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Product Thinking With the Product Field

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Distribution and transaction costs are disappearing. Information is available in abundance. Attention is becoming the scarce resource. Digital changes everything.

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It’s not enough to improve existing concepts. Production and distribution have to be reconsidered as fundamentally as user needs and business models. Radically new conditions require radically new products.

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Simple rules and linear processes don’t do it justice. They regularly lead to false assessments, failure and frustration: Product innovation is complex.

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You User

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You User

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You User

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You User

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Drivers Enablers Users Customers Production Distribution Motivations Goals

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Drivers Enablers Users Customers Production Distribution Motivations Goals

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Drivers Enablers Users Customers Production Distribution Motivations Goals Viability Desirability Marketability Feasibility Product

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Drivers Enablers Users Customers Production Distribution Motivations Goals UX Marketing Product Management Engineering Viability Desirability Marketability Feasibility Product

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Product Thinking to the Rescue!

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Product Thinking is a mindset and methodology that treats product innovation as a complex system and aims to maximize its sustainable impact on all stakeholders.

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The Product Field is a cognitive medium for product innovation: A model, a canvas and a toolbox to collaboratively develop better products and systematically increase your capacity for innovation.

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Product Field: Model

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Drivers Enablers Users Customers Production Distribution Motivations Goals Viability Desirability Marketability Feasibility UX Marketing Product Management Engineering Product

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Drivers Enablers Users Customers Production Distribution Motivations Goals Product

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Drivers Enablers Users Customers Production Distribution Motivations Goals Product Uniqueness Problem Solution Alternatives

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Drivers Enablers Users Customers Production Distribution Motivations Goals Product Uniqueness Problem Solution Alternatives VALUE MARKET IDEA RESOURCES

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Product Field: Canvas

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Product Field: Toolbox

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Frame Establish shared understanding Map Gather facts and generate shared big picture Check Validate consistency, coherence and viability Find Discover strengths, weaknesses and potential

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Let’s field some products! Wolfgang Wopperer-Beholz [email protected]
 mindmatters Eifflerstr. 43 22769 Hamburg