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Serverless Spring Sabby Anandan [@sabbyanandan]

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Plot Woah, Serverless! Role of Spring in the Serverless Landscape Spring and Serverless Platforms Putting it all together 2

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Compute 3

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Containers Virtual Machines Compute 4

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Containers Virtual Machines Compute Serverless 5

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Should Developers Care? Containers Virtual Machines Compute Serverless 6

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Developer Focus Ideation Implementation Production 7

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Production Focus Happy Customers Containers Virtual Machines Compute Serverless Ideation Implementation Production 8

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Serverless: The Promise 0 X Scale to Zero $ Billed by Use Ideation Implementation Production Focus on Business Logic Event Driven 9

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Functions in Spring

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Package: java.util.function public interface Supplier { T get(); } public interface Function { R apply(T t); } public interface Consumer { void accept(T t); } // source // processor // sink 11

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Spring Cloud Function @SpringBootApplication public class Application { @Bean public Function upper() { return value -> value.toUpperCase(); } public static void main(String[] args) {, args); } } 12

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Plain Old Functions (Imperative Style) package functions; public class Upper implements Function { String apply(String name) { return name.toUpperCase(); } } 13

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Functional Style @SpringBootApplication public class Application { @Bean public Function, Flux> toUpper() { return flux -> flux .filter(this::isValid) .map(String::toUpperCase); } boolean isValid(String input) { ... } public static void main(String[] args) {, args); } } 14

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Serverless -or- Function as a Service

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FaaS Providers Amazon Lambda [native-Java] Microsoft Azure Functions [native-Java] Google Cloud Functions riff [native-Java] IBM OpenWhisk [native-Java] OpenFaaS Fission Kubeless Oracle Fn [native-Java] … Spring Boot FaaS Provider Adapters Function Microsoft Azure Spring MVC Spring Cloud Stream AWS Lambda IBM OpenWhisk Spring Cloud Task Spring Cloud Function - Pluggable Adapters 16

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riff is for functions

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riff is for functions Developers can execute functions in response to events. - Event-streaming as first-class design principle - Polyglot - Kubernetes native 18

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Knative Developers can use familiar idioms, languages, and frameworks to deploy any workload: functions, applications, or containers. 19

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A Simple Java Function e38dblsskjlk88o de322sss0909k Function Function Invoker Base Image Layers Upper $ riff function create java upper Function Layer package functions; public class Upper implements Function { String apply(String name) { return name.toUpperCase(); } } 20

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Loosely Coupled Functions Upper Logger 21

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Loosely Coupled Functions Upper Logger bigtext T R I G G E R S U B S C R I B E R E P L Y T O S U B S C R I B E text 22 channel channel

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Look Familiar? 23

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● Spring Developers: a smaller, more familiar step with access to Spring (dependency injection, integrations, and autoconfiguration) and build tools (testing, continuous delivery, and run locally) ● Functionistas: no need to know anything about Spring SCFn Narrative Mark Fisher Dave Syer

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