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Scene 4 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Little Girl: Laugh! ghoststory Page 3/278

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Scene 109 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor: Anyone here? ghoststory Page 8/278

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Scene 110 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor:.... ghoststory Page 9/278

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Scene 111 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor:-Hello? ghoststory Page 10/278

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Scene 112 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor:- Someone here- ghoststory Page 11/278

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Scene 113 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor:-early? ghoststory Page 12/278

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Scene 128 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Little Girl: Aah! ghoststory Page 27/278

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Scene 8 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 ghoststory Page 37/278

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Scene 9 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor: Dodgeball will be ready in a second! ghoststory Page 38/278

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Scene 12 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie: Mami!- ghoststory Page 41/278

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Scene 13 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie:-Wait!- ghoststory Page 42/278

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Scene 14 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie:-Can I- ghoststory Page 43/278

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Scene 15 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie:-have a hug? ghoststory Page 44/278

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Scene 16 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie's Mami: I'm going to be late. ghoststory Page 45/278

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Scene 27 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie: Bye- ghoststory Page 56/278

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Scene 28 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie:-Mami! ghoststory Page 57/278

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Scene 37 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Little Girl flashbacks to herself crying. ghoststory Page 66/278

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Scene 42 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor: You ready to play some dodgeball, Sophia?- ghoststory Page 71/278

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Scene 43 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor:-I can let you pick what team you want to be in! ghoststory Page 72/278

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Scene 45 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor (rambling): It's not going to medic or any- ghoststory Page 74/278

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Scene 46 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor (rambling):-complicated stuff. While you're waiting we- ghoststory Page 75/278

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Scene 47 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor (rambling):-can play some mancala or uno.- ghoststory Page 76/278

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Scene 48 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor (rambling):-but promise you won't get mad when you lose. ghoststory Page 77/278

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Scene 49 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor (rambling):-It's all about fun. ghoststory Page 78/278

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Scene 51 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 ghoststory Page 80/278

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Scene 52 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor (announcing): All right remember head shots means- ghoststory Page 81/278

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Scene 53 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor (announcing): -you're not out! ghoststory Page 82/278

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Scene 54 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor (announcing): 1-2-3- ghoststory Page 83/278

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Scene 55 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor: Whistle! ghoststory Page 84/278

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Scene 56 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor: Wait I should- ghoststory Page 85/278

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Scene 57 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor (yells in fear):-GET OUT OF- ghoststory Page 86/278

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Scene 58 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor (yells in fear):-THE WAY! ghoststory Page 87/278

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Scene 61 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie: Caught it you're out, FInley! ghoststory Page 90/278

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Scene 62 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Little Girl watches. ghoststory Page 91/278

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Scene 73 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Max: It's a head shot I'm not out! ghoststory Page 102/278

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Scene 81 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Kindergartener: Yeee! I got someone! ghoststory Page 110/278

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Scene 85 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie: You're out, Sawyer! ghoststory Page 114/278

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Scene 88 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Max: Wha- ghoststory Page 117/278

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Scene 89 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Max:- she got you first you were already out! ghoststory Page 118/278

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Scene 90 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie (mockingly): No, it was a headshot! ghoststory Page 119/278

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Scene 101 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie: Ha!- ghoststory Page 130/278

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Scene 102 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie:- You can't get me! ghoststory Page 131/278

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Scene 104 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Max: Everyone get her! ghoststory Page 133/278

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Scene 106 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Little Girl: Oops. ghoststory Page 135/278

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Scene 138 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie (growls): Mmmm! ghoststory Page 137/278

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Scene 139 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Max: Yay!- ghoststory Page 138/278

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Scene 140 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Max:- I got her!- ghoststory Page 139/278

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Scene 141 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Max:-She always cheats- ghoststory Page 140/278

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Scene 142 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Max:-I hate cheaters so I had to- ghoststory Page 141/278

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Scene 143 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Max:-get her- ghoststory Page 142/278

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Scene 144 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Max:-out. ghoststory Page 143/278

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Scene 151 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Max (scared): Aaaa! ghoststory Page 150/278

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Scene 158 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor: Hey!- ghoststory Page 157/278

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Scene 159 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor:-HEY!- ghoststory Page 158/278

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Scene 160 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor: H.F.O! ghoststory Page 159/278

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Scene 161 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor: Hands!- ghoststory Page 160/278

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Scene 162 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor:-Feet! Objects! To yourself! ghoststory Page 161/278

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Scene 163 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie (angry): He... he ..he...- ghoststory Page 162/278

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Scene 164 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie (angry):-hit me! ghoststory Page 163/278

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Scene 165 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie (angry): He had everyone hit me! ghoststory Page 164/278

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Scene 166 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counslor: I don't care what he did! You broke the rule! ghoststory Page 165/278

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Scene 167 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counslor: Now go sit in the time out tree! ghoststory Page 166/278

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Scene 169 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 ghoststory Page 168/278

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Scene 170 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Flashback to little girl's backstory. ghoststory Page 169/278

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Scene 175 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Little Girl (sobbing):.... ghoststory Page 174/278

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Scene 176 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Little Girl (sobbing): Wuahhh! ghoststory Page 175/278

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Scene 181 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Little kids: Huh? ghoststory Page 180/278

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Scene 186 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie: Aaah! ghoststory Page 185/278

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Scene 187 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 ghoststory Page 186/278

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Scene 188 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie (scared): Wha!? ghoststory Page 187/278

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Scene 193 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 ghoststory Page 192/278

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Scene 194 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie (screams): Aaaah! ghoststory Page 193/278

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Scene 198 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 ghoststory Page 197/278

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Scene 199 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counslor: You okay? ghoststory Page 198/278

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Scene 200 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie: Yeah? ghoststory Page 199/278

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Scene 201 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counslor: Good- ghoststory Page 200/278

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Scene 202 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counslor (in pain):-cause I'm not! ghoststory Page 201/278

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Scene 207 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie: I will move the tree! ghoststory Page 206/278

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Scene 208 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie grunts! ghoststory Page 207/278

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Scene 209 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor: Wait!- ghoststory Page 208/278

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Scene 210 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor:-We need to call some help! ghoststory Page 209/278

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Scene 211 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie: You're right! ghoststory Page 210/278

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Scene 212 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie (yells): HEY, HEY LISTEN UP! ghoststory Page 211/278

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Scene 213 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sophie (yells): CAMP COUNSELOR NEEDS OUR HELP! ghoststory Page 212/278

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Scene 214 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor: Wait- ghoststory Page 213/278

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Scene 215 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor: -I meant call 911! ghoststory Page 214/278

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Scene 216 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Little Kids: 1-2- ghoststory Page 215/278

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Scene 217 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor: Kids!- Kids:-go! ghoststory Page 216/278

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Scene 218 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor:-my phone is in my bag! Kids: 1-2- ghoststory Page 217/278

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Scene 219 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Little Girl: Why do the kids help him- Kids:-go! ghoststory Page 218/278

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Scene 220 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Little Girl: -He's an adult- ghoststory Page 219/278

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Scene 221 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Little Girl:-Adults hurt. ghoststory Page 220/278

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Scene 224 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 ghoststory Page 223/278

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Scene 225 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Little Girl: Why? ghoststory Page 224/278

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Scene 226 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Little Girl:- Why do you help him?- ghoststory Page 225/278

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Scene 227 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Little Girl:- Why? ghoststory Page 226/278

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Scene 228 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Little Girl: ghoststory Page 227/278

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Scene 229 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 ghoststory Page 228/278

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Scene 230 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Flashback of Sophie playing with Camp Counselor. ghoststory Page 229/278

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Scene 251 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor: What? ghoststory Page 250/278

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Scene 252 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Kids cheering! ghoststory Page 251/278

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Scene 253 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 ghoststory Page 252/278

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Scene 254 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor: My foot is free! ghoststory Page 253/278

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Scene 255 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor passes out of pain. ghoststory Page 254/278

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Scene 256 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor: Thank you for coming- ghoststory Page 255/278

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Scene 257 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor: -back to Camp! ghoststory Page 256/278

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Scene 258 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Older Camp Counselor: Aww! I dont' mind!- ghoststory Page 257/278

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Scene 259 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Older Camp Counselor: -I have so many fond memories here- ghoststory Page 258/278

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Scene 260 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Older Camp Counselor:-Especially all the creepy ghost stuff that happens here- ghoststory Page 259/278

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Scene 261 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Older Camp Counselor:- Have you experienced- ghoststory Page 260/278

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Scene 262 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Older Camp Counselor: -anything- ghoststory Page 261/278

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Scene 263 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Older Camp Counselor:- SPOOKY! ghoststory Page 262/278

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Scene 264 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor: Not really- ghoststory Page 263/278

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Scene 265 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor: -I think if there is- ghoststory Page 264/278

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Scene 266 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor: -a ghost- ghoststory Page 265/278

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Scene 267 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Camp Counselor: -it's friendly. ghoststory Page 266/278

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Scene 279 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Little Girl laughing! ghoststory Page 278/278