the history of
women in
Sunday, May 12, 13
Slide 2
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Elise Worthy
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Slide 3
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Slide 4
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Slide 6
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Slide 7
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Slide 8
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Rails Girls LA
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Slide 9
Slide 9 text
the history of
women in
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Slide 11
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Slide 12
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Slide 13
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Jacquard Loom
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Ada Lovelace
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Slide 16
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the first program.
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Slide 17
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the first program.
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Lord Byron
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“Love will find a way
through paths where
wolves fear to prey.”
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Accepted for
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computer historically means
‘one who computes’
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during WWII
human computers
were used to calculate
ballistic trajectories
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these human computers were
almost exclusively women
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human computers took
40 hours to calculate a
60 second trajectory
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the differential analyzer
sped up these calculations
by mechanical calculation
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the differential analyzer took
15 minutes to calculate a
60 second trajectory
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ENIAC was the first
electronic general
funded by the US Army to
make these calculations
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the ENIAC took
seconds to calculate a
60 second trajectory
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in 1944,
women human computers
were hired to ‘set up’ the
ENIAC to perform the
calculations they had been
doing by hand
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in the 1940’s the idea
was prevalent that the
development of
hardware was the real
business of computing
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Jon von Neuman said
coding was a “static”
process–one that could be
performed by a low-level
clerical worker
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Maurice Wilkes said,
“It had not occurred to me
that there was going to be
an difficulty about getting
programs working.”
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the women learned to
‘set up’ the ENIAC by
studying block diagrams
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18,000 vacuum tubes
20 accumulators
200 decade counters
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the women were
integral to making the
machine perform the
intended calculations
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the women could
debug the ENIAC
down to the one failing
vacuum tube out of 18,000
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they worked around
the clock for the
first public demonstration
to make sure that it went
according to plan
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after the successful public
the women were not invited
to the celebration dinner
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Slide 65
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the women were also never
given credit in press releases
and were cropped out of
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it wasn’t until the 1990s
that the women’s
accomplishments were
discovered and given the
credit they deserved
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Accepted for
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Grace Hopper
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the first compiler.
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the first compiler.
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Mother of
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one of the
first programming languages.
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one of the
first programming languages.
*Lisp and Fortran in the same 3-year period.
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Slide 78
Slide 78 text
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov si, msg
or al, al
jz go_flag
mov ah, 0x0E
int 0x10
jmp boot_loop
jmp go_flag
msg db 'Hello, world', 13, 10, 0
times 510-($-$$) db 0
db 0x55
db 0xAA
Sunday, May 12, 13
The beginning
of the
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Slide 83
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in the 1950’s
the use of computers
expanded beyond scientific
use and computing entered
the business world
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at first, the high demand
for computer personnel
left little room for sexual
discrimination in hiring
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hiring was hard:
there were
no formal training programs,
no certification programs,
no university programs
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gender discrimination
as a function of
historical accident
obstacles began to
stack up against women
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aptitude tests
began to be widely used,
and they relied heavily
on mathematical
and logical skills
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personality tests
began to be widely used,
and they favored male traits
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had to work at night
to get unlimited access
to the machines
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many company policies
did not allow women
on the premises at night
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vocational programs
targeted women, but did not
provide proper training
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programmers were
given an unprecedented
amount of freedom, and
they encroached on the
domains of operational
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managers critiqued
programming for being and
art and not yet a science
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at this time we also see the
start of the movement to
‘professionalize’ computing
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this partially means
distancing the
‘programmer’ from the low
status and gender
associations of the ‘coder’
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"It's just like planning a dinner. You have to
plan ahead and schedule everything so it's
ready when you need it. Programming
requires patience and the ability to handle
detail. Women are 'naturals' at computer
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Slide 98
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once the precent was set,
the boy’s club self
perpetuated and carried
through to current day
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so how can we
change the future?
let’s look at some programs
that have worked.
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Carnegie Mellon University
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Jane Margolis is a social
scientist who studies
gender and education
Allan Fisher is the founding dean
of the CMU undergraduate
program in computer science
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they began a study at CMU
to understand the gender
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over the period of 5 years
they interviewed 100
computer science students
of both genders
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part way through the study
they made some changes to
admission standards
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high GRE scores
+ emphasis on leadership
- prior programming experience
+ catch-up courses
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learn more!
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Maria Klawe
became president of
Harvey Mudd College
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introductory courses
split up
students with previous
and students without
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first-year students
attend a giant conference
for women in computing
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there are women instructors
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nearly 20% more women
are earning computer science
degrees at Harvey Mudd than
before Maria Klawe became
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learn more!
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We have accepted:
Diversity in the programming
community helps everyone.
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We have ensured:
The Ruby community is
inviting to new programmers.
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Slide 125
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We have realized:
We are not in an elite club.
Anyone can join in.
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We have ensured:
The Ruby community fights to
retain its members.
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We have realized:
That ‘good programmers’
come in many forms, and
may not think or look like us.
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So how can we
change the future?
Be respectful &
encourage others
to be respectful
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“If you think
you don’t have biases,
that’s your biggest bias.”
- @avdi
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Thank you.
@eliseworthy & @jlsuttles
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