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Fix SQL N+1 queries with RuboCop RubyKaigi 2023 / #rubykaigi #rubykaigiC pixiv Inc. sue445 2023.5.12

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2 Hello!

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3 My name is Go The Go gopher was designed by Renee French. ( The design is licensed under the Creative Commons 4.0 Attributions license. Read this article for more details:

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4 About sue445 ● Go Sueyoshi (a.k.a. sue445, sue-san) ● ● sue445

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5 About sue445 ● Ruby: 11 years ● Golang: 7 years ● Go: 41 years (age) sue445

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6 sue445 and RubyKaigi ● 2019: Fukuoka ● 2020: Matsumoto ○ My proposal has been accepted, but Kaigi was canceled… ● 2023: Matsumoto ○ again! sue445

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7 I’m happy!

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8 I’m happy! So, This is Happi(法被)!

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● ○ e.g. rubicure (Ruby implementatation of Pretty Cure) ○ (since 2013, 10th Anniversary!) ● Maintainer of Itamae, rspec-parameterised and more more gems 9 Gems I Implemented

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10 About pixiv Inc.

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11 About pixiv Inc.

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● We support followings! ● Ruby Association ○ pixiv ● Rails Girls Japan ○ ● International Ruby Programming Contest ○ ge/ 12 [*$pixiv].all? { |members| love? Ruby } #=> true

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14 RubyMusicMixin 2023 After Patry MusicPartyMixin 2023

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● Infrastructure Section ● AWS and GCP ○ Organization Owner ○ Solution Architect ● Maintainer of In-house tools (GitLab, Sentry etc) ● Other many many chore works 15 Day job

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● SQL N+1 query detection and auto-correction ● Sharing of findings from custom cop creation 16 Goal in this talk

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● About ISUCON ● About rubocop-isucon ● The path to implementing Isucon/Mysql2/NPlusOneQuery ● Result ● Conclusion ● Appendix 17 Agenda

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● By connecting to the database from cop, the possibilities for cop are limitless ● Detecting N+1 queries is easy ● Limited patterns, but auto-correct of N+1 queries is possible ● ISUCON is Mixed Martial Arts 18 Conclusion

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● 19 What I will talk about in this talk

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● Other gems I made for ISUCON ● Itamae recipe I made for ISUCON ● Monitor Sinatra app with Datadog ● Implement with fluentd and Datadog dashboard ● Ruby 3.2-dev YJIT vs Ruby 3.1 YJIT See my articles (ja) ● ● 20 What I will NOT talk about in this talk

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21 About ISUCON

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● ISUCON is the most famous performance tuning contest in Japan. (since 2012) ○ ○ ISUCON is a trademark or registered trademark of LINE Corporation. ● Multiple reference implementations are provided for applications ○ e.g. Go, Node.js, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Rust 22 About ISUCON

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● Regulation ○ 1-3 people /team ○ 8 hours ○ Vale Tudo ■ Except for using a servers other than the prepared server 23 About ISUCON

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● Ruby ○ Sinatra ○ mysql2 + mysql2-cs-bind ○ Puma ● nginx ● MySQL (or MariaDB) ● 3 VMs 24 Common initial configurations

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● Improvement targets EVERYTHING in servers ● e.g. ○ Fix application ○ Add index to table ○ Add cache ○ Upgrade pre-installed middlewares, tuning configuration ○ Use ruby-head ■ ruby-head is the fastest Ruby in the world! 25 ISUCON is Mixed Martial Arts

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● 2021/8: ISUCON 11 failing to qualify ○ 1-man team ● 1 person is not enough ● SQL N+1 queries occur frequently in ISUCON ○ -> Let's automate! ● Compete in my area of expertise 26 ISUCON and sue445

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27 About rubocop-isucon

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● RuboCop plugin for ruby reference implementation of ISUCON ● Development period: 2021/8 (ISUCON 11) - 2022/7 (ISUCON 12) ● Features ○ Isucon/Sinatra department ○ Isucon/Mysql2 department ○ Isucon/Mysql2/NPlusOneQuery cop ■ Checks that there’s no N+1 query ■ Main topic of this talk 28 n

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● SQL being called inside a loop ● Model Answers: e.g. Join tables 29 About SQL N+1 queries courses = db.xquery( "SELECT `courses`.*" \\ " FROM `courses`" \\ " JOIN `registrations` ON `courses`.`id` = `registrations`.`course_id`" \\ " WHERE `courses`.`status` != ? AND `registrations`.`user_id` = ?", STATUS_CLOSED, user_id, ) do |course| teacher = db.xquery('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?', course[:teacher_id]).first # do something end

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● RuboCop has a plug-in mechanism. (ordinary gem) ● I use RuboCop on a regular basis and am familiar with its use ● I have created a custom cop and tool for RuboCop in the past ○ ○ 30 Q. Why RuboCop?

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● ● This is also valid, but it is not enough ● In fact, only a few cases were detected when run against the last 10+ years of source code 31 vs rubocop-performance

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● ● Synvert specializes in automatic code rewriting ● RuboCop can detect violations and automatically correct them if possible ○ In some cases, the machine may not be able to automatically correct the violation, so I only want to detect violations at that time ○ e.g. nginx config, database index 32 vs Synvert

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# bad class App < Sinatra::Base get '/' do content_type :html, '..', 'public', 'index.html')) end end 33 e.g. Isucon/Sinatra/ServeStaticFile

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# bad class App < Sinatra::Base get '/' do ^^^^^^^^^^ Isucon/Sinatra/ServeStaticFile: Serve static files on front server (e.g. nginx) instead of sinatra app content_type :html, '..', 'public', 'index.html')) end end 34 e.g. Isucon/Sinatra/ServeStaticFile

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# good (e.g. Serve on nginx) location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html; } 35 e.g. Isucon/Sinatra/ServeStaticFile

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# bad db.xquery('SELECT id, title FROM articles WHERE user_id = ?', user_id) 36 e.g. Isucon/Mysql2/WhereWithoutIndex

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# bad (user_id is not indexed) db.xquery('SELECT id, title FROM articles WHERE user_id = ?', user_id) ^^^^^^^^^^^ Isucon/Mysql2/WhereWithoutIndex: This where clause doesn't seem to have an index. (e.g. `ALTER TABLE articles ADD INDEX index_user_id (user_id)`) 37 e.g. Isucon/Mysql2/WhereWithoutIndex

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ALTER TABLE articles ADD INDEX index_user_id (user_id) 38 e.g. Isucon/Mysql2/WhereWithoutIndex # good (user_id is indexed) db.xquery('SELECT id, title FROM articles WHERE used_id = ?', user_id)

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# bad (user_id is not indexed) db.xquery('SELECT id, title FROM articles JOIN users ON = articles.user_id') ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Isucon/Mysql2/JoinWithoutIndex: This join clause doesn't seem to have an index. (e.g. `ALTER TABLE articles ADD INDEX index_user_id (user_id)`) # good (user_id is indexed) db.xquery('SELECT id, title FROM articles JOIN users ON = articles.user_id') 39 e.g. Isucon/Mysql2/JoinWithoutIndex

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● Get information in table using ActiveRecord ○ e.g. columns, primary key, indexes 40 Get database schema

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● Using SELECT * is slow because it retrieves all columns and assigns them to Ruby objects ● Only necessary columns should be passed to the SELECT clause ● All columns are output to the SELECT clause to make it easier to remove unnecessary columns ● ● 41 e.g. Isucon/Mysql2/SelectAsterisk # bad db.xquery('SELECT * FROM users') # good (Auto-corrected!) db.xquery('SELECT id, name FROM users')

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42 Tips: Share settings with cops in the same department # .rubocop.yml Isucon/Mysql2: Database: adapter: mysql2 host: localhost database: isucon_db username: isucon password: isucon encoding: utf8 port: 3306

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● Detect SQL N+1 queries ● Auto-correct SQL N+1 queries 43 The path to implementing Isucon/Mysql2/NPlusOneQuery

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● Performance/CollectionLiteralInLoop code in rubocop-performance is helpful ○ l#performancecollectionliteralinloop ○ bocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb ● Can be detected by AST if in the same method, but not if separate methods are used… 44 Detect SQL N+1 queries

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● Parse SQL string and get as SQL AST ● Make SQL AST available to RuboCop ● Find N+1 query patterns that can be mechanically modified ● Avoid false positives 45 Auto-correct SQL N+1 queries

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● ○ Wrapper gem for ● I tried a few others but could not get the expected results ○ In particular, these gems could not parse isucon10-final's complex SQL ○ /app.rb#L250-L318 ■ a.k.a. Tourist Attractions 46 Parse SQL string and get as SQL AST

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● libgda does not support placeholder(?) and backquotes(`), so it is removed in rubocop-isucon ● Deleting would change the location information, so care is taken to ensure that the number of characters does not change ○ ucon/gda.rb#L19-L25 48 Tips # Before db.xquery('SELECT id, title FROM `articles` WHERE user_id = ?', user_id) # After db.xquery('SELECT id, title FROM articles WHERE user_id = 0', user_id)

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● o ● aaaa 49 GDA gem example require "gda" sql = "SELECT id, name FROM users" statement = ast = statement.ast # => ["users"] { |select_field| select_field.expr.value } # => ["id", "name"]

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● o ● aaaa 50 Get SQL AST in Hash format pp JSON.parse(statement.serialize) {"statement"=> {"sql"=>"SELECT id, name FROM users", "stmt_type"=>"SELECT", "contents"=> {"distinct"=>"false", "fields"=> [{"expr"=>{"value"=>"id"}, "field_name"=>"id"}, {"expr"=>{"value"=>"name"}, "field_name"=>"name"}], "from"=> {"targets"=>[{"expr"=>{"value"=>"users"}, "table_name"=>"users"}]}}}}

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● AST retrieved by libgda does not contain SQL location information ● Cannot display offences in RuboCop or rewrite any node of SQL 51 Drawbacks of GDA gem (libgda) db.xquery(<<~SQL, jia_user_id) SELECT * FROM `isu` WHERE `jia_user_id` = ? ORDER BY `id` DESC ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Isucon/Mysql2/WhereWithoutIndex: This where clause doesn't seem to have an index. (e.g. 'ALTER TABLE `isu` ADD INDEX `index_jia_user_id` (jia_user_id)') SQL

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● GDA gem provides visitor pattern for AST exploration like RuboCop ● I could calculate the node's own location during the AST search 52 Solution: Implemented myself

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53 RuboCop::Isucon::GDA::NodePatcher class NodePatcher < ::GDA::Visitors::Visitor # @param node [GDA::Nodes::Operation] def visit_GDA_Nodes_Operation(node) return super unless node.operator pattern = operand_pattern(node) return super unless pattern node.location = search_operation_location(pattern) super end

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● This is inspired by paser gem’s Parser::Source::Range 54 class NodeLocation # @return [Integer] attr_reader :begin_pos # @return [Integer] attr_reader :end_pos # @return [String] attr_reader :body RuboCop::Isucon::GDA::NodeLocation

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55 spec it "location is appended" do subject where_clause = node.where_cond.to_a. select { |node| node.instance_of?(GDA::Nodes::Operation) && node.operator } expect(where_clause.count).to eq 3 expect(where_clause[0].location).to eq location(begin_pos: 26, end_pos: 32, body: "id = 1") expect(where_clause[1].location).to eq location(begin_pos: 37, end_pos: 46, body: "stock > 0") expect(where_clause[2].location).to eq location(begin_pos: 51, end_pos: 67, body: "name IS NOT NULL") end

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56 However, spec is failed!!!! 1.1) Failure/Error: expect(where_clause[0].location).to eq location(begin_pos: 26, end_pos: 32, body: "id = 1") expected: # got: nil (compared using ==) # ./spec/rubocop/isucon/gda/node_patcher_spec.rb:31:in `block (5 levels) in '

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● Because each call to an AST method like where_cond creates a new instance ● Even if I embed my own instance variable(location) in the Node class in the Visitor, I will not be able to retrieve it the next time you call the same method 57 Why????

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● Memoizationneeds to be planted for all AST methods ● But there are 30+ such AST methods ● AST methods are methods in the C implementation, so prepend could not be used 58 Solution: memoization, but… def where_cond @where_cond ||= original_where_cond end

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59 Solution: alias_method_chain like patch def where_cond_with_cache @where_cond_with_cache ||= where_cond_without_cache end alias_method :where_cond_without_cache, :where_cond alias_method :where_cond, :where_cond_with_cache

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Which of the following is the fastest memorize? 61 Ruby Quiz

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62 1. define_method + instance_variable_xxx + send def self.memorize(method_name) define_method "#{method_name}_with_cache" do if (ret = instance_variable_get("@#{method_name}_with_cache")) ret else ret = send("#{method_name}_without_cache") instance_variable_set("@#{method_name}_with_cache", ret) ret end end alias_method "#{method_name}_without_cache", method_name alias_method method_name, "#{method_name}_with_cache" end

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63 2. define_method + Hash + send def self.memorize(method_name) define_method "#{method_name}_with_cache" do @__cache ||= {} @__cache[method_name] ||= send("#{method_name}_without_cache") end alias_method "#{method_name}_without_cache", method_name alias_method method_name, "#{method_name}_with_cache" end

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64 3. class_eval def self.memorize(method_name) class_eval <<~RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 # def foo_with_cache # @foo_with_cache ||= foo_without_cache # end def #{method_name}_with_cache @#{method_name}_with_cache ||= #{method_name}_without_cache end RUBY alias_method "#{method_name}_without_cache", method_name alias_method method_name, "#{method_name}_with_cache" end

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Which of the following is the fastest memorize? 1. define_method + instance_variable_xxx + send 2. define_method + Hash + send 3. class_eval 65 Ruby Quiz

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66 Answer

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3. class_eval 67 Answer

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1. define_method + instance_variable_xxx + send ● 701.502k (±13.8%) i/s 2. define_method + Hash + send ● 1.549M (± 2.3%) i/s 3. class_eval ● 4.866M (± 8.1%) i/s 68 Benchmark ● ●

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eval is evil but faster   evalは悪(evil)だが速くなる ※define_method is slower than def 69 tl;dr;

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● This is AST’s Reincarnation into another world (異世界転生) ● Basically, just add Parser::Source::Range (Ruby AST location information) and RuboCop::Isucon::GDA::NodeLocation (SQL AST location information) ● However, Ruby is very expressive even when writing a single string, so it was necessary to consider many different cases. 70 Bringing SQL AST into the Ruby World

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71 Case 1: single line db.xquery('SELECT * FROM `isu` WHERE `jia_user_id` = ? ORDER BY `id` DESC', jia_user_id)

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72 Case 1: single line 'SELECT * FROM `isu` WHERE `jia_user_id` = ? ORDER BY `id` DESC' #=> "SELECT * FROM `isu` WHERE `jia_user_id` = ? ORDER BY `id` DESC"

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73 Case 2: Heredoc (<<, <<-) db.xquery(<<-SQL, jia_user_id) SELECT * FROM `isu` WHERE `jia_user_id` = ? ORDER BY `id` DESC SQL

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74 Case 2: Heredoc (<<, <<-) <<-SQL SELECT * FROM `isu` WHERE `jia_user_id` = ? ORDER BY `id` DESC SQL #=> " SELECT * FROM `isu`\n WHERE `jia_user_id` = ?\n ORDER BY `id` DESC\n"

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75 Case 3: Heredoc (<<~) since Ruby 2.3 db.xquery(<<~SQL, jia_user_id) SELECT * FROM `isu` WHERE `jia_user_id` = ? ORDER BY `id` DESC SQL

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76 Case 3: Heredoc (<<~) since Ruby 2.3 <<~SQL SELECT * FROM `isu` WHERE `jia_user_id` = ? ORDER BY `id` DESC SQL #=> "SELECT * FROM `isu`\nWHERE `jia_user_id` = ?\nORDER BY `id` DESC\n"

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77 Case 4: Escape concatenation at end of line classes = db.xquery( "SELECT *" \ " FROM `classes`" \ " WHERE `course_id` = ?" \ " ORDER BY `part` DESC", course[:id] )

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78 Case 4: Escape concatenation at end of line "SELECT *" \ " FROM `classes`" \ " WHERE `course_id` = ?" \ " ORDER BY `part` DESC" #=> "SELECT * FROM `classes` WHERE `course_id` = ? ORDER BY `part` DESC"

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● As is the case with custom Cop in general, it is easy to just detect offenses ● However, it is very difficult to deal with auto correct of offenses ● It took me about 2 months to figure out what kind of SQL N+1 query could be automatically modified by RuboCop ● It took me 1 month to come up with the idea and actually implement it 79 Find N+1 query patterns that can be mechanically modified

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● I found a hint in ActiveRecord ● ActiveRecord has a function called includes to avoid N+1 and issue a query when an association between models is defined by has_many or belongs_to ● ISUCON's reference implementation doesn’t use ActiveRecord, but plain SQL. ● However, I looked at the plain SQL and thought that an association-like SQL and table structure could improve the N+1 query by automatically modifying the SQL in the same way 80 How did I come up with the idea?

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81 books = Book.limit(10) books.each do |book| puts end Excerpt from Ruby on Rails Guides SELECT books.* FROM books LIMIT 10 SELECT authors.* FROM authors WHERE authors.book_id = 1 SELECT authors.* FROM authors WHERE authors.book_id = 2   :   : 11 queries

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82 books = Book.includes(:author).limit(10) books.each do |book| puts end Excerpt from Ruby on Rails Guides SELECT books.* FROM books LIMIT 10 SELECT authors.* FROM authors WHERE authors.book_id IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) 2 queries

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● To prevent false positives, I examined patterns that could be safely and automatically corrected 83 Avoid false positives

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● SELECT statement ● Only one table exists in SQL. (Does not include UNION, JOIN, or subqueries) ● GROUP BY clause doesn’t exist ● Aggregate functions (e.g. COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG) doesn’t exist in the SELECT clause ● Only one condition in the WHERE clause and the column in which it appears is either a Primary Key or a single column Unique Key 84 Conditions for safe automatic correction

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85 class Mysql2NPlusOneQueryCorrector def correct replace if correctable? end end RuboCop::Cop::Isucon::Correctors::Mysql2NPlusOneQueryCorrector #L69-L71

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86 module CorrectableMethods def correctable? correctable_gda? && correctable_xquery_arg? && correctable_parent_receiver? && current_node.child_nodes.count == 3 && xquery_lvar.lvasgn_type? && %i[first last].include?(xquery_chained_method) end end RuboCop::Cop::Isucon::Correctors::Mysql2NPlusOneQueryCorrector::CorrectableMethods rrectable_methods.rb#L11-L15

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87 class Mysql2NPlusOneQueryCorrector module ReplaceMethods def replace replace_where_condition_in_sql replace_xquery_2nd_arg replace_chained_method_to_each_with_object replace_to_2_lines end end end RuboCop::Cop::Isucon::Correctors::Mysql2NPlusOneQueryCorrector::ReplaceMethods place_methods.rb#L10-L15

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88 Before auto-correct do |course| teacher = db.xquery('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?', course[:teacher_id]).first end

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89 Plot for auto-correct user_ids = { |course| course[:teacher_id] } users = db.xquery('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` IN (?)', user_ids) users_by_id = users.each_with_object({}) do |user, hash| hash[user[:id]] = user end do |course| teacher = users_by_id[course[:teacher_id]] end

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90 Plot for auto-correct user_ids = { |course| course[:teacher_id] } users = db.xquery('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` IN (?)', user_ids) users_by_id = users.each_with_object({}) do |user, hash| hash[user[:id]] = user end do |course| teacher = users_by_id[course[:teacher_id]] end Convert WHERE `id` = ? inside the loop to WHERE `id` IN (?) outside the loop to avoid N+1 queries

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91 Plot for auto-correct user_ids = { |course| course[:teacher_id] } users = db.xquery('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` IN (?)', user_ids) users_by_id = users.each_with_object({}) do |user, hash| hash[user[:id]] = user end do |course| teacher = users_by_id[course[:teacher_id]] end Create a Hash with user_id as key and user as value

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92 After auto-correct do |course| @users_by_id ||= db.xquery('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` IN (?)', { |course| course[:teacher_id] }).each_with_object({}) { |v, hash| hash[v[:id]] = v } teacher = @users_by_id[course[:teacher_id]] end

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● It is difficult to split one line of processing into multiple lines in RuboCop ○ Because it is necessary to consider indentation ● I'm trying to reduce the number of lines as much as possible, so I'm using one-liners to push method chains in and out to get more lines ● However, it was difficult to understand this case if it was completely on one line, so I made it on two lines as a bitter effort 93 Tips

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94 1 line ver vs 2 lines ver # 1 line @users_by_id ||= db.xquery('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` IN (?)', { |course| course[:teacher_id] }).each_with_object({}) { |v, hash| hash[v[:id]] = v }; teacher = @users_by_id[course[:teacher_id]] # 2 lines @users_by_id ||= db.xquery('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` IN (?)', { |course| course[:teacher_id] }).each_with_object({}) { |v, hash| hash[v[:id]] = v } teacher = @users_by_id[course[:teacher_id]]

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95 Write test code for auto corrected code it "auto-corrected code is valid" do corrected_code = <<~RUBY courses = [{"id" => 1, "teacher_id" => 1}] do |course| @users_by_id ||= db.xquery('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` IN (?)', { |course| course["teacher_id"] }).each_with_object({}) { |v, hash| hash[v["id"]] = v } teacher = @users_by_id[course["teacher_id"]] teacher["name"] end RUBY expect_correction(corrected_code) teacher_names = eval(corrected_code) # rubocop:disable Security/Eval expect(teacher_names).to eq(["user_1"]) end

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● Less than 10% of all N+1 queries could be corrected automatically with this method ● isucon12 qualify’s theme was Multi-tenant SaaS app ○ (ja) ○ ○ MySQL + SQLite!!! ● ISUCON is a mixed martial art, so just being able to do static analysis and automatic modification of N+1 queries is not enough to win 96 Result

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● By connecting to the database from cop, the possibilities for cop are limitless ● Detecting N+1 queries is easy ● Limited patterns, but auto-correct of N+1 queries is possible ● ISUCON is Mixed Martial Arts 97 Conclusion

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● Introduce cops included in rubocop-isucon 98 Appendix

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● o ● aaaa 99 Isucon/Mysql2/ManyJoinTable # bad totals = db.xquery( ^^^^^^^^^^ Isucon/Mysql2/ManyJoinTable: Avoid SQL with lots of JOINs "SELECT IFNULL(SUM(`submissions`.`score`), 0) AS `total_score`" \\ " FROM `users`" \\ " JOIN `registrations` ON `users`.`id` = `registrations`.`user_id`" \\ " JOIN `courses` ON `registrations`.`course_id` = `courses`.`id`" \\ " LEFT JOIN `classes` ON `courses`.`id` = `classes`.`course_id`" \\ " LEFT JOIN `submissions` ON `users`.`id` = `submissions`.`user_id` AND `submissions`.`class_id` = `classes`.`id`" \\ " WHERE `courses`.`id` = ?" \\ " GROUP BY `users`.`id`", course[:id] ).map { |_| _[:total_score] }

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● o ● aaaa 100 Isucon/Mysql2/PrepareExecute # bad (auto-correct is possible) db.prepare('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?').execute( session[:user][:id] ).first # good require 'mysql2-cs-bind' db.xquery('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?', session[:user][:id] ).first

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● o ● aaaa 101 Isucon/Sinatra/DisableLogging # bad class App < Sinatra::Base enable :logging end # bad class App < Sinatra::Base end # good class App < Sinatra::Base disable :logging end

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● o ● aaaa 102 Isucon/Sinatra/Logger # bad logger.error "Search condition not found" # good # no logging

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● o ● aaaa 103 Isucon/Sinatra/RackLogger # bad request.env['rack.logger'].warn 'drop post isu condition request' # good # no logging

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● o ● aaaa 104 Isucon/Shell/Backtick # bad def digest(src) `printf "%s" #{Shellwords.shellescape(src)} | openssl dgst -sha512 | sed 's/^.*= //'`.strip end # good def digest(src) OpenSSL::Digest::SHA512.hexdigest(src) end

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● o ● aaaa 105 Isucon/Shell/System # bad system("sleep 1") # good sleep 1

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● I proposed to @koic to introduce these cops to rubocop-performance, but rejected 106 BTW

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● These are the same features as Isucon/Mysql2 ○ Isucon/Sqlite3/JoinWithoutIndex ○ Isucon/Sqlite3/ManyJoinTable ○ Isucon/Sqlite3/NPlusOneQuery ○ Isucon/Sqlite3/SelectAsterisk ○ Isucon/Sqlite3/WhereWithoutIndex 107 Isucon/Sqlite3 department