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A presentation by @stuherbert
 for @GanbaroDigital The Container End-Game An Introduction To 
 Kubernetes And Minikube

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Industry veteran: architect, engineer, leader, manager, mentor F/OSS contributor since 1994 Talking and writing about PHP since 2004 Chief Software Archaeologist Building Quality @GanbaroDigital About Stuart

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Follow me I do tweet a lot about non-tech stuff though :) @stuherbert

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? Do you use Docker containers for dev work?

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@GanbaroDigital docker-for-php-dev-environments

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? How about in Production?

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@GanbaroDigital Kubernetes is the end-game for Docker containers

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@GanbaroDigital Minikube gives you (most of) Kubernetes on your dev box*

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@GanbaroDigital CNCF is helping Kubernetes become the de-facto platform

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@GanbaroDigital Kubernetes is a paradigm shift

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@GanbaroDigital It's impossible to talk about Kubernetes without talking about Google.

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@GanbaroDigital In This Talk 1. Introducing Kubernetes 2. Introducing Minikube 3. Thinking In Kubernetes 4. De-Google-ing Kubernetes

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@GanbaroDigital In This Talk 1. Introducing Kubernetes 2. Introducing Minikube 3. Thinking In Kubernetes 4. De-Google-ing Kubernetes

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@GanbaroDigital In This Talk 1. Introducing Kubernetes 2. Introducing Minikube 3. Thinking In Kubernetes 4. De-Google-ing Kubernetes

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@GanbaroDigital In This Talk 1. Introducing Kubernetes 2. Introducing Minikube 3. Thinking In Kubernetes 4. De-Google-ing Kubernetes

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@GanbaroDigital This is my experience to date. I'm here to learn from you too.

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@GanbaroDigital Introducing Kubernetes

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@GanbaroDigital “ Kubernetes is a DIY platform for managing and running containers in production.

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@GanbaroDigital That doesn't tell you what it is, only what you can use it for.

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@GanbaroDigital I find it helpful to understand K8S by looking under the hood.

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@GanbaroDigital Kubernetes Constituents

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@GanbaroDigital VM

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM Masters

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM Masters Nodes

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM data Masters Nodes

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM data API Masters Nodes

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM data API Scheduler Masters Nodes

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@GanbaroDigital So far, this is very similar to older infrastructure solutions.

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@GanbaroDigital What comes next is what makes Kubernetes something new.

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM data API Scheduler Masters Nodes

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM data API Scheduler internal controllers Masters Nodes

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM data API Scheduler internal controllers cloud controllers Masters Nodes

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@GanbaroDigital Pod Pod Pod Pod CNI

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@GanbaroDigital Pod Pod Pod Pod CNI EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM data API Scheduler internal controllers cloud controllers Masters Nodes

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM data API Scheduler internal controllers cloud controllers Masters Nodes Control plane

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM data API Scheduler containerd Masters Nodes Control plane internal controllers cloud controllers

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM data API Scheduler containerd sandbox Masters Nodes Control plane internal controllers cloud controllers

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM data API Scheduler containerd sandbox worker API Masters Nodes Control plane internal controllers cloud controllers

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM data API Scheduler containerd sandbox worker API emulated networking Masters Nodes Control plane internal controllers cloud controllers

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM data API Scheduler containerd sandbox worker API emulated networking proxy Masters Nodes Control plane internal controllers cloud controllers

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM data API Scheduler containerd sandbox worker API emulated networking proxy Masters Nodes Control plane Workload internal controllers cloud controllers

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@GanbaroDigital Introducing Minikube

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@GanbaroDigital Minikube takes most of Kubernetes and sticks it in a single VM on your local machine

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@GanbaroDigital Scaling Kubernetes Down

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM data API Scheduler containerd sandbox worker API emulated networking proxy Masters Nodes Control plane Workload internal controllers cloud controllers

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM data API Scheduler containerd sandbox worker API emulated networking proxy Masters Nodes Control plane Workload internal controllers

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM data API Scheduler containerd worker API emulated networking proxy Masters Nodes Control plane Workload internal controllers

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM data API Scheduler containerd worker API emulated networking proxy Nodes Control plane Workload internal controllers

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@GanbaroDigital data API Scheduler containerd worker API emulated networking proxy Control plane Workload internal controllers

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@GanbaroDigital VM data API Scheduler containerd worker API emulated networking proxy Control plane Workload Boot2Docker internal controllers

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@GanbaroDigital How Minikube Is Different

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? The things that are missing ... how important are they?

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@GanbaroDigital We lose the cloud controllers. Because Minikube isn't running inside a cloud environment.

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@GanbaroDigital That takes away networking and storage that you'll definitely use on full-fat Kubernetes.

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@GanbaroDigital We lose any networking that relies on load balancers. This is mostly network access into containers on Kubernetes.

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@GanbaroDigital Pod Pod Pod Pod CNI EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS

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@GanbaroDigital There is a project called MetalLB that can fill the gap. It isn't integrated into Minikube at this time.

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@GanbaroDigital Pod Pod Pod Pod CNI EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS

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@GanbaroDigital Pod Pod Pod Pod CNI Ingress EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS

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@GanbaroDigital Ingress Controller • Works on Minikube • Works on K8S in the cloud • Supports HTTP/HTTPS only • HTTPS is terminated at Ingress

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@GanbaroDigital We lose attached storage. This affects every container that we attach extra volumes to.

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@GanbaroDigital Pod Pod Pod Pod CNI Ingress EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS

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@GanbaroDigital Pod Pod Pod Pod CNI Ingress

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@GanbaroDigital Pod Pod Pod Pod CNI Ingress EBS HostPath EBS HostPath EBS HostPath EBS HostPath

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@GanbaroDigital HostPath Volumes • VM folders mounted into containers • When the VM is deleted, all data is lost • Create volumes under /data to keep data between VM reboots

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@GanbaroDigital Because Minikube runs in a VM, mounting volumes from the host box isn't always an option.

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@GanbaroDigital And it isn't always reliable :(

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@GanbaroDigital We also lose the sandbox. Containers may* behave differently as a result. * only if your K8S uses a sandbox

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@GanbaroDigital Why is all this important to know upfront?

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@GanbaroDigital You can't use identical deployments on both Minikube and full-fat Kubernetes.

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@GanbaroDigital Living With Minikube

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@GanbaroDigital Minikube does its best, but Kubernetes just doesn't scale down nicely today.

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@GanbaroDigital Minikube is a bit of a RAM and CPU hog.

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@GanbaroDigital This is a mix of VM overhead and K8S components that burn CPU even when idle.

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@GanbaroDigital I've had to upgrade my dev box to use Minikube. So has the customer I am working with.

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@GanbaroDigital Intel NUCs are my secret weapon! 32GB of RAM, NVMe storage, and you can reinstall everything when you screw up.

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@GanbaroDigital When Minikube Is Useful

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? What is Minikube good for?

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@GanbaroDigital Use Minikube for faster iteration of your K8S objects.

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@GanbaroDigital Use Minikube on something like an Intel NUC as a mini K8S server.

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@GanbaroDigital Stick with Docker Compose for local dev work.

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@GanbaroDigital If you must host dev work on Kubernetes, spin up a K8S dev cluster on a cloud provider.

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@GanbaroDigital Thinking in Kubernetes

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@GanbaroDigital “ Kubernetes is a paradigm shift.

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@GanbaroDigital Deploying Onto Kubernetes

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@GanbaroDigital apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx-deployment labels: app: nginx spec: replicas: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: nginx template: metadata: labels: app: nginx spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx:1.15.4 ports: - containerPort: 80 Kubernetes objects

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@GanbaroDigital Kubernetes Objects • YAML descriptions • Define what we want on K8S • Uploaded via kubectl CLI tool

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM data API Scheduler Masters Control plane apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx-deployment labels: app: nginx spec: replicas: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: nginx template: metadata: labels: app: nginx spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx:1.15.4 ports: - containerPort: 80 internal controllers cloud controllers

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM data API Scheduler internal controllers cloud controllers Masters Control plane apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx-deployment labels: app: nginx spec: replicas: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: nginx template: metadata: labels: app: nginx spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx:1.15.4 ports: - containerPort: 80

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM data API Scheduler internal controllers cloud controllers Masters Control plane apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx-deployment labels: app: nginx spec: replicas: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: nginx template: metadata: labels: app: nginx spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx:1.15.4 ports: - containerPort: 80

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM data API Scheduler internal controllers cloud controllers Masters Control plane apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx-deployment labels: app: nginx spec: replicas: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: nginx template: metadata: labels: app: nginx spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx:1.15.4 ports: - containerPort: 80

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM data API Scheduler internal controllers cloud controllers Masters Control plane apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx-deployment labels: app: nginx spec: replicas: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: nginx template: metadata: labels: app: nginx spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx:1.15.4 ports: - containerPort: 80

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM data API Scheduler internal controllers cloud controllers Masters Control plane apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: ReplicaSet metadata: name: nginx-deployment-ykzjud ...

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM data API Scheduler internal controllers cloud controllers Masters Control plane apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: ReplicaSet metadata: name: nginx-deployment-ykzjud ...

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@GanbaroDigital This cycle continues until 'Pods' have been created / updated / deleted in the data store.

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@GanbaroDigital A Pod is the unit of deployment.

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@GanbaroDigital A Pod contains 1 (or more) containers.

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@GanbaroDigital IP addresses are assigned to Pods, not containers.

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@GanbaroDigital Containers inside the same Pod can talk to each over via localhost:

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM data API Scheduler containerd sandbox worker API emulated networking proxy internal controllers cloud controllers Masters Nodes Control plane Workload

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM data API Scheduler containerd sandbox worker API emulated networking proxy internal controllers cloud controllers Masters Nodes Control plane Workload

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM data API Scheduler containerd sandbox worker API emulated networking proxy internal controllers cloud controllers Masters Nodes Control plane Workload

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@GanbaroDigital We don't tell K8S "start this container". We tell K8S "we want these containers running" and K8S makes it happen.

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@GanbaroDigital ... and keeps it running no matter what until we change our mind.

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@GanbaroDigital Deployments • Objects describe desired state • K8S updates active state to match • K8S restores active state when things go wrong

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@GanbaroDigital Deployments • Objects describe desired state • K8S updates active state to match • K8S restores active state when things go wrong

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@GanbaroDigital Deployments • Objects describe desired state • K8S updates active state to match • K8S restores active state when things go wrong

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@GanbaroDigital The "desired state ⬌ active state" approach is Inversion of Instruction.

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@GanbaroDigital The result? Invisible Infrastructure (as far as devs are concerned)

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@GanbaroDigital Containers Aren't VMs

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@GanbaroDigital Running on Kubernetes is nothing like running VMs on AWS et al.

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@GanbaroDigital Running on Kubernetes is nothing like running containers locally.

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@GanbaroDigital ... but it looks close enough to make this hard to grok.

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@GanbaroDigital “ Old habits die hard.

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@GanbaroDigital Let's look at an important example: Backups

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@GanbaroDigital java /var/lib/myapp Pod

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@GanbaroDigital java /var/lib/myapp VM tar SSH

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@GanbaroDigital java /var/lib/myapp Pod tar SSH

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@GanbaroDigital java /var/lib/myapp Pod tar SSH ✗

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@GanbaroDigital java /var/lib/myapp Pod tar SSH ✗ ✗

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@GanbaroDigital Containers are black boxes.

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@GanbaroDigital You don't SSH into them to take backups.

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@GanbaroDigital You don't SSH into them to patch them.

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@GanbaroDigital You don't SSH into them ever.

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@GanbaroDigital java /var/lib/myapp Container tar Host

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@GanbaroDigital java /var/lib/myapp Pod tar Host

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@GanbaroDigital java /var/lib/myapp tar Host ✗ Pod

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@GanbaroDigital java /var/lib/myapp tar Host ✗ ✗ Pod

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@GanbaroDigital Only running containers have access to their filesystems.

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@GanbaroDigital java /var/lib/myapp Pod

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@GanbaroDigital java /var/lib/myapp VM stop

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@GanbaroDigital java /var/lib/myapp VM ✗ stop

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@GanbaroDigital You can't stop the container's main process to get consistent filesystem backups.

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@GanbaroDigital java /var/lib/myapp Pod ✗ stop

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@GanbaroDigital java /var/lib/myapp Pod ✗ stop

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@GanbaroDigital java /var/lib/myapp Pod 2

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@GanbaroDigital Kubernetes knows what we want the cluster to look like: "desired state"

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@GanbaroDigital When "active state" deviates from "desired state", Kubernetes attempts to put things back.

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@GanbaroDigital The (portable) solution? Use K8S rollouts to replace the app container with a specialist backup container.

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@GanbaroDigital "I have a container for that" - the K8S Way

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@GanbaroDigital Every single practice you already have from traditional infrastructure has to be reinvented.

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@GanbaroDigital “ Running Kubernetes, you are Alice through the looking glass.

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@GanbaroDigital Once you're used to the Kubernetes approach, going back to traditional infrastructure just feels wrong.

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@GanbaroDigital De-Googling Kubernetes

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@GanbaroDigital We can all adopt Kubernetes thanks to Google.

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@GanbaroDigital There is still work to do to adapt Kubernetes to the world beyond Google.

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@GanbaroDigital The Google Bubble

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@GanbaroDigital VM Minkube

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@GanbaroDigital VM VM VM VM VM VM Masters Nodes

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@GanbaroDigital “ Problems change with volume and scale.

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@GanbaroDigital Google is solving problems you don't have.

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@GanbaroDigital Google's solutions sometimes don't scale down.

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@GanbaroDigital A surprising amount of Googlers seem to lack normal company experience.

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@GanbaroDigital Or maybe Google just has blind spots like anyone else?

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@GanbaroDigital Most third-party containers don't work out-of-the-box on Kubernetes.

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@GanbaroDigital Through the CNCF, Kubernetes is evolving to suit a general audience.

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@GanbaroDigital You absolutely CAN adopt Kubernetes today.

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@GanbaroDigital You have to adapt if you want to adopt Kubernetes.

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Thank You How Can We Help You? A presentation by @stuherbert
 for @GanbaroDigital