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The Ember Developer Experience MELBJS MARCH Lauren Elizabeth Tan @sugarpirate_ @poteto
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Lauren Elizabeth Tan Designer & Front End Developer
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Developer Experience?
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Modern web dev is hard
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Let's play a game
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Round 1 – Modules
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VS webpack browserify
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Round 2 – Front End Package Management
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VS npm bower
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Round 3 – Task Runners
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VS grunt gulp
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Round 4 – Flux Flavours
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VS flux fluxible reflux fluxxor ...
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Round 5 – ES6 Transpilers
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VS babel (aka 6to5) traceur
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Round 6 – Test Framework
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VS jest mocha jasmine
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2 weeks later…
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Meanwhile in Ember land…
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$ ember new my-new-app
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Convention over configuration
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Convention over configuration • asset compilation – broccoli.js • es6 modules • ember-qunit • bower for front-end dependencies • npm for internal dependencies
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Convention over configuration (cont.) • content security policy • live-reload • generators & blueprints • easy environment flags • easy builds • development server with express, mocks & proxies
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Ember Inspector
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Where to from here?
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Ember 2.0 Landing June 12th
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FastBoot™ No more DOM dependency – SSR
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O(N) N = number of DOM elements O(M) M = number of dynamic nodes ...less runtime analysis
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ember-router ember-cli ember-inspector ember-fastboot ember-glimmer ember 2.0 June 12th, 2015
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Convention over configuration
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Stability over Stagnation
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We're hiring!
[email protected]
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Thank you! Lauren Elizabeth Tan @sugarpirate_ @poteto