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Real time Cross between text message, instant message, blogging

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140 character messages – tweets You follow other people’s tweets People follow your tweets

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# – (hashtag) used to follow/search a topic RT – retweet @username – reply, mention someone d username – direct message someone MO (my opinion), HT or via @username (heard through), MT (modified tweet)

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Online, synchronous chat Typically scheduled Discussion of one topic, broken into subtopics Using a # (hashtag) Apps – TweetChat, TweetGrid, TweetDeck

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Online chat for those interested in Learning Every Thursday 8:30 pm EST Discussion of one topic, broken into subtopics Using #lrnchat

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Pick a user name Create a bio Avatar pic Add a link (website, LinkedIn) Modify settings

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Add screenr clip here of tonight’s discussions

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Add screenr clip here of tonight’s discussions

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Let us know Lurk – sit back and watch Participate – jump in and give it a try Come back – get to know your colleagues Share – any time

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Talk first, worry about following later Expand slowly Don’t bother going “private” Keep tweeting, keep following – you’ll catch on quickly

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Introductions What did you learn 5 questions discussed over 60 min Wrap-up (shameless plugs)

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Positive Deviance Big Data Curation for Learning Using Video for Learning Rewards in Learning

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Slide 25 text - 124 chats - 690 chats

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Slide 26 text Our LinkedIn Group page Add your username

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