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Comment améliorer le quotidien des Développeurs PHP ?

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hello! Alexandre Jardin Senior Back-end Developer @EmakinaFR

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Most Common Problems Local environment used for development not reliable Same commands used again and again every day Too much time spent by the team when reviewing the code

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1. Docker Let’s start with your computer

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Containers VS Virtual Machines

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Multiple projects = Multiple configurations

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Resources used by VMs

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docker-compose.yml “apache” service on port 443 with a shared volume for project code “mysql” service on port 3306 with a persistent volume for databases

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Dockerfile Base Custom packages Custom configuration

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Migration from PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.2 -FROM php:5.6-fpm +FROM php:7.2-fpm docker-php-ext-install -j$(nproc) \ […] - mcrypt \ […] + yes "" | pecl install apcu-4.0.11 lzf mongo redis && \ + docker-php-ext-enable apcu lzf mongo redis && \ - yes "" | pecl install apcu lzf mongodb redis && \ - docker-php-ext-enable apcu lzf mongodb redis && \

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Symfony Recipes ✘ Docker support in progress ✘ Environment managed by the community ✘ Symfony + Composer + Docker =

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Summary ✘ Same environment for each developer ✘ Can be shared with the project source ✘ Light & Fast! Less time wasted on your environment, more time to develop things.

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2. Code Styles Focus on substance over form

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“ Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute. Abelson & Sussman

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Summary ✘ Code more readable ✘ Commits more relevant ✘ Code (sometimes) more efficient No matter what rules you choose, consistency is the key.

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3. Static Analysis How about (almost) automate the code review?

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Time spent by developers from Codacy studies Code review

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IDE real-time analysis

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PHP Static Analysis Tool (PHPStan)

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Symfony Linters ✘ Built-in commands ✘ Are able to detect syntax errors ✘ Almost instant

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External Services ✘ Codacy ✘ Scrutinizer ✘ SonarQube ✘ SensioLabsInsight ✘ ...

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Codacy Dashboard Bitbucket integration

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Summary ✘ Better autonomy of team members ✘ Positive impact on the overall project quality ✘ Nice learning process Free or Premium? Choose one or both, it's a must-have!

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4. Security Audits Are you sure your dependencies are secure?

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Composer = Tons of dependencies

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83,245,467 Number of composer.lock files checked since 2014 22,106,532 Total number of vulnerabilities found 7,294,964 = 9% Number of composer.lock files with known vulnerabilities

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Roave Security Advisories or SensioLabs Security Checker

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Symfony Security Monitoring

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Summary ✘ Easy to integrate ✘ Maintained by the community ✘ Can be part of a “quality package” Nobody wants a security breach in its application...

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5. Makefile Let's automate a few things

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Daily work = Tons of commands

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Bash aliases

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Summary ✘ Shared with the project source ✘ Easy to write/maintain ✘ Can be used to share knowledge Tired of writing a command over and over? Add it in your Makefile!

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6. Git Hooks Still too many commands?

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Makefile = Fewer commands

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Default templates

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“commit-msg” example

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Summary ✘ Can perform additional checks ✘ Can trigger additional processes ✘ Work with any programming language With custom hooks, Git can fit nearly any workflow you can imagine.

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7. Blackfire Because performance matters

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“ 53% of users abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. Google studies

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Clean code !== Fast code

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Profile example

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Metrics/Tests example

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Scenarios example

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Real examples from a legacy project

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Summary ✘ Very easy to install and use ✘ Performance profiling and recommendations ✘ Can also be used for non-regression testing Before upgrading your infrastructure, have a look to Blackfire!

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“Never stop measuring” Nicolas Grekas

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Overview Docker Code Styles Static Analysis Security Makefile Git Hooks Blackfire

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thanks! Any questions? Email: [email protected] GitHub: ajardin // Twitter: alxjrdn