Slide 14
Slide 14 text
Becoming More Curious About the Future · HCII 2024 · Washington, DC
ReadySetFuture_: Three prompts
Key Prompt: In 2033, what new experiences might be created using these cards?
What are some wants, needs or problems that someone in this situation might have?
What are some outcomes + feelings that someone in this situation might have?
• Older customers don't want to worry about their
vehicle being able function.
• Want to be able to complete service/maintenance
automatically, e.g. vehicle can drive to dealer for
maintenance while customer is at doctor's
• Vehicle should know what it's pre-approved to
have completed (e.g. new air filter OK, but replace
transmission not OK).
• Want expansion from dealer network.
• Customer doesn't have to worry
about vehicle maintenance/service.
• Customer doesn't have to spend
their time taking the vehicle for
service/maintenance, waiting for the
service to be completed, etc.
Website AirTable Database
• Vehicle predicts the service needed & will make the
appointment and take care of vehicle, working
around the owner's schedule.
• Vehicle knows service/maintenance is required and
will drive itself to the dealer for service.
• Vehicle schedules other appointments, like dentist
or doctor appointments - can drop off customer at
"human service appointment" then take care of
vehicle service autonomously.
• Mobile service company comes to the vehicle
when it needs service.