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What's the Fuzz with Unit Tests Droidcon London 2018

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About me… ● Xavier F. Gouchet ● Writing Android apps since Android 1.5 (Cupcake) ● Lead Android Engineer at WorkWell ● @xgouchet on Github / StackOverflow / LinkedIn

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When the tests go wrong

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The test method… @Test fun testItemClicked() { val user = User(id = 42 /* … */) testedPresenter.onUserSelected(user) verify(mockView).navigateToChat( }

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The tested method… fun onUserSelected(user: User) { view?.navigateToChat( }

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… and the test setup method @Before fun setUp() { val company = Company(id = 42 /* … */) testedPresenter = Presenter(company) testedPresenter.view = mockView }

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All my tests involved users named Bob. Aged 42. Working at FooBar Inc.

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When all your fake data are “foo” and 42, how can you be sure that your tests are valid ?

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The problem when using static test data ● Where does the 42 come from ? ● Lots of hardcoded values ! ● Only one value is tested. Ever.

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Is there a solution ?

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What we can do about it ● Keep track of test values ? ● Parameterized Tests ? ● Random test data !

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Using fuzzy data in your tests ● Random data ● Help define boundaries of valid / invalid inputs ● Help find edge cases

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Without fuzz @Test fun invalidateDataAfterTimeout() { testedObject.setLastCallTimestamp(0) testedObject.setDataTTL(42) val ts = 666 val result = testedObject.isDataValid(ts) assertFalse(result) }

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With fuzz @Test fun invalidateDataAfterTimeout() { val fakeTS = rand.nextLong() val fakeTTL = rand.nextLong() val fakeDelay = rand.nextLong() testedObject.setLastCallTimestamp(fakeTS) testedObject.setDataTTL(fakeTTL) val ts = fakeTS + fakeTTL + fakeDelay val result = testedObject.isDataValid(ts) assertFalse(result) }

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● Long overflow ● negative TTL ● Invalid values ● … … but not too random

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Elmyr setup class FooTest { @JvmField @Rule val forger = new JUnitForger() // … }

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Elmyr forging numbers forger.anInt(min = 0, max =100) forger.aSmallInt() forger.aPositiveLong() forger.aGaussianFloat(mean = 42f, standardDeviation = 100f) forger.aDoubleArray(DoubleConstraint.NEGATIVE_STRICT)

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Elmyr forging Strings forger.anHexadecimalString() forger.aWord() forger.aSentence() forger.anEmail() forger.aUrl() forger.aStringArray(StringConstraint.WORD) forger.aStringMatching("(0|+44)\\d{10}")

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Elmyr forging (from) Collections forger.aList { aUrl() } forger.aSubListOf(myList) forger.anElementFrom(myCollection) forger.anElementFrom("foo", "bar", "baz" /* … */) forger.aValueFrom(MyEnum::class) forger.aNullableFrom { aUrl() }

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Elmyr forging (from) Collections forger.aList { aUrl() } forger.aSubListOf(myList) forger.anElementFrom(myCollection) forger.anElementFrom("foo", "bar", "baz" /* … */) forger.aValueFrom(MyEnum::class) forger.aNullableFrom { aUrl() }

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Without fuzz @Test fun invalidateDataAfterTimeout() { val fakeTS = forger.aTimestamp() val fakeTTL = forger.aLong(1, 86400000) val fakeDelay = forger.aLong(1, 86400000) testedObject.setLastCallTimestamp(fakeTS) testedObject.setDataTTL(fakeTTL) val ts = fakeTS + fakeTTL + fakeDelay val result = testedObject.isDataValid(ts) assertFalse(result) }

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Making tests reproducible

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failed with fake seed 0x4815162342 Add the following line in your setUp method to reproduce : forger.reset(0x4815162342L) Elmyr libary

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Adapting to your use cases

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Custom POJO / Data Class data class User( val id: String, val firstName: String, val lastName: String, val jobTitle: String?, val avatarUrl: String?, val email: String?, val tags: List? )

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Custom extension function fun Forger.aUser(): User { return User( id = aNumericalString(), firstName = aWord(Case.CAPITALIZE), lastName = aWord(Case.CAPITALIZE), jobTitle = aNullable { aSentence() }, avatarUrl = aNullable { aUrl() }, email = aNullable { anEmail() }, tags = aList { aWord() } ) }

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Our original test… @Before fun setUp() { val company = forger.aCompany() testedPresenter = Presenter(company) testedPresenter.view = mockView } @Test fun testItemClicked() { val user = forger.aUser() testedPresenter.onUserSelected(user) verify(mockView).navigateToChat( }

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“You need to be as confident in the tests we code as we are in the code we test.” Xavier F. Gouchet

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Thanks for your attention Any question ? @xgouchet