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Managing Resources at Scale with Apache Mesos Dharmesh Kakadia @dharmeshkakadia Large Scale Production Engineering Meetup June, 2014

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whoami ●  Research Assistant @ Microsoft Research India ●  Have been stuck with schedulers ●  Working on predicting resource requirements and execution time of distributed jobs/query, to improve resource management @ MSR ●  Love large scale data/cloud/distributed-* ●  Writing a book on Apache Mesos

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Mesos is a data center kernel

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Why? •  Because distributed systems ○  everything fails ○  everything need to scale, linearly ○  are hard to get right •  Because Murphy’s law •  Lamport got a Turing award for a reason

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Symptoms •  I have a lot of data or I have a lot of applications •  They are dynamic •  I have low resource utilization

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Mesos Analytics ML Schedulers Graph Processing Databases Web frameworks

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Why now? ●  Single Machine VMs Containers ●  More powerful machine but even more data ●  One kind of analysis all kinds of analytics ●  Static Dynamic ●  Everything connected

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Why now? •  Can’t afford static partitioning anymore •  Can’t afford to be in-accessible •  Can’t afford to wait for releasing next feature

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What you care about? •  Scalable •  Fault tolerant •  High resource utilization •  Isolation

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Bonus •  Mesos-isphy anything. Extremely easy to port any. •  Battle tested in the field. •  Great community. •  Awesome UI.

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Who is using Mesos?

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Give it a try •  Mesos has always been good in tooling. Its becoming even more easier. •  Run over AWS. Now also, Elastic Mesos() •  Vargant scripts •  Chef-cookbooks •  Binary packages, debs,..

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