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What future we want for our software industry? Milan 28-29 November 2014 Cristiano Rastelli

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Cristiano Rastelli Front-End DEVELOPER 15+ years (= “senior”) passion for my job #sel ie

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young Startup small team great people #siliconroundabout BTW, we’re hiring ;)

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SHOREDITCH IS A new KLONDIKE hipsters with long beards startups looking for gold but especially... Pioneers #goldrush

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INDUSTRY * software / ICT / web / TECH / whatever SOFTWARE* #topic

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#industry #change 170 years of industrial change across England and Whales -industry/

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#industry #change Trend of sector contribution (%) to total GDP in india _India

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#industry #new-era ile100409.pd The Internet Economy Will Account for 5.3% of GDP in the G-20 countries in 2016

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#industry #new-era ile100409.pd Labour Productivity Growth During the Electrification Era (1890-1940) and the Information Technology Era (1970-2012) in the United States

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Asia/Paci ic 4,074,300 Americas 3,586,800 EMEA 3,343,900 How many software developers are out there in the world? #industry #so ware ware-developers ~11,000,000 Professional Software developers

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“Our analysis shows that technological improvement raises employment in many U.S. manufacturing industries both in the short and long run.” #jobs #e ects DOES technology create or destroy jobs?

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they were pioneers #1970s #1980s

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We were pioneers #1990s #2000s

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you are pioneers #2010s

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We are all pioneers We were and still we are. Because we are exploring and discovering every day. #tomorrow

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2000 ???? 1900 1800 1700 Agriculture manufacture software we are here! a young industry

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INDUSTRY automotive #what-i

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#longtimeago pioneers Bentley, Benz, Ford, Chrysler, Renault, Peugeot, Citroën, Ferrari, Maserati, Lancia, Lamborghini. And many others.

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Assembly line Ford ”Model T“ production From 11 cars per month to 20 cars per hour

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# i ies #sixties mass production Standardized process interchangeable parts unskilled workers Flexible Manpower Line

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#strikes UNIONS autoworkers started to coordinate in nationwide organizations in order to protect their jobs and introduce basic rights

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#automation Robots the role of the human workforce? just few High-skilled controllers

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#bailout Crisis in 2008-2010 The entire automotive industry collapsed, forcing many manufacturers to massive job cuts and costs reductions

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#predicting #wishing What can we expect from the future?

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The grid AI websites that design themselves Intelligent color detection & correction Face detection & smart cropping Time-sensitive content suggestions automated a/b testing #automation #arti icial-intelligence “Aiming to take humans out of website development”

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2000 1900 1800 SINGULARITY manufacture software ROBOT End of the world “skynet”

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Where is the difference? #negligible #marginal < worker

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INDUSTRY KNOWLEDGE* #di erence * learning / problem-solving / creative

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“the moment we finally stop thinking about projects like building process, and start thinking about them like collaborative learning processes, then a whole set of possibilities finally become clear” Alberto “ziobrando” Brandolini

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Factory worker software developer takes a few days to learn seniority in a few months trained once Permanent job Takes some years to learn seniority in 5-10 years Never stops to learn frequently changing #hands #mind

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Factory worker software developer work for A living factory plant Entirely planned work is a passion office/remote/home self-organized #builder #creator

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why bother? #the-big-question

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past future methodologies managers rules/values models #horror-vacui we are here! methodologies

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Someone that... #ceos #employers “if the salary becomes the reason for going to work, then you are not the person I am looking for”

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Someone that... #managers

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Someone that... #projectmanagers

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Someone that... #STEM #sexism “I’m only creating the design ideas. I’ll need someone’s help to turn it into a real game”

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past future #choose we are here!

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#the-other-hal THE “m” Word why this war with the managers? we are going to lose it (because of the passion for our profession) We fight on the wrong side we need each other

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what should we do? #proactive

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not like this... #or-maybe-yes

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more like this... #standup #lead-by-example

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or simply like this... Study, learn and test how to work discuss your ideas online write a post and share it contribute to some community understand what makes us different #be-the-change

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#be-your-leaders managers, with our own style There is a lack of good tech managers: or we fill this hole, or someone else will some of you in the audience will be managers in the future: with what training? Being a manager of a team of developers should be considered a natural step in a developer’s career

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#roots # oundations knowledge passion sharing Community

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It’s our responsibility

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we stand on giant’s shoulders our life is “easy” because someone, before us, did a really good job we are taking a lot and giving back a little culture of sharing & openness #be ore-us

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#a er-us cial-developers-get-better-with.html StackOverflow: number of developers (and their reputation) by age 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 0 1500 3000 4500 future generations of developers

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Conclusions #at-last!

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#1 we are a young industry

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it’s our industry: take care of it #2

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Be pro-active & give back #3

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manufacture software HUmAN #hope rom-the-knowledge-economy-to-the-human-economy the “human” economy

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because this one still makes the difference

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Milan 28-29 November 2014 Cristiano Rastelli thank you BTW, we’re hiring ;)

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Read more: low-status-of-software-engineers/ ALL YOU CAN READ: Alberto Brandolini, Jacopo Romei, Jurgen Appelo