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Assistant Recap (Session 3) Yoichiro Tanaka, I/O Extended 2018 Tokyo@GDG

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Yoichiro Tanaka Software Engineer / IT Architect Google Developers Expert (Assistant, Web)

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Assistant I/O 2018 I believe that this Google I/O 2018 may be renamed as "Assistant I/O 2018" !

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Google Duplex demo movie.

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Continued Conversation allows users not to need to say "Ok Google" each time.

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Multiple Actions allows users to ask multiple phrases at one sentence to the Google Assistant.

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By Pretty Please feature, if a child says some phrase with "please", Google Assistant replies "Thanks for saying please".

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No content

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Three Smart Display models will be released in July 2018.

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The Google Assistant in navigation in Google Maps.

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Google Assistant is in many devices, also many devices are connected by Google Assistant.

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Users use different devices for each situation. Of course, contents, services and apps are different for situations.

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We must support both voice-activated and visual devices.

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Google Assistant is strongly integrated and connected with Android and Web.

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App Actions Slices App Links AMP Support Built-in Intents Routine Suggestion Table card Theme customization Notification Many features were announced in this I/O to achieve the integration.

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App Actions Slices App Links AMP Support Built-in Intents Routine Suggestion Table card Theme customization Notification First, talk about each feature to integrate Google Assistant with Android and Web.

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Android Apps are suggested on All Apps page based on Routines, Context and etc.

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When users select some text, related apps are suggested. By clicking the suggestion,

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The related app is launched and is deep-linked. That is, the content about the selected text is shown.

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Also, Google Assistant shows related apps for each content.

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The AI recognizes the content, then the AI lists up actions which the user may do. Finally, related apps are suggested.

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Up to now, users select an app to use, then some content is consumed in the app. From now on, they will be inverted.

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Google prepares many Built-in Intents. Google's AI decides intents from a target content.

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Each intent can have one or more parameters.

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This is an "Actions.xml" file to define actions which the app can treat. Actions on Google recognizes this definitions.

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When a user says some phrase like above,

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Google Assistant shows the search result and suggests apps which can treat the content.

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When the user clicks the suggestion, the app is launched with the deep-link based on the URL.

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Of course, Conversational Actions can handle the Built-in Intents.

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In the Dialogflow Console, when adding the "Play game" built-in intent to events of some intent,

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If the user says "I want to play a game", Google Assistant suggests game apps which have the "Play game" intent.

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Developers can provide "Sliced" UI for each content on the Search Result page and the Google Assistant (later this year).

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Users can invoke an action directly by clicking a URL provided by Action Links.

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Each link for Action Links can be generated on the Actions on Google Console.

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If you have web contents, you can provide and optimize them for Google Assistant without creating Custom Actions.

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Content Providers can provide "Content Actions" for Google Assistant.

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For Content Actions, content providers need use AMP and Structured Data Markup as each content format.

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For example, developers can create a content using AMP and embed a structured data markup dynamically.

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The structured data markup is written by a definition of the

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Google Assistant renders the content as rich component.

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If AMP and Structured Data Markup supported, you will receive an email explaining how to claim your directory page.

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App Actions Slices App Links AMP Support Built-in Intents Routine Suggestion Table card Theme customization Notification The preceding pages were how to integrate Android and Web with Google Assistant.

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Related sessions Getting started with App Actions Android Slices: build interactive results for Google Search Integrating your Android apps with the Google Assistant Integrating your content with the Google Assistant using AMP and markup An introduction to developing Actions for the Google Assistant How to build a user base for your Actions

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App Actions Slices App Links AMP Support Built-in Intents Routine Suggestion Table card Theme customization Notification Next, talk about new features of Google Assistant itself.

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Users tends to ask Google Assistant multiple tasks at one time for each situation.

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Default Routines are sets of actions for each event. One routine can has one or more actions.

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Users cannot only use default routines, but they also create a Custom Routine and use it.

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conv.ask(new Suggestion("Add to routine")); "Routine Suggestions" is a new feature to suggest to add your action to the routine the user has.

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For example, users can add the "Order Coffee to Starbucks" action to the "Commuting to work" routine.

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Visual assistive Another keyword is "Visual assistive".

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Visual assistive will become more important concern than ever before. For example, Smart Display supporting.

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A new rich response named "Table card" to show users 3x3 information brings more visual and more clear.

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conv.ask("Simple response"); conv.ask(new Table({ dividers: true, columns: ["Header1", "Header2", "Header3"], rows: [ ["Row1 Item1", "Row1 Item2", …], ["Row2 Item1", "Row2 Item2", …], ["Row3 Item1", "Row3 Item2", …] ] }); Since actions-on-google-nodejs version 2.1.0, the Table card has been supported.

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"Theme customization" allows you to customize the design of rich responses. When specifying the background image,

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The background image is reflected to each rich response like a basic card above.

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For monetization, Google Sign-in, Transactions API and some features have already been available.

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Finally, developers can release apps for limited users with Alpha/Beta Release feature.

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Related sessions Design Actions for the Google Assistant: beyond smart speakers, to phones and smart display 10 tips for building better Actions Best practices for testing your Actions Personalize Actions for the Google Assistant Add transactional capabilities to your Actions

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Voice User Interface Design & Usecase Building games for the Google Assistant on smart displays Creating a persona: what does your product sound like? Build engaging conversations for the Google Assistant using Dialogflow Smart Home, Automotive and others Integrate your smart home device with the Google Assistant What's new in automotive What's new with the Google Assistant SDK for devices

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Build Actions for the Google Assistant (Level 1) Creating a new project, intent, Using an entity and Handing them by fulfillment code with the inline editor. Build Actions for the Google Assistant (Level 2) Creating own fulfillment code, custom entity, Adding a deep-link, follow-up intent and Using helpers, SSML Smart Home Washer Creating a new project, a washer on local, Adding modes, toggles, request syncs and report states Codelabs

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We just have been starting building an ecosystem of the Google Assistant. We need your cooperations.

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Assistant Developer Community Japan Google Groups Slack

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Any questions?