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Replace wicked_pdf with puppeteer kawasaki.rb #073〜6周年記念LT大会 2019/06/26 @_tanakaworld

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About Me ● Twitter: @_tanakaworld ● GitHub: tanakaworld ● Merpay, inc. ● Software Engineer (Frontend)

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wicked_pdf ● PDF generator (from HTML) plugin for Ruby on Rails ○ ● Uses wkhtmltopdf ○

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Issues of wicked_pdf ● Limited Markup of CSS / HTML (undocumented) ● Too slow

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puppeteer ● ● Headless Chrome ● Able to ○ take screenshot ○ control Web Page ○ make PDF ○ •••

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HTML -> PDF ● HTML Requirements ○ Unable to make HTML public ○ Authorization in Rails App

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Use puppeteer in Rails App ● HTML Requirements ○ Unable to make HTML public ○ Authorization in Rails App ● Install ○ $ yarn add puppeteer ● Flow ○ Authentication / Authorization ○ Generate HTML file ○ Generate PDF file from HTML file (by puppeteer) ○ Respond PDF file

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articles/1 articles/1.pdf DEMO

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class ArticlesController < ApplicationController include PdfHelpers ••• def show template_path = 'articles/show.html.erb' respond_to do |f| f.html do @is_pdf = false render template_path end f.pdf do @is_pdf = true render_pdf_from_template "#{@article.title}-#{}", template_path end end end ••• end

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require 'securerandom' module PdfHelpers extend ActiveSupport::Concern def render_pdf_from_template(file_name, template_path) data_html = render_to_string template_path, layout: 'pdf' FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_pdf_dir) unless File.exists?(tmp_pdf_dir) html_file_path = generate_html_from_template(data_html) pdf_data = generate_pdf_from_html(html_file_path) render_pdf_data(pdf_data, "#{file_name}.pdf") rescue => e logger.error e end •••

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private def tmp_pdf_dir "#{Rails.root}/tmp/pdf-generator" end def log_path ENV['RAILS_ENV'] === 'development' ? "#{tmp_pdf_dir}/app.log" : '/var/log/pdf-generator/app.log' end def generate_html_from_template(data) tmp_html_file ="#{tmp_pdf_dir}/#{SecureRandom.hex}.html", "w") tmp_html_file.puts data tmp_html_file.close tmp_html_file.path end def generate_pdf_from_html(html_path) tmp_pdf_file ="#{SecureRandom.hex}") system("node #{Rails.root}/pdf-generator/pdf-from-html-file.js #{html_path} #{tmp_pdf_file.path} > #{log_path} 2> #{log_path}") end def render_pdf_data(data, file_name) send_data(data, filename: file_name, type: 'application/pdf', disposition: 'inline') end end

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const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); const createPdf = async () => { let browser; try { browser = await puppeteer.launch({ args: ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox'] }); const page = await browser.newPage(); const htmlPath = process.argv[2]; await page.goto(`file:${htmlPath}`, { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' }); await page.pdf({ path: process.argv[3], format: 'A4', margin: {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0}, printBackground: true }); } catch (err) { console.error(err.message); } finally { if (browser) { browser.close(); } process.exit(); } }; createPdf();

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articles/1 articles/1.pdf

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Summary ● You can integrate puppeteer in Rails App ● Easy to ○ convert HTML to PDF ○ wait something… ■ e.g. page.waitForSelector ● You should separate PDF generation process if needed

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Sample ●

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