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“Mo’ Pixels, Mo’ Problems” Dealing with Responsive Images with Dave Rupert @davatron5000

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“!is is why
 Daddy drinks
 at night.”

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+ + + (slang) (place) (personal brand) (sound)

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Le menu • Discovery of Findings: Key Issues and Data Points • Identify Primary Blockers for the Agile Web • Leverage the Paravel Image Biz-Strat • Cloud-based Cutting Edge E-Solutions • Sweet Hacks, Bro

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Le Problème Like all Americans, websites are getting more and more obese. #sickburn

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HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Images, Fonts, Flash?, etc. of page load times are because of the front end. 80%

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kilobytes == average page weight in October 2013. 1,617 Up 333kb (25%) from January 2013.

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kilobytes == images (~56 of them) 988 Up 195kb (24.5%) from January 2013.

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of page weight is images. ~60% Source:

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Les Facteurs What’s causing all this image bloat?

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№1 Bad Web 
 Performance Websites keep getting fatter.

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kilobytes == average page weight in April 2013 1,617 kilobytes == size of 87,962 cost to view on Verizon’s smallest plan $22 Don’t worry, Oakley got the site down to 13.7 MBs (84% improvement!)

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millisecond delay 500 reduction in tra"c 20%

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№2 Responsive Web Design One website to rule them all.

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“Blame the implementation not the technique” – Tim Kadlec

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of RWD sites send the same payload to mobile and desktop. 72% Only 6% were “much smaller”

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Unofficial findings from the Dave Rupert Arm Chair Research Institute “Expect RWD to bloat things ~10%”

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№3 Retina Screens LOL. YOUR JOB JUST GOT SOOOOoOO MUCH MORE DIFFICULT! LOLOLOLOL — Steve Jobs, from the grave.

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LOL. I’m 3x!

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Considérations Breakpoints Densities Art direction

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Art direction

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The Paravellian® Approach Use CSS and Web Fonts whenever possible Use SVG and Icon Fonts whenever applicable Use a Responsive Images Solution

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CSS & Web Fonts

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.pizza { background-image: url("pizza.png"); } ! @media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), only screen and (min-resolution: 240dpi) { .pizza { background-image: url("pizza@2x.png"); background-size: 400px 300px; } }

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SVG & Icon Fonts

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SVG Scalable Vector Graphics Basically illustrator files

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Ghostscript Tiger SVG: 67kb

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.pizza { background-image: inline-image("pizza.svg"); background-size: 400px 300px; 
 .no-svg & {
 background-image: inline-image("pizza.png");
 } Sass/Compass SVG Data URI with PNG Fallback

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.pizza { background-image: url(data:image/svg+xml;base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7); background-size: 400px 300px; }
 .no-svg .pizza {
 background-image: url("pizza.png");
 Sass/Compass SVG Data URI with PNG Fallback

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! /' // . // |\//7 /' " \ . . .~ ~ | ( \ _ _ - -_ | '._ ' _ __ _- \_ _/ \'-' // \\_/ \\ | | || | / / | \ / |VV ||--\__________/-||-/| || || || || { } { } { }{ } Grunticon

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9+ 3.0+ 3.2+ Source: SVG support

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Icon Fonts Tiny monochrome vector packs.

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a b c d e f g h i j a b c d e f g h i j

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Source: Icon font support 8+ NO OPERA MINI :(

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La quête d'une solution d'image sensible

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Failed paths What we’ve tried, what kinda works and what doesn’t.

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“I’ll just use
 JavaScript!” — Everyone Ever

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if($(window).width() > 960) { $('img').each(function(){ $(this).attr( 'src', $(this).data('desktop') ); }); }

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“Donezo. I am so smart.” — Javascript Wizards

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WONK WONK. Double Download

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16kb + 46kb = 62kb (+33% Not ideal, but maybe okay)

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@56 Images: 896kb + 2.576MB = 3.472MB

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Other paths spacer.gif Background-images Elements Servers and cookies Network Detection

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Les candidats @srcset

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N CHALLENGER APPROACHING A new foe has appeared!

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Les candidats @srcset srcN

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@srcset Based on the CSS4 image-set() value Proposed by Apple® on May 10th, 2012

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The Breakfast Combo @srcset syntax

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The Breakfast Combo *CURRENT* @srcset syntax

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Strengths Just an attribute Strong “2x” syntax Weaknesses Comma delimited values Faux-media query microsyntax Non-intuitive px-based “w” and “h” units Browser determination Polyfill causes the double download Breaks preloader

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Proposed by the Responsive Images Community Group on May 11th, 2012

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Strengths Audio/Video element syntax Media-query based Supports non-pixel values Supports art direction Uses @srcset’s “2x” powers Fallbacks for unsupported types Weaknesses Verbose Breaks preloader “Hard to implement”* * Citation needed

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Picturefill Start using the picture element today!

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“It’s icky” - Browsers “It’s icky” - Browsers

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srcN Proposed by Tab Atkins (Google) on September 25th, 2013

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Pizza srcN syntax

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Variable sized images

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Pizza Viewport URL

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Strengths Media-query based Supports non-pixel values Supports art direction @srcset’s “2x” powers Viewport-URLs “Easy to implement”?? Weaknesses Ordinal Attributes? Fallbacks for unsupported types?

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“Sure, fuck it, whatever…” — A wise developer one time

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ch CHALLENGER APPROACHING A new foe has appeared!

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Client Hints Proposed by Ilya Grigorik (Google) ––enable-client-hints

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GET /img.jpg HTTP/1.1 ! Accepts: image/jpg CH-DPR: 2.0 CH-RW: 160 How a client hinted browser requests an image

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Detects DPR >= 1.5

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GET /img.jpg HTTP/1.1 ! Accepts: image/webp, image/jpg CH-DPR: 2.0 CH-RW: 160 How a Blink requests an image

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Detects WebP support

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rif CHALLENGER APPROACHING A new foe has appeared!

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Responsive Image Format Proposed by Yoav Weiss

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“Got any sweet hacks, Brovidence?” — Surfer dudes (from Rhode Island)

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Images as a Service

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My smaller image

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Strengths One image tag Legacy sites Weaknesses Blackbox What if these services shut down? What if you switch platforms?

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1.5x Hack For Medium Importance images

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Strengths One image Weaknesses Penalizes small screen users

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 Images The following is some black effin’ magic. Put on your robes and wizard hat...

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Strengths One image Weaknesses Memory intensive, esp. on phones Save as... pixelated

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Clown Car Crafted by Estelle Weyl

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Clown Car Technique svg { background-size: 100% 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } @media screen and (max-width: 400px) { svg {background-image: url(pizza/small.png);} } @media screen and (min-width: 401px) and (max-width: 700px) { svg {background-image: url(pizza/medium.png);} } @media screen and (min-width: 701px) and (max-width: 1000px) { svg {background-image: url(pizza/big.png);} } @media screen and (min-width: 1001px) { svg {background-image: url(pizza/huge.png);} }

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Strengths Simple Element Query Weaknesses Make SVG for every image set

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Lots o’ options Above all, use your brain and pick what’s best for your project.

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“!anks!” Dave Rupert @davatron5000