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How to use Scala.js in real world? Kyo Ago

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About me - work for ChatWork - using JavaScript for 9 years - using Scala for 0.5 year ࣗݾ঺հɻChatWorkͰJavaScriptॻ͍ͯ·͢

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Scala is great! Scala͍͍Ͱ͢Ͷʂ

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But Ͱ΋

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We want to develop UI, don't we!? UIΛ࡞Γ͍ͨʂ

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Hmm... ͡Ό͋

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Scala.js!! Scala.jsͰ͢Ͷʂ

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Wait ... Ͱ΋

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Scala.js is production ready yet? Scala.js࢖͑Δͷʁ

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Yes, it is! ࢖͑Δ

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1. "almost" compatible to Javascript JavaScriptͱͷޓ׵ੑ͸΄΅ສશ - bit-size in number types - runtime semantics in exceptions - difference of regex defs

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2. Type definition can be applied by using TypeScript ܕఆٛ΋TypeScript͔ΒಋೖՄೳ sjrd/scala-js-ts-importer

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3. fast compile ߴ଎ͳίϯύΠϧ 1-2 seconds even when optimized fullOptJS is used

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4. small footprint ܰྔ Hello world! is 17KB(with fullOptJS). 6KB with gzip

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5. supports SourceMap SourceMapαϙʔτ

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6. Java API implementation is going actively Java APIͷ࣮૷΋ਐΜͰΔ

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Why isn't Scala.js widely used? ͡Ό͋ɺͳΜͰ࢖ΘΕͯͳ͍ͷʁ

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1. type safety is too much for small projects খن໛ͳΒܕ҆શੑͷඞཁੑ͸௿͍

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2. widely proven framework is preferred in large projects. େن໛ͳΒ࣮੷͕ͳ͍ϑϨʔϜϫʔΫ͸࠾༻͠ʹ͍͘

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3. difficult to call Scala.js from Javascript JavaScript͔ΒScala.jsΛݺͼग़͢ͷ͕೉͍͠ The part actively developed right now

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4. difficult to change if html was embedded to code ίʔυʹhtmlΛຒΊࠐΉͱUIมߋʹऑ͍

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5. compatibility/ability to track the latest version between other JavaScript libraries JavaScriptϥΠϒϥϦͱͷޓ׵ੑɺ࠷৽൛΁ͷ௥ैੑ

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6. debugging cost on browsers ϒϥ΢β্Ͱͷσόοάίετ

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Then, we can't use, can we!? ͡Ό͋ɺ࢖͑ͳ͍ͷʁ

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Architecture can be an answer ΞʔΩςΫνϟͰղܾ

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Scala.js should covers only logic. Scala.js͸ϩδοΫͷΈΛ࣮૷

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Javascript should covers UI JavaScriptͰUIΛ࣮૷

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communicate each other by JSON ͓ޓ͍ʹJSONͰ௨৴

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UI should be contsructed by JSON UI͸JSON͔Βߏங͢Δ

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Pros ར఺

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1. reduces integration between Scala.js and JavaScript Scala.jsͱJavaScriptͷ࿈ܞ͕ݮΔ

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2. we can develop in Scala.js similar to usual development in Scala ௨ৗͷScala։ൃͱಉ͡Α͏ʹScala.jsͰ։ൃͰ͖Δ

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3. flexibility of implementing UI UI࣮૷ͷࣗ༝౓্͕͕Δ

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Cons ܽ఺

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1. communication cost between Scala.js and UI Scala.jsͱUI෦෼ͱͷ௨৴͕සൃ͢Δ

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2. logic is prone to be complex ϩδοΫ͕ෳࡶԽ͢Δ

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Is this really achievable? ࣮ݱՄೳʁ

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Yes, at least on the architecture level ΞʔΩςΫνϟతʹ͸Մೳ

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Let's discuss together at ChatWork Booth! ৄ͘͠͸ϒʔεͰ

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Thank you! ͝ਗ਼ௌ͋Γ͕ͱ͏͍͟͝·ͨ͠ɻ

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We're Hiring!! ͝Ԡื͓଴͍ͪͯ͠·͢ʂ