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Mario Blažek PHP Superpowers with @phpanarchist

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About me • Mario Blažek • Backend Team Lead @4ofthem • Married with children • Believes in Open Source • Zagreb PHP Meetup organizer (ZgPHP) • Chief Fire O ffi cer

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What kind of PHP setup are you using?

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Existing setups • Apache + mod_php • Apache + php-fpm • Nginx + php-fpm • Standalone PHP servers (ReactPHP, Swoole, RoadRunner) • FrankenPHP

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Nginx • Event-driven architecture, handles thousands of concurrent requests e ff i ciently • Serves static fi les directly without passing requests to PHP • Load balancing and reverse proxy capabilities • Handles concurrent connections better than traditional web servers

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php-fpm (FastCGI Process Manager) • Handles dynamic PHP requests separately from the web server • Uses process pools (static, dynamic, ondemmand) to e ff i ciently manage multiple requests • Provides better security by isolating PHP execution from the web server • Allows tuning of worker processes, memory limits, and timeouts for performance optimization • Communicates with Nginx via FastCGI protocol

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php-fpm tunning • fi ler/blog/an-introduction-to-php-fpm-tuning

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No content

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Container philosophy • One process per container • Stateless and disposable containers

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Problems with nginx+fpm • Process model challenges • Inter-process communication overhead • Complex scaling • Resource consumption • Deployment complexity

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Franken to the game • PHP application server based on Caddy web server • One service! • Two modes: classic + worker • 103 Early Hints support • HTTP2 and HTTP3 native support

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Franken to the game • Developed by Kévin Dunglas • Symfony Core member • API Platform • Mercure • Vulcain

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Caddy web server • Modern and fast (event-driven, non- blocking architecture) • Caddy fi le - user friendly con fi guration • Automatic HTTPS • Works seamlessly as a reverse proxy, LB, cache and request forwarder • First-class support for PHP

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Static binary

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Caddy con fi guration Caddy fi le

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Superpower - worker mode • Boot your application once • Keep it in memory • Process incoming requests without having to boot your application again • Relies on goroutines and channels • Symfony Runtime compatible • Some resemblance with RoadRunner

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Worker mode

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Symfony Runtime • Abstracts the application bootstrap logic into runtimes • Front controller remains generic • Basically application remains decoupled from the infrastructure • Di ff erent runtimes provided by community

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Without Runtime

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With Runtime

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Symfony in worker mode

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Early hints

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Early hints

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Benchmarks • • performance-odyssey-7b0120e8f9e1 • •

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Thank you!