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A Clearer Vision ● Our app aims to give people a platform to engage in real conversation with another person on a given range of topics. (Not a Q&A) ● Our current approach for matching users is through Spaces. Each Space represents a topic users can choose as the basis for their conversation. ● Ideally, we could move toward a tag-based system where users will be matched based on self-chosen tags representing topics they are keen to talk about.

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Jody is 25 year old student from Colombia. She lives in Bogota and is pursuing a commerce degree at the University of Colombia. Jody likes to travel a lot around the world to learn about other cultures and widen her perspective. Often, she travels alone and finds herself in trouble not being able to communicate with the people in foreign countries. Jody wants to share her experiences with travellers like herself.

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Lucas lives alone and travels a lot for work. He recently got home from a stint of contract work in Singapore. To treat himself, he stopped over in Japan for a few days of vacation. He just got home, is extremely jetlagged, and brimming with excitement about his trip. He’s dying to tell somebody about it but doesn’t have anybody to talk to right now.

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Live Demo

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Data From User Study 1 1) Online survey distributed through Facebook a) General questions about user interactions on social media b) Measuring comfort level with using chat and video as a means of communication c) 45 responses total Are you comfortable using FaceTime, skype and other features where the person you’re talking to can see your face? |-----------------------------------------------| Yes: 89% No: 11% Have you ever used chatroulette? |-----------------------------------------------| Yes: 53% No: 47% Do you have any interests that none of your friends share? Ex) Netflix shows, games, specific political views, religion |-----------------------------------------------| Yes: 65% No: 35%

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Data From User Study 2 1) Real-time, social experiment a) Individuals were polled on which topics would be interesting to talk about b) Matched up on Google Hangouts c) Only text available at first with option of starting video d) 4 participants total = 2 conversations Duration |--------------------------------------| Conversation 1: ~10 mins Conversation 2: ~20mins I felt comfortable talking with the other person (5 = very confident) |--------------------------------------| 1: 0 2: 0 3: 1 4: 2 5: 1 I can think of other topics that I would want to discuss with people in this way (5 = very confident) |----------------------------------------------------------| 1: 0 2: 0 3: 0 4: 3 5: 1

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Data From User Study 2 (con’t) Did you feel like the interaction was more or less awkward than starting a conversation with a stranger in person? How/Why? “It was less awkward than an in-person thing. I can’t imagine walking up to a stranger and talking about a topic.” “Less awkward you have time to think about questions and answers.” What was your 1st impression of the experience once you had started chatting? “It was nice. Started out awkward but we talked about interesting stuff.” “Well, because we were matched up based on the common interest of "fitness", I somewhat expected them to be an athletic person. Turns out neither of us reeeally are fitness people, so the conversation changed to something more general about UVic life and our fields of study (engineering/comp sci).” “Did you unmute the microphone and turn the camera on? Why or why not?” “No.” (felt it would have been awkward, was in a public place, wanted to get to know the other person better)

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