json format

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Beats  Beats can send data directly into ElasticSearch  But usually, Beats are used with logstash to help reduce stress on elasticsearch database

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Elastic stack workflow

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ELK in production

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Use Redis, Kafka to buffer log message Where the is a huge spike in traffic. Using redis, kafka as a buffering layer can reduce the stress to the system

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Compared to other search engine technologies

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Deployment Elastic cloud

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Hardware requirements for production cluster Filter Số lượng event CPU Utilization RAM Grok 8k/s 310% 327MB JSON 8k/s 260% 322MB Nguồn: elasticsearch-indexing-pipeline-for-logs

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Hardware requirements for elasticsearch production cluster Supposing: Data throughput 15GB/day Data storage 10TB/year

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Source: Master node(8 GB) Master eligible node(8GB) Master eligible node(8GB) Data node (32GB) Data node (32GB) Client node(8GB)  We need at least 5 machines(96GB RAM, 20 TB Storage)  Each machine (8 - 16) core CPU

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