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declare function testFeature() { let $actual := feature:doFeature() (: assert feature condition :) }; declare function doFeature() { () (: todo: impl :) };

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declare function doFeature() { let $output := lotsOfLogic() return $output };

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declare namespace its = “”; declare function buildXmlWithTranslateFlags() { element data { attribute its:translate { “yes” }, businessLogicToBuildXml(); } };

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declare function buildXml() { element data { businessLogicToBuildXml(); } }; declare namespace its = “”; declare function addTranslateFlags($xml) { element {$xml/fn:name()} { attribute its:translate { “yes” }, $xml/@*, $xml/* } };

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import module namespace build = “b” at “/build.xqy”; declare function testBuildXml() { let $actual := b:buildXml() (: assert only xml is well-built :) }; import module namespace translate = “t” at “/transl8.xqy”; declare function testAddTranslateFlags() { let $actual := t:addTranslateFlags() (: assert only that translation flags added correctly :) };

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import module namespace build = “b” at “/build.xqy”; declare function buildXml_condition1() { (: ... :) }; declare function buildXml_condition2() { (: ... :) }; (: etc. :)

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declare function bizLogic($input as element()*) { (: ... :) }; import module namespace logic = “logic” at “/logic.xqy”; declare function bizLogic_emptyInput() { (: ... :) }; declare function bizLogic_oneInput() { (: ... :) }; declare function bizLogic_manyInput() { (: ... :) };

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declare function bizLogic($input as element()*) { (: ... :) }; import module namespace logic = “logic” at “/logic.xqy”; declare function bizLogic_insufficientInput() { (: ... :) }; declare function bizLogic_malformedInput() { (: ... :) };

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declare function bizLogic($input as element()*) { if (isInsufficientInput($input)) then fn:error(xs:Qname(“ASSERT”), “Insufficient msg”) else (: normal process... :) }; import module namespace logic = “logic” at “/logic.xqy”; declare function bizLogic_insufficientInput() { try { (: call w/ insufficient input :) } catch ($e) { if ($e/error:name eq “ASSERT”) then () else xdmp:rethrow() } };

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declare function businessLogic($input) { let $moreInput := /more-input[@attr eq $input] let $returnVal := for $item in $moreInput let $details := /detail[@id eq $item/id] return if ($details/thing eq xdmp:get-request-field(“thing-id”)) then $details else () return if (fn:exists($returnVal)) then let $audit := xdmp:document-insert(“/latest.xml”, element ok {}) return $returnVal else xdmp:redirect-response(“/empty.xqy”); };

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declare function businessLogic($input) { let $moreInput := /more-input[@attr eq $input] let $returnVal := for $item in $moreInput let $details := /detail[@id eq $item/id] return if ($details/thing eq xdmp:get-request-field(“thing-id”)) then $details else () return if (fn:exists($returnVal)) then let $audit := xdmp:document-insert(“/latest.xml”, element ok {}) return $returnVal else xdmp:redirect-response(“/empty.xqy”); };

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xdmp:get-request-field(“var”) xdmp:redirect-response(“/page.xqy”)

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xdmp:document-insert(“/trades.xml”, element beads {}) fn:collection()/dances/rain

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declare function feature() { let $filter := xdmp:get-request-field(“filter”) let $input := fn:collection()/data[@attr eq $filter] let $result := businessLogic($input) let $persist := xdmp:document-insert(“/doc.xml”, $result) return xdmp:redirect-response(“complete.xqy”) };

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declare function feature() { let $filter := xdmp:get-request-field(“filter”) let $input := fn:collection()/data[@attr eq $filter] let $result := businessLogic($input) let $persist := xdmp:document-insert(“/doc.xml”, $result) return xdmp:redirect-response(“complete.xqy”) };

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declare function (:TEST:) isolate_noUrlNoChannels() { (: ... :) };

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import module namespace unit = "" at "/shared/xqtest/html.xqy"; html:test()

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import module namespace unit = "" at "/shared/xqtest/testng.xqy"; testng:test()

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Dress & Grooming /dress-grooming/

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... test - show only active subchannels - green test - show only active subchannels - red test - 1 child level all children - green test - 1 child level, 2 exist - green test - 1 child level, 2 exist - red test - 1 child level - green test - child level - red test - get closest url - green test - get closest url - red test - match level 2 - green test - match level 2 - red test - active chg - match whole tree & match lvl1 partial tree - green test - active chg - match whole tree & match lvl1 partial tree - red test - match lvl1 partial tree - red test - match whole tree - green test - match whole tree – red ...

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Demo'able parameters style adjustment added stylesheet for sidebar added demo page, adjusted reverse tree builder to handle queried docs testng runner added xqtest ver .5 - update to work with new api test - limit shallow non-hierarchical url - green test - shallow limit 1 level, 2 exist - green test - adjust test (only work with hierarchical urls) - shallow … test - shallow limit 1 level, 2 exist - red test - deep limit 1 level, 2 exist - green test - adjust test - deep limit 1 level, 2 exist - red test - limit 1 level, 2 exist - red test - level 3 active link - green test - level 3 active link - red test - level 3 list none active (and fixed level 2 test data) - green test - level 3 list none active - red cleanup - privatize fn's test - level 2 list none active - green test - level 2 list none active - red test - header only multiple level 1 channel - green test - header only multiple level 1 channel - red test - header only - green test - header only - red test - no channels data - green test - no channels data - red test - no channels - green added sidebar renderer - no channels test - red renamed build->render fn added build fn test - build max child levels of set to more - green test - no match 3 levels, 2 exist, 2 shown (fixed bug) - green test - no match 3 levels, 2 exist, 2 shown - red test - no match level 1, 2 exist - fix - green test - no match level 1, 2 exist - green test - no match levels more than exists - green test - no match level 1 - green test - no match level 1 - red cleanup long fn signatures test - show only active subchannels - green test - show only active subchannels - red test - 1 child level all children - green test - 1 child level, 2 exist - green test - 1 child level, 2 exist - red test - 1 child level - green test - child level - red test - get closest url - green test - get closest url - red test - match level 2 - green test - match level 2 - red test - active chg - match whole tree & match lvl1 partial tree - green test - active chg - match whole tree & match lvl1 partial tree - red test - match lvl1 partial tree - red test - match whole tree - green test - match whole tree - red Rename isolateChannels -> isolate Rename nav -> channel Rename nav2 -> nav Added gitignore Initial import - base test cases (no input)

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Demo'able parameters style adjustment added stylesheet for sidebar added demo page, adjusted reverse tree builder to handle queried docs testng runner added xqtest ver .5 - update to work with new api test - limit shallow non-hierarchical url - green test - shallow limit 1 level, 2 exist - green test - adjust test (only work with hierarchical urls) - shallow … test - shallow limit 1 level, 2 exist - red test - deep limit 1 level, 2 exist - green test - adjust test - deep limit 1 level, 2 exist - red test - limit 1 level, 2 exist - red test - level 3 active link - green test - level 3 active link - red test - level 3 list none active (and fixed level 2 test data) - green test - level 3 list none active - red cleanup - privatize fn's test - level 2 list none active - green test - level 2 list none active - red test - header only multiple level 1 channel - green test - header only multiple level 1 channel - red test - header only - green test - header only - red test - no channels data - green test - no channels data - red test - no channels - green added sidebar renderer - no channels test - red renamed build->render fn added build fn test - build max child levels of set to more - green test - no match 3 levels, 2 exist, 2 shown (fixed bug) - green test - no match 3 levels, 2 exist, 2 shown - red test - no match level 1, 2 exist - fix - green test - no match level 1, 2 exist - green test - no match levels more than exists - green test - no match level 1 - green test - no match level 1 - red cleanup long fn signatures test - show only active subchannels - green test - show only active subchannels - red test - 1 child level all children - green test - 1 child level, 2 exist - green test - 1 child level, 2 exist - red test - 1 child level - green test - child level - red test - get closest url - green test - get closest url - red test - match level 2 - green test - match level 2 - red test - active chg - match whole tree & match lvl1 partial tree - green test - active chg - match whole tree & match lvl1 partial tree - red test - match lvl1 partial tree - red test - match whole tree - green test - match whole tree - red Rename isolateChannels -> isolate Rename nav -> channel Rename nav2 -> nav Added gitignore Initial import - base test cases (no input)

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Green Apple (modified) _FXR's photostream Salt Lake Temple midiman's photostream Belay Cameron Cassan's photostream Thinker Gary Soup's photostream Multipurpose Tool Pål Berge's photostream Clean Up emilydickinsonridesabmx's photostream Cliff Elsie esq.'s photostream Paper Pile lotyloty's photostream Candles Cameron Cassan's photostream Elephant Henry Brett's photostream Assembly Line jurvetson's photostream Chihuahua apdk's photostream Angry Dog Javiercit0's photostream Clean up Pet Eddie~S' photostream Hugging Fingers ganesha.isis' photostream Fail Whale Coletivo Mambembe's photostream Lego Death Star Dude of Lego's photostream Road Runner snowpeak's photostream Keyboard Sleep YTruly's photostream Lotus The Car Spy's photostream Neon Pipes krossbow's photostream - CC Attribution license Calculator Scoobay's photostream Dragon Boat wiifm's photostream Ping Pong Nima Badiey's photostream Solitary Confinement dospaz's photostream Flags ::: Radar Communication :::'s photostream Pointing Caterpillar PinkStock Photos!'s photostream Multiplication somegeekintn's photostream All Creative Co mmons 2.0 At tribution License unless otherwise noted Decoupled Daquella manera's photostream Water Droplet shannonkringen's photostream

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Pig Egg katerha's photostream Spaghetti Noodle Pink Sherbet Photography's photostream Girl Eating Spaghetti Pink Sherbet Photography's photostream Salute Flag The U.S. Army's photostream Camoflauge Lizard dlofink's photostream Call on Beach » Zitona «'s photostream Indian Chief stream/ Boston Public Library's photostream Ninja Turtle ianmalcm's photostream Phone Booth Bex.Walton's photostream Suit Paul Stevenson's photostream Underwater AndrewEick's photostream Picasso oddsock's photostream Spider Tunnel b1gw1ght's photostream Safety Net iamchad's photostream Black Box AMagill's photostream Tool Belt Blue Diamond Photography's photostream The Swede By David Quinn, used with permission Garden Gnome Dano's photostream Blueprint Will Scullin's photostream Flux Capacitor's photostream Power Plug Zevotron's photostream Runner lululemon athletica's photostream Yoga Man lululemon athletica's photostream Lego City Men mac_filko's photostream Port Said eutrophication&hypoxia's photostream Vote for Pedro emdot's photostream Dusty Road jared's photostream Mexican Hat Rock Formation 72157624891093384 Wolfgang Staudt's photostream Red Apple (modified) *Micky's photostream Kodak Roll Cameron Cassan's photostream Gnuolane Free font Free for personal and commercial use