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Gerrit Meier @meistermeier What the Graph?

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Ecosystem Neo4j Professional Services 300+ partners 47,000 group members 61,000 trained engineers 3.5M downloads Mindset “Graph Thinking” is all about considering connections in data as important as the data itself. Native Graph Platform Neo4j is an internet-scale, native graph database which executes connected workloads faster than any other database management system. Neo4j

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Graph Databases

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Graph Databases Hero

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Graph Databases Label Type

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Graph Databases Person KNOWS {
 name: “Mr. X” dob: 26.02.1982
 } {
 met: “Spring IO” contact: 16.05.2019

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Graph Databases Person KNOWS Person Topic INTERESTED_IN INTERESTED_IN {
 term: “Spring Data” description: “ … “

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Data Access

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Cypher Cypher Query Language is to Neo4j what 
 SQL is for relational databases. Open Source and ready for other Graph Database technology.

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Cypher :Person :KNOWS :Person :Topic :INTERESTED_IN :INTERESTED_IN

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 (person:Person)-[:INTERESTED_IN]"->(t:Topic)"<-[:INTERESTED_IN]-(otherPerson:Person) WHERE 

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Connect to Neo4j •Bolt - Binary protocol •HTTP - First remote access, no library needed •Embedded - Running Neo4j in the same JVM

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Bolt drivers •Languages - Java, Python, JavaScript, C#, Go •Seabolt - connector written in C •Community drivers - R, Rust, Elixir…

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Neo4j-OGM Java Driver Neo4j-OGM Embedded Bolt HTTP

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Neo4j-OGM •Annotations - Describe your Graph •Configuration - Driver, Domain packages,… •Mapping - Java Object Graph <> Graph Model •Basic Data Access - CRUD operations built-in

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Neo4j-OGM :Person :Topic :INTERESTED_IN

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Neo4j-OGM :Topic :INTERESTED_IN @NodeEntity public class Person { @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; @Property private String name; @Relationship(type = “INTERESTED_IN") private Set topic; }

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Neo4j-OGM :INTERESTED_IN @NodeEntity public class Topic { @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; private String term; private String description; } :Person

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Neo4j-OGM :Person :Topic :INTERESTED_IN Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Person person = new Person(“Mr. X”); person.addTopic(new Topic(“Spring”));;

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Neo4j-OGM :Person :Topic :INTERESTED_IN Person person = session.load(Person.class, personId); Collection people = session.loadAll(Person.class);

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Neo4j-OGM :Person :Topic :INTERESTED_IN Person person = session.queryForObject(Person.class,
 "MATCH (p:Person) where = ${name} return p",
 singletonMap("name", “Mr. X”) );

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Spring Data Neo4j

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Spring Data Neo4j •Convenient Data Access - Spring Data’s Domain-Driver-Design way •Derived Finder Methods - no Cypher needed •Abstraction from Cypher - if wanted •Specialisation for Graph Operations - graph-ish way to work with data

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Spring Data Neo4j •CRUD Methods - save, findById, delete, count… •Graph specific - depth as “second” parameter interface PersonRepository extends Neo4jRepository {}

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Spring Data Neo4j interface PersonRepository extends Neo4jRepository { Person findByName(String name); }

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Spring Data Neo4j interface PersonRepository extends Neo4jRepository { Person findByName(String name); } MATCH 
 (person:Person)-[int:INTERESTED_IN]"->(topic:Topic) WHERE$name 
 person, int, topic

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Spring Data Neo4j interface PersonRepository extends Neo4jRepository { @Query("MATCH (p:Person)-[:INTERESTED_IN]->(t:Topic) WHERE t.term={0} return p”) List customFindByInterest(String interest); }

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Spring Data Neo4j 5.x (Lovelace/Moore) •Spring Boot 2.x only •Schema-based Loading •Persistence Constructor

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The Don’ts

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The Don’ts •Complex Custom Cypher •Batch Operations •Domain Model does not represent the Graph •Unwrapping the Session / Driver all the time

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Getting started

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Import •LOAD CSV - File, HTTP(S) or FTP •APOC - Support for JSON, JDBC… •ETL Tool - Import and map data from SQL source WITH “jdbc:mysql://database” AS url CALL apoc.load.jdbc(url) YIELD value UNWIND value.items AS item MERGE (:Item {title=item.title} LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS 
 FROM “file:paradise.csv” AS row CREATE 
 (:Officer {name:, country:,…

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Spring Data Neo4j ⚡ RX* *working title

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SDN⚡RX •Complete rewrite of Spring Data Neo4j & Neo4j-OGM •(not only) Reactive Support •(Reactive)Neo4jClient •Cypher DSL •real Immutable Mapping •new Spring Boot Autoconfiguration

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SDN⚡RX Node personNode = node("Person"); Statement statement = match(personNode) .where("name").isEqualTo(literalOf("Mr.X"))) .returning(personNode) .build();

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SDN⚡RX Node personNode = node("Person"); Statement statement = match(personNode) .where("name").isEqualTo(literalOf("Mr.X"))) .returning(personNode) .build(); ReactiveNeo4jClient client = ReactiveNeo4jClient.create(driver); Flux people = client .newQuery(renderer.render(statement)) .fetchAs(Person.class) .mappedBy(record !-> {!/*!..!*/}) !// optional mapping .all() .subscribe(person !-> {!/*!..!*/});

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SDN⚡RX public class Person { @Id private final Long id; private final String name; private Person(Long id, String name) { = id; = name; } public Person withId(Long newId) { return new Person(newId,; } public Person withName(String newName) { return new Person(, newName); } } @AllArgsConstructor public class PersonWithAllConstructor { @Id private final Long id; private final String name; private final String firstName; private final String sameValue; private final Boolean cool; private final Long personNumber; private final LocalDate bornOn; }

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SDN⚡RX @Node data class KotlinPerson(@Id val id: Long, val name: String)

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Links •Neo4j Desktop - •Neo4j Sandbox - •This Talk - •Free Graph Algorithms book -

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Gerrit Meier @meistermeier Thanks!