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IMF and tensor interchange system Kenta Murata Tokyo Ruby Kaigi 11 2016.05.28

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self.inspect • name: Kenta Murata • affiliation: ‣ Ruby committer ‣ Julia Tokyo ‣ Recruit Holdings, MTL

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self.gems • bigdecimal • daru-td • enumerable-statistics

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Today's summary • 「Ruby でも機械学習やりたい!」 • Everything Tensor • My approach • Demonstration

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Ruby でも機械学習やりたい!

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OK, use scikit-learn この流れを止めたい

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Image Processing on Ruby • RMagick • ruby-opencv • hornetseye

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My case • Image Classification • Deep Learning ‣ Convolutional Neural Network • How to do it by Ruby?

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Answer • Use Python • Use Pillow for processing images • Use Chainer for building CNN • NumPy bridges Pillow and Chainer

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Use Python !! この流れを止めたい

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What are missing?

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What are missing? • Processing images ‣ Loading / saving ‣ Resizing ‣ Horizontal flipping ‣ Average image calculation ‣ Multi-dimensional array conversion RMagick ruby-opencv hornetseye

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What are missing? • Processing images ‣ Loading / saving ‣ Resizing ‣ Horizontal flipping ‣ Average image calculation ‣ Multi-dimensional array conversion hornetseye
 (MultiArray) ruby-opencv
 (CvMat) NArray (Numo) NMatrix

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What are missing? • Building CNN ‣ Tensor calculation ‣ Convolutional filter calculation ‣ GPGPU ‣ Neural network builder ‣ Gradient descent optimizer hornetseye
 (MultiArray) ruby-opencv
 (CvMat) NArray (Numo) NMatrix

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What are missing? • Building CNN ‣ Tensor calculation ‣ Convolutional filter calculation ‣ GPGPU ‣ Neural network builder ‣ Gradient descent optimizer

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What are missing? • Building CNN ‣ Tensor calculation ‣ Convolutional filter calculation ‣ GPGPU ‣ Neural network builder ‣ Gradient descent optimizer

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Library relationship Image RMagick ruby-opencv hornetseye Tensor NArray (Numo) NMatrix MultiArray
 (hornetseye) CvMat
 (ruby-opencv) Others GPGPU DL OpenCV ML
 (ruby-opencv) decisiontree liblinear gsl_matrix

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A lot of multi-dimensional array data types • RMagick, OpenCV, multiarray, ... • NArray, NMatrix, StatSample, ... • gsl, tensorflow, ... • Julia, Python, R, ...

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Everything tensor • 1-tensor (vector) ‣ e.g. 1ch sound, text, time series scalar data • 2-tensor (matrix) ‣ e.g. 2ch sound, grayscale image, time series vector data • 3-tensor ‣ e.g. RGB image, grayscale animation • 4-tensor ‣ e.g. RGB animation

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Image Animation Sound Tensor Function Statistical
 Model Neural

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What is best for me? • RMagick • ruby-opencv • hornetseye

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Different gems have different types for the same purpose • RMagick: Magick::Image • ruby-opencv: CvMat • horneteyes: MultiArray

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What data type is best? • RMagick: Magick::Image • ruby-opencv: CvMat • horneteyes: MultiArray

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Generic Tensor • 4 parameters ‣ component type (size) ‣ dimension ‣ shape ‣ steps / strides

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A B G R component_size shape[2] = pixel_channels A B G R A B G R A B G R shape[1] = image_width ... ... ... ... shape[0] = im age_height shape = (image_height, image_width, pixel_channels)

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B G R component_size shape[2] = pixel_channels B G R B G R B G R shape[1] = image_width ... ... ... shape[0] = im age_height shape = (pixel_channels, image_width, image_height)

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0 B G R shape[2] = pixel_channels = 3 0 B G R 0 B G R 0 B G R shape[1] = image_width = 17 ... ... ... ... shape = (19, 17, 3) steps[1] = 4 shape[0] = im age_height = 19 0 0 0 0 steps = (18, 4) steps[0] = 18

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Generic Tensor • 4 parameters ‣ component type (size) ‣ dimension ‣ shape ‣ steps / strides

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Image Animation Sound Tensor Function Statistical
 Model Neural

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With Standard Tensor Representation • We can separate to develop tensor serializer and tensor operators ‣ Image, Audio, DB I/O ‣ Tensor transformation • and easy to integrate with each other

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I tried to make it • IMF -- Image I/O • NumBuffer -- Tensor data type

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IMF • Image Manipulation Framework • • I've aimed it to reproduce PIL • Pluggable design

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Current status Detect Load Save JPEG ○ ○ PNG ○ ○ △ GIF ○ WEBP ○

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NumBuffer • Tensor allocation and manipulation • Data type conversion • I/F for Ruby and C • I want support both dense and sparse tensors • I will release a gem until RubyKaigi

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Demonstration • Integrating with tensorflow

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tf-waifu2x • Waifu2x on tensorflow • It works, but it's incomplete

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IMF tf-wife2x tensorflow MPBEJNBHF XSBQX

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waifu2x 7-step
 CNN Magnify x2
 Neighbor Pixel value
 adjustment 7-pixel padding insertion ↑ prepared ↑ omitted ↑ incomplete ↑ OK

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IMF tf-wife2x tensorflow MPBEJNBHF XSBQX

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Machine Learning on Ruby • We need standard tensor interchanging system like numpy • It's enough to provide the common data type for dense tensors ‣ I can't select one library

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If you're interested in • SciRuby-jp ‣! forum/sciruby-jp ‣ Japanese de OK • Slack ‣

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