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Common mobile architecture

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Your hosts Mike Seghers (@mikeseghers) Filip Maelbrancke (@fmaelbrancke) Consultants at iDA MediaFoundry (@iDAMediaFoundry)

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Why this talk?

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First off... Why mobile architecture? What is it? How to implement?

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You = McGuyver

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Avoid problems

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Build up confidence

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! Nerdvana “There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.” Tony Hoare

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Relation to enterprise architecture?

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Layered architecture

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Dependency Injection

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Relation to rich client architecture?

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MVC View Model Controller Data retrieval Data changes User Gestures View Selection Events

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Mobile challenges

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Data handling

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Naive client GUI thread View Remoting logic Transformation logic Storage logic Presentation logic CRUD operations Save data structure Remote Local storage

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The problems with the naive approach

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Naive approach = Let your users wait

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A less naive approach GUI thread View Presentation logic Background thread Remote Local storage CRUD operations Save data structure Service Remoting logic Transformation logic Storage logic

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Working towards a layered architecture Communication with remote systems Caching data in local storage Translation of data Keeping state of the cached data Passing data to the view layer

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Remoting Services Remoting Service Remote API HTTP/JSON/XML AMF ProtocolBuffers

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Adaptors Remoting Service Remote API HTTP/JSON/XML AMF ProtocolBuffers Adaptor Entities

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Storage Remoting Service Remote API HTTP/JSON/XML AMF ProtocolBuffers Adaptor Data Source Entities

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Local Storage Service Remoting Service Remote API HTTP/JSON/XML AMF ProtocolBuffers Adaptor Data Source Entities Local Service

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Data Synchronisation What is still missing? Something to tie the services together and communicate with the GUI layer. Something to keep track of the state of our local data. Eg. when do we need to refresh the data from the backend?

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Dataprovider Remoting Service Remote API HTTP/JSON/XML AMF ProtocolBuffers Adaptor Data Source Entities Local Service Data Provider GUI Layer

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Statekeeper Remoting Service Remote API HTTP/JSON/XML AMF ProtocolBuffers Adaptor Data Source Entities Local Service Data Provider State Keeper GUI Layer

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Non-blocking? We now know that we will handle data using the data provider, which encapsulates all data handling logic. However, we still didn’t tackle the “my-main- thread-is-blocked-for-a-while” problem.

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Making things asynchronous 1. Using Events/Notifications

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Making things asynchronous: Events Pros: Loose coupling Easy to implement Cons: Hard to maintain Hard to follow where all events end up Event storms!

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Making things asynchronous 2. Callback system

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Making things asynchronous: Callbacks Pros: Loose coupling Easy to refactor Easy to follow and to maintain Cons: Little more complex then eventing

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Making things asynchronous: Implementing a callback system Responders and Callhandles

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Responder explained caller callee calls • on X • on Y • on Z immediately returns • on X • on Y • on Z • on X • on Y • on Z other actors • on X • on Y • on Z

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Callhandles explained callee caller calls immediately returns • on X • on Y • on Z

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Tying it up! Remoting Service Remote API HTTP/JSON/XML AMF ProtocolBuffers Adaptor Data Source Entities Local Service Data Provider State Keeper GUI Layer Responder/ Callhandle Responder/ Callhandle

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Back-end communication technologies

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Back-end communication? SOAP RMI REST

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Backend optimizations?

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Data handling

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CRUD via REST Method Operation Change? Idempotent? GET GET / SELECT ✔ ✔ POST INSERT ✘ ✘ PUT UPDATE ✘ ✔ DELETE DELETE ✘ ✔

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POST Data Provider + State Keeper Remote Service Data Source insert set STATE_INSERTING update clear STATE_INSERTING

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PUT update set STATE_UPDATING update clear STATE_UPDATING Data Provider + State Keeper Remote Service Data Source

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DELETE update set STATE_DELETING delete Data Provider + State Keeper Remote Service Data Source

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GET insert new resources Data Provider + State Keeper Remote Service Data Source

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Data Provider 1 Responder Callhandle 1 No local data Front layer Local Service 2 State Watcher 3 Remote Service 4 Responder Callhandle 4 5 State Keeper 6 7

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Data up-to-date Front layer Data Provider 1 Responder Callhandle 1 Local Service 2 State Watcher 3 State Keeper 4

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Data outdated Front layer Data Provider 1 Responder Callhandle 1 Local Service 2 State Watcher 3 4 8 Up-to- date data Remote Service 5 Responder Callhandle 5 6 State Keeper 7 Stale data

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Conclusions Do not call backend logic inside UI threads Start long running operations from a background service Persist early and persist often Minimize the network usage

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Suggested reading Design patterns: elements of reusable object-oriented software Gamma et al. (978-0201633610) Patterns of enterprise application architecture Fowler et al. (978-0321127426) The pragmatic programmer Hunt, Thomas (978-0201616224)

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Suggested viewing WWDC sessions Google IO sessions

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Q + A

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Contact information iDA MediaFoundry [email protected] @iDAMediaFoundry Filip [email protected] @fmaelbrancke Mike [email protected] @mikeseghers