Slide 15
Slide 15 text
15 Build Software to Test Software
Test results analysis
Do we actually send what we thought we send?
• Evaluation of message rate ‘per millisecond’ unit and order mix balance:
Message rate per millisecond:
• Internal monitoring stats arbitration:
- Matching Engine’s NEW_ORDERS, CANCELS, AMENDS, etc – rates per second and total amount of transactions
MatchingEngine | NEW | Total=11896058 (2608833,3126952,3532034,2628239), Current=430 (85,103,141,101), Peak=2728 (721,661,746,600)
MatchingEngine | AMEND | Total=45509 (9493,12145,13535,10336), Current=1 (0,0,1,0), Peak=11 (5,5,6,5)
MatchingEngine | CANCEL | Total=9350063 (1957683,2492535,2784674,2115171), Current=357 (72,83,115,87), Peak=2086 (400,565,627,494)
Number of msgs per
% Samples
Inbound (into System) Outbound (from System)
<5 55.64% 55.01%
5-8 3.67% 4.05%
8-10 2.60% 2.77%
10-15 5.32% 5.39%
15-20 5.88% 5.95%
20-80 26.85% 26.78%
>80 0.05% 0.05%
Partition 1
ME cores
0 1 2 3
Order 3.74% 3.02% 2.00% 4.14% 12.89%
Cancel 3.56% 2.89% 1.93% 4.02% 12.39%
Amend 0.60% 0.53% 0.34% 0.68% 2.16%
Quote 0.32% 0.11% 0.16% 0.27% 0.85%
Trades 0.24% 0.18% 0.13% 0.29% 0.84%