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Beyond Exponentials Finding certainty in uncertainty @michellzappa

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Confusion Disorientation Overload Stress Uncertainty

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"Too much change in too short a period of time.”

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Expectations Reality

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“Technology is neither good nor bad;
 nor is it neutral.” Melvin Kranzberg

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Definition of tech

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“Technology is everything we create” Kevin Kelly

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There is no
 ”technology industry”

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Inclusive Futures

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Technology Intelligence Platform

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Sources • Patent applications • Scientific journals • Industry publications • Press releases • Research reports • News and articles • Science fiction • Technology trends • Seminars and presentations Organizations • Companies • Startups • Academic institutions • Research labs • Suppliers • Manufacturers Metadata • Tech-Tech connections • Technology Readiness Level • Versioning • Comments • Projects • Lenses • Impact Level

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Concept Prototype Product Idea Science Fiction Science Fact

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Industries Agriculture, Art & Design, Aviation, Cosmetics, Communications, Construction, Defense, Education, Energy, Environment, Finance, Fashion, Food, Government, Health, Hospitality, Materials, Manufacturing, Media, Mobility, Retail, Space, Textiles, Transportation. Domains Additive Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence, Augmentation, Automation, Biomaterials, Biosensors, Biotech, Blockchain, Computing, Displays, Drones, Electronics, Energy, Fuel Cells, Genomics, Geo-engineering, Human Augmentation, Internet of Things, Longevity, Machine Learning, Machine Vision, Materials, Mixed Reality, Mobile Communications, Nanotechnology, Neurotechnology, Pervasive Computing, Photovoltaics, Quantum computing, Robotics, Space. Sustainable Development Goals 1: No Poverty
 2: Zero Hunger
 3: Good Health and Well-Being for People
 4: Quality Education
 5: Gender Equality
 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure 10: Reducing Inequalities
 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
 12: Responsible Consumption
 13: Climate Action 14: Life Below Water
 15: Life on Land
 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions 
 17: Partnerships for the Goals

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Public Utility: Academics Artists Corporations Experts Governments, etc.

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Public launch: 2019

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"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." Alan Kay

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Technology cards

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Combine cards +

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@michellzappa Thank you.