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State of the Symfony World FabienPotencier fabpot h﬙ps:/ /

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Twig 1.7M downloads

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Console Event Dispatcher Finder HTTP Foundation HTTP Kernel Yaml Process Routing Translation Dom Crawler Filesystem CSS Selector Browser Kit ICU Debug

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easybook Sulu CMF

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The Symfony Family

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h﬙p:/ /

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h﬙p:/ /﬙pKernel

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h﬙p:/ /

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h﬙p:/ /

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Add your project to the SymfonyFamily today! h﬙ps:/ / 40+ projects

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2.4 1200+ commits

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h﬙p:/ /

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2.4 30+ new/improved features

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Form Panel in the Web Profiler Limiting Session Metadata Writes Quicker Access to the Profiler when working on an API A more powerful image validator Flushing stdout and stderr on a Process Easier debugging of not-found resources Using Constants for HTTP Status Code Disabling internal Validation of DomCrawler ChoiceFormFields Dumping the default Configuration for an Extension Be﬙er Console Integration with third-par﬚ Tools Namespaces auto-discovery in DowCrawler A be﬙er Callback constraint Console improvements Restrict Securi﬚ Firewalls to specific Hosts Limit a Process Run with an idle Timeout A Stopwatch Tag for Twig Be﬙er Error Messages for missing Classes and Functions Show logs in console Customize the Securi﬚ Features with ease h﬙p:/ /

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2.4 2 big features

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2.4 Expression Language Request Stack

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Expression Language

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$language = new ExpressionLanguage(); echo $language->evaluate('1 + 1'); // will echo 2 echo $language->compile('1 + 2'); // will echo "(1 + 2)"

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not foo or bar foo in ['foo', 'bar'] foo ? true : false foo matches "/^foo/i"

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class Foo { public function __construct($locale) { $this->locale = $locale; } }

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acme.locale: class: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request factory_service: request factory_method: getLocale

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$c->register('foo', 'Foo')->addArgument( new Expression('container.get("request").getLocale()') ); container.get("request").getLocale()

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$c->register('foo', 'Foo')->addArgument( new Expression('service("request").getLocale()') ); $c->register('foo', 'Foo')->addArgument( new Expression( 'service("request").getLocale(parameter("def_locale"))' ));

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$this->get("request")->getLocale( $this->getParameter("def_locale") )

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access_control: - path: ^/_internal roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY ip: - path: ^/_internal roles: ROLE_NO_ACCESS access_control: - path: ^/_internal roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY ip:

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access_control: - path: ^/_internal/secure allow_if: "'' == request.getClientIp()"

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'' == request.getClientIp() or has_role('ROLE_ADMIN')

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/** * @Route("/post/{id}") * @Security("has_role('ROLE_ADMIN')") */ public function showAction(Post $post) { }

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/** * @Route("/post/{id}") * @Cache(smaxage="15") */ public function showAction(Request $request, Post $post) { $response = new Response(); $response->setLastModified($post->getUpdated()); if ($response->isNotModified($request)) { return $response; } // ... }

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/** * @Route("/post/{id}") * @Cache(smaxage="15", lastModified="post.getUpdatedAt()") */ public function showAction(Post $post) { // ... }

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hello: path: /hello/{name} condition: "request.getMethod() in ['GET', 'HEAD'] and request.headers.get('User-Agent') matches '/firefox/i'"

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// hello if ( 0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/hello') && preg_match('#^/hello/(?P[^/]++)$#s', $pathinfo, $matches) && (in_array($context->getMethod(), array("GET", "HEAD")) && preg_match("/firefox/i", $request->headers- >get("User-Agent")))) { }

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/** * @Assert\Expression( * "value <= this.getMaxNumberOfLoginAttempts()", * message="Too many login attempts." * ) */ private $loginAttempts;

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# Get the special price if user.getGroup() in ['good_customers', 'collaborator'] # Promote article to the homepage when article.commentCount > 100 and article.category not in ["misc"] # Send an alert when product.stock < 15

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The Request Stack

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What is a scope? What is a strict service? What is a synchronized service?

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Master Request {{ render(controller('a:b:c')) }} Sub-Request

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Request Response response Call Controller response? expection Sub-Request terminate controller view resolve controller resolve arguments request exception “sub-response” content

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Call Controller Request Response response response? expection Sub-Request terminate controller view resolve controller resolve arguments request exception “sub-response” content

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class FooService { public function __construct(Request $request) { $this->request = $request; } public function doSomething() { $this->request->...(); } }

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class FooService { public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container) { $this->container = $container; } public function doSomething() { $this->container->get('request')->...(); } }

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Inject the dependencies Not the Container Pro Tip #1

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Scopes Strict services Synchronized services

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How can I depend on the Request in my services?

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use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack; class FooService { public function __construct(RequestStack $requestStack) { $this->requestStack = $requestStack; } public function doSomething() { $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest()->...(); } }

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class FooController { public function indexAction(Request $request) { $request->...(); } } class FooListener { public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event) { $event->getRequest()->...(); } }

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Inject the Request Stack Not the Request Pro Tip #2

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Silex 2.0 h﬙ps:/ /

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h﬙p:/ /

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!ank y"!