Slide 6
Slide 6 text
We assume that the random process is spatially and
temporally second order stationary, homogeneous and
isotropic, i.e. E [Z (s, t)] = µ, Var [Z (s, t)] = σ2
< ∞
Cov [Z (s, t) , Z (s + h, t + u)] = c (h, u) = c (khk , u) ,
We note that c (h, 0) and c (0, u) correspond to the
purely spatial and purely temporal covariances.
Spatio-temporal variogram for fZ (h, t)g
2γ (h, u) = Var [Z (s + h, t + u) Z (s, t)] .
2γ (h, u) = 2 [c (0, 0) c (h, u)] ,
for an isotropic process, γ (h, u) = γ (khk , u).
Gy. Terdik & S. Rao T. (UofD, HU & UofM, UK ) Spatio-Temporal Fields
January 30, 2015 Laboratoire des Signaux et S
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