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Architektur- transformation Stefan Tilkov & Gernot Starke ... sinnvolle Veränderungen durchsetzen

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Image Credits Sämtliche hier verwendeten Fotos von Personen sind lizenzfrei und stammen von: > > Ausnahmen sind gekennzeichnet...

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Es geht um SIE

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Success Stories Cool People Entertaining Presentations Great New Technology Conference

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... & Reality

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(Resistance) «Stereotypes »

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Professional Skeptic

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Legacy Lover

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Status Protector

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Vendor Agent

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reasons-overview Vendor Agent Status Protector Professional Skeptic Yeah -sayer Enthusiast Legacy Lover

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Enthusiast RISK: just another challenge I always wanted to solve.

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Professional Skeptic Intelligence & experience

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Yeahsayer Politics, Intrigue, Cunning

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Legacy Lover Investments. LOTS of them.

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Status Protector Comfort zone... Experience

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Vendor Agent Trust

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Good & Bad Reasons

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Why change?

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Good Reasons

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Improve World Improve our work / system Improve our business

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Bad Reasons

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Shiny new toys Domain allergy Community status CV-driven development Cargo Cult

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Shiny new toys Domain allergy Community status CV-driven development Cargo Cult especially bad... Don‘t!

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So what? Watt nu?

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You return to work from that nice conference. Your ideas are met with resistance. There are three paths. They are labeled quit, give up, work. $>|

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They are labeled quit, give up, work. $> quit. That might be clever or not. Fatal CannotDecideException. Keynote over – exited. $>|

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$> give up. No option – try again. (and if you give up again, you‘re awarded weakling-of- the-month, so think twice!)

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$> work. You need to think and act strategically. But first, listen to the two old men.

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Change is hard.

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Politics Economics Organization Architecture Operations Engineering

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Politics Economics Organization Architecture Operations Engineering one ring to rule them all...

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Politics Economics Organization Architecture Operations Engineering fun parts

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Minimize danger zone Change by Abstraction Change by split S/SCS Build from scratch

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Change By Split Client Type 1 Flawed System Client Type 2 Kopiere für alle Client-Typen 1 Client Type 1 Flawed System Client Type 2 Flawed System Client Type 1 Reduced to Type 1 Client Type 2 Reduced to Type 2 Commons Reduziere und extrahiere Gemeinsamkeiten 2 Client Type 1 Reduced to Type 1 Client Type 2 Reduced to Type 2 New Commons Optimiere Gemeinsamkeiten 3

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Change By Split (2) Client Type 1 Reduced to Type 1 Client Type 2 Reduced to Type 2 New Commons Optimiere spezifische Teilsysteme („Splits“) New Type 1 System Client Type 1 Client Type 2 New Commons New Type 2 System return to overview

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Change-By-Abstraction (1) Client Code Flawed Supplier Client Code Abstraction Layer Kapsele die Interaktion mit den schlechten Teilen Lasse sämtlichen Client-Code diese Kapselung nutzen Erstelle einen besseren Supplier Client Code Flawed Supplier Client Code Abstraction Layer Abstraction Layer New Supplier Client Code Flawed Supplier Client Code Client Code Flawed Supplier Client Code Abstraction Layer Martin Fowler nennt das „Branch-By-Abstraction“

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Change-By-Abstraction (2) Vervollständige den Supplier, ggfs. entferne den alten. Client Code Flawed Supplier Client Code Abstraction Layer Abstraction Layer New Supplier Client Code Flawed Supplier Client Code Abstraction Layer New Supplier return to overview

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Recipes & Ingredients

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Ingredients (appropriate) new technology (as desired) 2 Cups of pragmatism 1 XL portion of economics 1 large portion of politics

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Find allies

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Disrupt with care

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Organize organizational change

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Ensure positive business outcome think & speak „money“

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Dr. Gernot Starke Stefan Tilkov

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analyze evaluate improve architecture improvement method Ein (Meta-) Plan

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Agile Praktiken behutsam aber stringent einführen: • Entwicklung • IT-Betrieb • Vertrieb • Organisation • ...