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Progressive Web Apps: For Beginners NITYA NARASIMHAN | @NITYA AUG 2021

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About Me • PhD, Distributed Systems • 20+ years Industry & Startups • Software Research & Eng. • Community Builder • Senior Cloud Advocate • Visual Storyteller

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PWA Concepts 1. What’s a PWA? 2. Benefits & Drawbacks 3. Under the Hood 4. PWA Tools & Frameworks 5. PWA Starter: Template 6. PWA Builder: Audit 7. PWA Apps: Examples

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What is a Progressive Web App? Progressive Web Apps are web apps that are reliable, installable, and capable exemplified by: • open web technologies • cross-platform interoperability • progressive enhancement • native-like app experience Learn More: Microsoft Docs "The Chocolatey Layers of Progressive Enhancement” (Credit: A List Apart)

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Where does it fit into app ecosystems? • Web apps have best reach. Anyone, anywhere, on any device. One codebase. Always up-to-date. • Native apps have best capability. Work reliably offline, use latest APIs. Feel like they belong on platform. • PWAs are web apps enhanced with modern APIs – in supported browsers – to deliver best of both worlds Learn More: Capabilities vs. reach of platform-specific apps, web app, and progressive web apps.

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PWA Examples in the Real World Learn More: 12 Best Examples of PWA in 2021

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PWA Concepts 1. What’s a PWA? 2. Benefits & Drawbacks 3. Under the Hood 4. PWA Tools & Frameworks 5. PWA Starter: Template 6. PWA Builder: Audit 7. PWA Apps: Examples

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Principles of Good PWA (Benefits) Learn More: Discoverability Better metadata, easier to find via search on web or in platform Installability Feels like it belongs on target platform – home screen (launch), native feel (app container) Linkability Link to directly specific pages (routes) in app – for easy share & launch Reliability Network independence (work offline or under intermittent connectivity) Progressive Enhancement Work cross-browser, rendering best content experience for local platform capability Re-engageability Remind users of app existence (even if browser is not live) using web push & notifications Responsiveness Use media queries & viewport to adapt to form factors – including dual-screen (foldables) Safety / Security Use HTTPS for secure communications, verify link matches web domain (unlike in app stores)

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What are the drawbacks of PWA? Basic PWA Requirements Service Workers Web App Manifest Push Notifications Can I Use APIs on all modern browsers & target platforms? This is where progressive enhancement finds value. Is service worker ready? (

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Why should we care about PWA today? Mobile web usage continues to grow even as desktop use stays strong App developers need to think “multi-platform” Mobile Vs Desktop Internet Usage (Latest 2021 Data) – BroadbandSearch – Feb 2021

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Native app abandonment rates remain quite high. Users forget they exist, or don’t upgrade The Case for Progressive Web Applications | WebAppDevCo 2018 7 Awesome PWA Statistics You Should Know in 2020 ( Why should we care about PWA today? Mobile revenue gap more consumption time but less revenue than with desktop app

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Making the ’case’ for PWA Case Study ( – Selected case studies for the “Progressive Web Apps tag” from 2020-2021 • Feels native on mobile & desktop • Faster loading speeds • Instantly available (latest) • Comparatively lighter • Offline-ready • Retention & Conversion The Case for Progressive Web Applications | WebAppDevCo

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PWA Concepts 1. What’s a PWA? 2. Benefits & Drawbacks 3. Under the Hood 4. PWA Tools & Frameworks 5. PWA Starter: Template 6. PWA Builder: Audit 7. PWA Apps: Examples

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PWA Requirements: Core + Optimal Service Workers HTTPS Web App Manifest • Service Workers are proxies between application and network (when available). Requires HTTPS by default. • Web App Manifests provide structured metadata to support installability and discoverability Also see: PWA app architectures

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About: Service Workers • Service Workers run in background, uses messages to ”talk” to app pages in scope • Programmable network proxy with own lifecycle • Can hijack connections, manipulate responses => HTTPS mandatory to prevent man-in-middle Using Service Workers - Web APIs | MDN (

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About: Service Workers Kickstart service worker by registering it in app’s ”load” event handler • Installing: registers service worker • Determines scope (for fetch events) • Cache resources (for given policy) • Waiting: for prior worker exits • Activated: ready for fetch events • Redundant: no further requests Using Service Workers - Web APIs | MDN (

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About: Handling Fetch Events Service Workers and Cache API work in tandem to deliver response (by policy) 2 questions: • How frequently is cache updated for resource? • Does this resource have other dependencies? Using Service Workers - Web APIs | MDN (

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About: When to Cache First • On install as dependency The Offline Cookbook (

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About: When to Cache First • On install as dependency • On install, no dependency The Offline Cookbook (

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About: When to Cache First • On install as dependency • On install, no dependency • On user interaction event The Offline Cookbook (

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About: When to Cache First • On install as dependency • On install, no dependency • On user interaction event • On network response The Offline Cookbook (

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About: When to cache • On install as dependency • On install, no dependency • On user interaction event • On network response • On activate (new worker) The Offline Cookbook (

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About: Caching Strategy (What, When) What to cache is decided by content questions asked • Stale while revalidate – for frequently updating resources (fetch for next time) • Network first – where freshest content is priority (breaking news) • Cache first – for infrequently updated resources (images) • Cache only – for resource that must exist when worker updates (e.g., offline page) • Network only – if no offline equivalent exists (e.g., network pings) The Offline Cookbook (

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PWA Requirements: Core + Optimal Service Workers HTTPS Web App Manifest • Service Workers are proxies between application and network (when available). Requires HTTPS by default. • Web App Manifests provide structured metadata to support installability and discoverability Also see: PWA app architectures

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About: Web App Manifest Web App Manifest governs how PWA looks & behaves when installed on target OS. JSON file (5 required fields) name, short_name, icons, start_url, display Deploy Manifest Browser Compatibility Specification Use the Web App Manifest to integrate PWA into target OS

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About: Install Options for PWA Best practices: • Don’t disrupt key user workflows • Allow user to dismiss or decline promo • Don’t annoy or spam the user Promotional patterns: • Automatic browser promotion (Typical) • Simple install button (in journey) • Fixed install button (in header) • After key conversion events (proof of use) • Temporary UI, banner etc. Patterns for promoting PWA installation ( | Custom Install: Flow • Listen for beforeinstallprompt event • Save event (to trigger later) • Provide UI element for triggering • Call prompt() on saved event to trigger

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PWA Requirements: Core + Optimal Service Workers HTTPS Web App Manifest PWA Checklist • Provides an offline experience • Is fully accessible (inclusive) • Can be discovered through search • Works with any input type (interaction) • Provides context for permission requests • Follows best practices for healthy code • Starts fast, stays fast • Works in any browser • Responsive to any screen size • Provides custom offline page • Is installable

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About: Web Capabilities Project Cross-company effort to support new web capability APIs across browser platforms • Some experimental APIs (behind flag) • Expose native platform capabilities to browser via open web standards • Maintain tenets of web (security, privacy, trust) in implementation • What’s new in Edge • Origin trials in Chrome Unlocking new capabilities for the web

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About: Project Fugu Tracker Fugu API Tracker ( | Explore codelab

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PWA Development 1. What’s a PWA? 2. Benefits & Drawbacks 3. Under the Hood 4. PWA Tools & Frameworks 5. PWA Starter: Template 6. PWA Builder: Audit 7. PWA Apps: Examples

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Getting Started With PWA: Options Make it installable • Add a manifest • Create an offline page • Add service workers Focus on a feature Pick one high impact PWA feature and support it in your app • Push Notifications • File Handling Build a simple version Focus on one user journey Make that workflow offline-first! Start from ground up Use frameworks and boilerplate Leverage tools and best practices

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Service Workers Cookbook Service Worker Cookbook is a collection of working, practical examples of using service workers in modern web sites. GitHub Repo Mozilla / ServiceWorker Cookbook The Offline Cookbook The Offline Cookbook ( Practical caching patterns (with demos and figures) that help explain strategies Workbox (Tools) Workbox | Google Developers Set of libraries with baked- in best practices ready for production use

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Lighthouse: Automated auditing Lighthouse | Tools for Web Developers | Google Developers | PWA audits (

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Chrome / Edge : DevTools | Using DevTools with PWA

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PWA Development 1. What’s a PWA? 2. Benefits & Drawbacks 3. Under the Hood 4. PWA Tools & Frameworks 5. PWA Starter: Template 6. PWA Builder: Audit 7. PWA Apps: Examples

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pwa-builder/pwa-starter • Template (best practices) • 100 Lighthouse Score • Workbox (service workers) • lit (web components) • FAST (fluent design) • Lazy-loaded routes (vaadin) • Typescript (language) • Sample apps (incl. dual-screen) PWA Starter: Scaffold & host a basic PWA

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• Use template to create app • Build for production • Test on local server • Host app on GitHub Pages Next: • Host on Azure Static Web Apps • Replicate PWA Examples • Add: Service Worker Strategies • Add: Web Capabilities PWA Starter: Demo App

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PWA Development 1. What’s a PWA? 2. Benefits & Drawbacks 3. Under the Hood 4. PWA Tools & Frameworks 5. PWA Starter: Template 6. PWA Builder: Audit 7. PWA Apps: Examples

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PWA Builder: Audit your PWA • Generate a Report Card for new or existing app • Use recommendations to update PWA compliance • Use guidance & tools to package apps for Android and Windows app stores PWABuilder

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Audit Demo: PWA Report Card • Using Mozilla’s Demo App: JS13KGames • Source available here • Demo: Let’s look at the default report card • Score: 140

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Audit Demo: Manifest Options • Using Mozilla’s Demo App: JS13KGames • Source available here • Demo: Let’s look at the default report card • Score: 140

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Audit Demo: Service Worker Options • Using Mozilla’s Demo App: JS13KGames • Source available here • Demo: Let’s look at the default report card • Score: 140

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PWA Builder: Ship to App Stores PWA Builder Blog

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PWA Development 1. What’s a PWA? 2. Benefits & Drawbacks 3. Under the Hood 4. PWA Tools & Frameworks 5. PWA Starter: Template 6. PWA Builder: Audit 7. PWA Apps: Examples

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PWA Project: Care4CF (Jordan Smith) CARE4CF • University Project in collaboration with MSFT • PWA-based logging app to log daily activity of participants in study • Guest Speaker: Jordan Smith University College London (UK)

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Case Studies: Trivago, Twitter, Pinterest Progressive Web Apps (PWA): Top 3 Case Studies - SimiCart

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PWA Summary 1. What’s a PWA? 2. Benefits & Drawbacks 3. Under the Hood 4. PWA Tools & Frameworks 5. PWA Starter: Template 6. PWA Builder: Audit 7. PWA Apps: Examples

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PWA Resources PWABuilder / MSFT PWA on Windows / MSFT PWA Training / Google PWA Guides / Mozilla PWA Case Studies PWA in 2021 / PWA Builder / samples

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PWA For Beginners

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PWA For Beginners Roadmap Roadmap here

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PWA Summit PWA Summit, October 6-7