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Demian Borba BlackBerry Developer Evangelist @demianborba S E E K I N G T H E B E S T P E R F O R M A N C E I N M O B I L E A P P S B U I L T W I T H H T M L 5

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“Fulfill the promise of a full mobile computing experience”. ONE CLEAR GOAL

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• Graduated in Industrial Design (CEFET-PR) • Graduated in Computer Science (UFAL) • Crazy about Design, UX, Business and Technology • Professor at University of California San Diego (UCSD) • Working with Interactive Media for over 13 years • Founder of Action Creations, interactive agency in California • Developer Evangelist, 90% #upintheair • Launch the Startup Jam program globally • Launched the Tech Centers in Universities A B O U T M E

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• Why HTML5? • Defining PERFORMANCE • 20 tips to improve performance • Samples built with HTML5 • Remote Web Inspector • Live Refresh • The Car • What we are trying to solve • Giveaway (BlackBerry Z10) • Questions & Answers A G E N D A

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W H Y ? • Reach • Huge Developer Community • Cross* Platform (Cordova, PhoneGap, Sencha etc) • Standards • Tons of Libraries, Tools and Services

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Source: Vision Mobile Developer Economics 2013 78% of developers interested in revenue, use two or more platforms concurrently

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Source: Vision Mobile Developer Economics 2013 Android, iOS and BlackBerry are top priority for their developers

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H O W D O E S I T W O R K ?

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Source: Wikipedia ( Computer performance is characterized by the amount of useful work accomplished by a computer system compared to the time and resources used.

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Source: Wikipedia ( Computer performance is characterized by the amount of useful work accomplished by a computer system compared to the time and resources used.

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Source: Michael Wolf, Director of Technology at Cynergy PERFORMANCE UX ===

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L A T E N C Y Input Event ( press menu key ) Display Update ( menu appears ) timeline UI Latency

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D O E S P E R F O R M A N C E M A T T E R ? Source:

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D O E S P E R F O R M A N C E M A T T E R ? Source:

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2 0 T I P S P E R F O R M A N C E I M P R O V E T O

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Accessing the DOM is expensive, do smarter trips 1 ECMA LAND DOM LAND BRIDGE TOLL ROAD

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2 Call the right keyboard

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2 Call the right keyboard

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2 Call the right keyboard

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3 Use custom data-* attributes

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3 Use custom data-* attributes // Add new data attributes via JS. var el = document.querySelector('#demian'); el.setAttribute('data-focus', 'html5');

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3 Use custom data-* attributes var html = []; for (var key in el.dataset) { html.push(key, ': ', el.dataset[key], '
'); } el.innerHTML = html.join(''); Output: job: evangelist company: blackberry focus: html5

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4 Worry about keeping the user well informed (good feedback) TAP REQUEST DATA WAIT PARSE DATA UPDATE VIEW

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4 Worry about keeping the user well informed (good feedback) TAP REQUEST DATA WAIT PARSE DATA UPDATE VIEW

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5 Be careful with Gradients, prefer CSS or SVG

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6 Use sprites and pick the right image format USE JPEG FOR for non-transparent images USE PNG FOR for transparent images

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7 dataURI is your friend

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8 Browser APIs are awesome if (navigator.onLine) { alert('online'); } else { alert('offline'); }

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9 Have a nice backend solution (ex: Amazon AWS)

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9 Have a nice backend solution (ex: Amazon AWS)

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1 0 Create an offline mode (localStorage) window.localStorage.setItem('nome', 'Demian Borba'); window.localStorage.getItem('nome');

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1 0 Create an offline mode (Web SQL Database) var db = window.openDatabase("DBName", "1.0", "description", 5*1024*1024); // 5MB db.transaction(function(tx) { tx.executeSql("SELECT * FROM employees", [], successCallback, errorCallback); });

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1 0 Create an offline mode (IndexedDB) var idbRequest ='Database Name'); idbRequest.onsuccess = function(event) { var db = event.srcElement.result; var transaction = db.transaction([], IDBTransaction.READ_ONLY); var curRequest = transaction.objectStore('ObjectStore Name').openCursor(); curRequest.onsuccess = ...; };

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1 1 Create single page apps App

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1 2 Touch is different than Click click: 307ms

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1 2 Touch is different than Click touchstart: 4ms

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1 2 Touch is different than Click index.html: app.js: window.addEventListener('load', function () { new FastClick(document.body); }, false);

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1 3 jQuery? Well... .querySelectorAll()

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1 3 jQuery? Well... document.getElementById

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1 4 CSS for touch is special -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); user-select: none;

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1 5 Boost your scrolling list -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; iScroll

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1 6 Use CSS Transitions + Hardware Acceleration -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);

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1 7 preventDefault()

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1 8 Web Workers Execution happens in a separate process. Not on the UI THREAD = no UI delays Main Script doWork.js (The Worker)

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1 9 Be careful with frameworks § Easy to write (no need for heavy JS work) § Theme Roller & Codiqa (visual tool) § Does well with single page apps § Built upon jQuery UI § Runs on iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Bada, Windows Phone, WebOS and more § Has a builder tool (alpha)

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1 9 Be careful with frameworks

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1 9 Be careful with frameworks § MVC like § Focused on commercial products § Training & Support § Runs on OS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, and more.

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1 9 Be careful with frameworks § Created to run on low end devices § Robust API § Community Driven (GitHub) § Runs on iOS / Android / Blackberry / FirefoxOS

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1 9 Be careful with frameworks § Niche specific, (BlackBerry 10 look and feel) § Follows BlackBerry 10 User Experience Guidelines § Community Driven (GitHub) § OFF DOM Implementation § UI only

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2 0 There is no magic! (JSPerf, BrowserScope, WebInspector) Test! Test! Test! Tip: 20% QA

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• bbUI.js • Sensors • Accelerometer Fight • BrickBreaker • Built For BlackBerry • WebGL Sample (Computer) S A M P L E A P P S

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L I V E R E F R E S H Video tutorial: Text Editor (i.g. Sublime) Packager (i.g. WebWorks) Network Observer (i.g. Live Reload) + +

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• HTML5 SDK for Web Developers • Launch planned for October 2013 (in sync with QNX CAR 2.1) How app developers can make money? • Advertising • In-app purchases • SaaS - Software as a Service (monthly charges) • OEM pre-funded • Etc Q N X C A R S D K

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QNX$CAR$2$feature$highlights$ Naviga&on) •  Elektrobit$embedded$ •  Telenav$hybrid$ •  TCS$off@board$ $ Infotainment)+)social)media) •  Media/AM/FM/HD$ •  Pandora,$SHtcher$ •  Web$browser,$YouTube$ •  Facebook,$TwiMer$ Automo&ve) •  PersonalizaHon$ •  Climate$control$ •  Virtual$mechanic$ •  Audio$control$ $ Connec&vity) •  Bluetooth$+$SMS$ •  MirrorLink$+$iPod$Out$ •  Smartphone$w/$HTML5$ •  DLNA$ Pla9orm)+)framework) •  Torch$browser$ •  ComposiHon$manager$ •  HTML5$framework$ •  App$store$support$

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A P P ?

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A P P ?

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• Bluetooth 4.0 • Wifi • NFC • USB • HDMI • DLNA • Triggers SENSES UNDERSTANDS ADAPTS • BBM • Files • Screen • Video • Game GPS Accelerometer Altimeter Gyroscope Camera Screens Keyboard Cascades UI Framework My Location Geofence Places Map Automotive Hub Contacts Calendar Notifications UI Outputs based on Sensor Inputs and User Preferences CONNECT SHARE

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T R I G G E R S Sample: Travel, Context Aware, Headless Apps

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N F C Sample: Pictures, Wotando

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P R O T Y P I N G Sample: Rabiscapp

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C O N T R O L L E R Sample: Sphero “In 2 hours, I created an app to control my Sphero with a BlackBerry 10. It was the 1st time I had even heard of the BlackBerry development tools”. - Mike DePhillips, Software Engineer at GoSphero

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G A M I N G Sample: SFII / Tunnel Tilt

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• Find a real world problem • Never bring TECHNOLOGY before the PROBLEM • Analyze the current solutions • Validate your idea • Build your MVP (Minimum Viable Product) • Sense, understand and adapt S U G G E S T I O N S

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W H A T A R E Y O U W A I T I N G F O R ?

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Demian Borba BlackBerry Developer Evangelist @demianborba O B R I G A D O