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A game needs no framework Piotr Migdał, PhD data scientist @ Indie Game Dev Mini-Talks March Meetup 15 Mar 2017, Mountain View (CA)

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PhD in quantum physics theory (2014, ICFO, Barcelona) data scientist ( / freelancer)
 machine learning deep learning data-viz (D3.js)

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ˆ H = E i ~ ˙ = ⇣ ~2 2m r2 + V ( x ) ⌘

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(JavaScript) framework

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PhaserJS ImpactJS Construct 2 etc…

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But what if I want… • a puzzle game, • with SVG graphics, • using QUATNUM physics?

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• typos • bitwise operations • good for a quick&dirty demo,
 awful for development

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Tech choices • (and ES6 before it was cool) • D3.js (for SVG) • Jasmine for tests • ESLint everywhere • (still, no game framework)

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…and PhD students (this one is from Caltech)

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Quality • Write “good enough” code… • …but refactor mercilessly

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Modules • Balance:
 monolithic constructions vs abstract nonsenses • Split things as you go

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Priorities • Clarity first • Performance second

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Commits • Commit messages make a difference • Angular commit style is useful:
 type(module) message

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Tests • Unit test are important • Global tests are crucial

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Pros/cons of no framework • freedom

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Thanks! • Game: • Blog:
 - email, twitter, everything
 - “Quantum mechanics for high-school students” • Repo: