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Patterns of Card UI Design How to organize cards in containers to deliver insights and drive actions Chris Tse Presented by Follow @christse on Twitter Amplify DUMBO Event Location NYC UX Acrobatics Meetup Organizer Presentation Date July 8, 2014 NYC ACROBATICS UX ADVANCED UX TRACK

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. Agenda Card Container movement Card Patterns Container Patterns Movement Patterns

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Previous Talks Thoughtworks NYC Event Location NYC Meteor Meetup Meetup Organizer Presentation Date July 1, 2014 Building Embeddable JavaScript Apps for Web and Mobile Devices Chris Tse Presented by Follow @christse on Twitter TECHNICAL TRACK Card UI Architecture Design Stacking The Card Deck Reclaiming Our Mobile Future with HTML5-based Cards Chris Tse Presented by Follow @christse on Twitter AOL + Huffington Post Event Location NYC CSS/UX Meetup Meetup Organizer Presentation Date June 5, 2014

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Previous Talks Thoughtworks NYC Event Location NYC Meteor Meetup Meetup Organizer Presentation Date July 1, 2014 Building Embeddable JavaScript Apps for Web and Mobile Devices Chris Tse Presented by Follow @christse on Twitter TECHNICAL TRACK Card UI Architecture Design Stacking The Card Deck Reclaiming Our Mobile Future with HTML5-based Cards Chris Tse Presented by Follow @christse on Twitter AOL + Huffington Post Event Location NYC CSS/UX Meetup Meetup Organizer Presentation Date June 5, 2014 Khoi Vinh (@khoi) VP UX @trywildcard, blogger @subtraction, former design director @nytimes

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Google Chrome Notifications CardPatterns Types of Cards Apple Passbook Facebook Paper

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Google Chrome Notifications CardPatterns Short-lived Long-lived Types of Cards Apple Passbook Facebook Paper

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CardPatterns Card as a Short-lived Long-lived Permanent Is Definitive Carries Data Record

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Google Chrome Notifications CardPatterns Types of Cards Apple Passbook Facebook Paper Record Card as a Short-lived Long-lived

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Google Chrome Notifications CardPatterns Types of Cards Apple Passbook Facebook Paper Record Card as a Teaser Card as a Short-lived Long-lived

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Google Chrome Notifications CardPatterns Types of Cards Apple Passbook Facebook Paper Record Card as a Teaser Card as a Alert Card as an Short-lived Long-lived

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CardPatterns Target Cloud Magic Apple Passbook Citia Card as aRecord via @khoi

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CardPatterns Short-lived Long-lived Point-in-time Is Selective Has an Excerpt Card as a Teaser

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CardPatterns Pinterest Facebook Evernote Twitter FlipBoard Card as aTeaser

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CardPatterns Short-lived Long-lived Ephemeral Is Time-Sensitive Offers Choices Card as an Alert

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CardPatterns Apple iOS 8 Google Android L Windows 8 Card as an Alert

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CardPatterns Card as an Alert Tinder Jelly Seer CloudMagic via @khoi

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CardPatterns Short-lived Long-lived Types of Cards Record Card as a Teaser Card as a Alert Card as an Permanent Is Definitive Carries Data Point-in-time Is Selective Has an Excerpt Ephemeral Is Time-Sensitive Offers Choices Sum m ary

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CardPatterns Anatomy of Cards Source: Google Material Design Guidelines

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CardPatterns Anatomy of Cards Source: Google Material Design Guidelines Context

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CardPatterns Anatomy of Cards Source: Google Material Design Guidelines Context Lens

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CardPatterns Anatomy of Cards Source: Google Material Design Guidelines Context Lens Triggers

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Anatomy of Cards Source: Google Material Design Guidelines Context Lens Triggers CardPatterns

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Source: Google Material Design Guidelines Triggers Context Lens Triggers Lens CardPatterns

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Source: Google Material Design Guidelines Triggers Context Lens Triggers Lens Lens Triggers Lens Context CardPatterns

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Context Lens Triggers Google Now Current Location Predicted Destination Current Time Mode of Transportation Ambient Reactive Well-defined CardPatterns Card has Context

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Context Lens Triggers Soundclound in Storify Zoom / Crop Focus Depth of Field Card has a lens

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“Don’t you want to watch this video?” “Proclaim your love about Sricaha” “Don’t show me again.” “Tell your friends you like Sriracha!” “Find out what’s the big deal about Sriracha.” “Gotta blog this.” “Defend Sriracha!” Facebook Newsfeed Triggers Lens Context Enumerated Packaged Prioritized CardPatterns Card has Triggers

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Sum m ary Record Card Lens Context Triggers Context Lens Triggers Context Triggers Lens Short-lived Long-lived Short-lived Long-lived CardPatterns Teaser Card Alert Card

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doesn’t matter Size CardPatterns

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doesn’t matter It’s about Size Power CardPatterns

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To See The gist Power

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To See The gist To Act Upon it Power

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To See The gist To Act Upon it To Make Something Power

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No content

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Have Different Sizes & Powers Cards

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Have Different Sizes & Powers Have Different structure & Mixture Containers Cards

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Cards Like Pinterest Containers

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Cards Like Pinterest “Board”

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Cards Like Pinterest “Board” Structure

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Cards Like Pinterest “Board” Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Structure

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Cards Like Facebook “feed” Video Text Photo Album Ads Events Messages

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Cards Like Apple Passbook “Stack” United BOARDING PASS AMC Movie Ticket Starbucks Card Target Coupon Starwood Loyalty Card

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Cards Like Project Medici “Tree” ebook Excerpt Lecture Video Quiz PDF Paper Slide Deck Document Video Photo Document Lesson Lesson

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Web Platform Container Card

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Web Platform Quiz Video Podcast Game Simulation Article Container Card

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Container Patterns

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Patterns Container Emergent Curated Narrative Containers Help to tell a coherent story Faithful to user’s narrative choices Could be nested into a structure

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Patterns Container Emergent Curated Narrative Containers Storify Storehouse Wix Inkling Habitat

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Patterns Container Discovery Containers Surface what may be relevant Harness the collective mind User can tune and tweak Emergent Curated

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Patterns Container Discovery Containers Pinterest Twitter Facebook Mobile Emergent Curated

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Patterns Container Discovery Containers New Myspace Pandora Emergent Curated

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Patterns Container Conversation Containers Directed solely by participants Allows back and forth exchanges Governed by etiquette and norms Emergent Curated

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Patterns Container Emergent Curated Conversation Containers Kik DISCOURSE

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Patterns Container Workflow Containers Chain together a series of actions Performed by multiple participants Can attach other cards as payloads Emergent Curated

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Patterns Container Emergent Curated WORKFLOW Containers Asana Trello

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Patterns Container Emergent Curated WORKFLOW Containers Jelly Google Now Apple iOS 8

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Patterns Container Emergent Curated Narrative Containers Discovery Containers Conversation Containers Workflow Containers Sum m ary

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Patterns Container Ever-Changing EverGreen Narrative Containers Discovery Containers Conversation Containers Workflow Containers Sum m ary

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No content

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With the container model we move away from thinking about specific pages on the site and how they might be filled with content, instead we start first with the content and each page is simply seen as a series of containers. “ Source:

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With the container model we move away from thinking about specific pages on the site and how they might be filled with content, instead we start first with the content and each page is simply seen as a series of containers. “ Narrative Containers Source:

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CardMovement The most important aspect of the Card Metaphor

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CardMovement you can Move Cards The most important aspect of the Card Metaphor

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Narrative Discovery Conversation Workflow How Cards Move

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Narrative Discovery Conversation Workflow How Cards Move Create it

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Narrative Discovery Conversation Workflow How Cards Move Share it

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Narrative Discovery Conversation Workflow How Cards Move Talk about it

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Narrative Discovery Conversation Workflow How Cards Move Review & approve it

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Narrative Discovery Conversation Workflow How Cards Move Publish it

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If ‘card’ is the future, how to build it?

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card Architecture… in a nutshell

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A PAGE card Architecture… in a nutshell Render to Size/mode

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A PAGE An APP card Architecture… in a nutshell Render to Size/mode React to Action/Event

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A PAGE An APP A FILE card Architecture… in a nutshell Render to Size/mode React to Action/Event Restore From Saved States

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A PAGE An APP A FILE An API card Architecture… in a nutshell Render to Size/mode React to Action/Event Restore From Saved States Report Metadata

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A PAGE An APP A FILE An API card Architecture… in a nutshell

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A PAGE An APP A FILE An API card Architecture JS N … in a nutshell Card

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vs Open EcoSystems Closed EcoSystems

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HTML5 Cards Can Move Between Apps Between Devices Between Users Between Services

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HTML5 Cards Can Move Between Apps Between Devices Between Users Between Services

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HTML5 Cards Can Move Between Apps Between Devices Between Users Between Services

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HTML5 Cards Can Move Between Apps Between Devices Between Users Between Services

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Designing with Cards Case Study Saikiran Yerram Co-founder, Kipin Hall @agileseeker Image Source: Google Material Design Guidelines

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Syllabus Tracks + Check-ins + Retention = Digitize existing syllabus content to help students with time organization, goal setting and improving grades. A predefined set of activities tailored for each major, with an intent to form an academic habit or achieve a milestone in an area of interest. Behavioral methodologies like goal setting, check ins, nudges to encourage check ins on tasks. Track their usage patterns and recommend ways to improve or connect them to school resources Invision Mockups

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ROI on Card UI Reuse Mini-apps Unify Web, Mobile Web, and Apps New Distribution Outlets Super Easy Partnerships User Loyalty

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Open Closed

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Web Windows Open Closed

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Web The most open, amazing, transformative human-made ecosystem ever.

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Web The most open, amazing, transformative human-made ecosystem ever. This is not going to last…

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Web The most open, amazing, transformative human-made ecosystem ever. This is not going to last… Apps

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Web The most open, amazing, transformative human-made ecosystem ever. This is not going to last… Apps The greatest breakthrough in how we use technology in our everyday lives.

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Web The most open, amazing, transformative human-made ecosystem ever. This is not going to last… Apps The greatest breakthrough in how we use technology in our everyday lives. We can’t stay here for ever……

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Open Native Web Apps

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Open Native Web Apps Cards

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Mobile mobile Web Apps Cards

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CardStack Card Organizer Card Packaging Card Contracts Card Sandbox Card Glazier (Reference container implementation) GitHub (All cards are separate projects) Conductor.js (JS framework-agnostic) Polymer (For trusted code) & Oasis.js (For untrusted code) Material Design or Grid Style Sheet Coming Soon Everything you need to build HTML5 Cards and Containers .io 5 4 3 2 1 CardEcosystem

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Show the World what a Card-centric world looks like Card-based e-commerce Card-based collaboration Card-based games Card-based communications Card-based governance card-based learning Step 1 CardEcosystem

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Make some cards that are useful and share the source, allow derivatives Step 2 Existing APIs Fresh Card UI HTML5 Card HTML5 Card HTML5 Card HTML5 Card HTML5 Card OAuth / JSON CardEcosystem

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Make some cards that are useful and share the source, allow derivatives Step 2 Existing APIs Fresh Card UI HTML5 Card HTML5 Card HTML5 Card HTML5 Card HTML5 Card OAuth / JSON CardEcosystem

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Building an open Card Catalog based on open source reputation Step 3 Cards for End-Users Code From Developers CardEcosystem

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Building an open Card Catalog based on open source reputation Step 3 Cards for End-Users Code From Developers CardEcosystem

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NEW YORK Let’s start a Card Movement!

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Patterns of Card UI Design How to organize cards in containers to deliver insights and drive actions Chris Tse Presented by Follow @christse on Twitter NYC ACROBATICS UX ADVANCED UX TRACK For More information

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@christse Thank you!

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Container Patterns Narrative Discovery Conversation Workflow Card Patterns Record Teaser Alert Context Lens Triggers Curated Emergent Long-Lived Short-lived concept + design by @christse Full deck at source: Patterns of Card UI Design: Cheat sheet